Dashiell Hammett Typed Letter (Signed) March 22, 1945, WWII - Rare Book Insider
Dashiell Hammett Typed Letter (Signed) March 22

Dashiell Hammett

Dashiell Hammett Typed Letter (Signed) March 22, 1945, WWII

This a typed letter signed by Dashiell Hammett to Prudence Whitfield, ex-wife of the author Raoul Whitfield, about the possibility of the end of World War II. Hammett's charming and witty writing voice shines in this letter as he speaks affectionately to "Pru darling." A historic and personal letter of significance to America and to Hammett collectors everywhere. Samuel Dashiell Hammett was an American writer of hard-boiled detective novels and short stories. Some of his most well-known characters are Sam Spade, Nick and Nora Charles, The Continental Op, and the comic strip character, Secret Agent X-9. He was also a screenwriter and political activist. One page, 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", signed "SDH" by the Author in pencil.
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