Frank Lloyd Wright
Santpoort, Holland, 1925 Hard cover Square folio 13" by 13" Cream cloth over boards. 164 pages. Pages lightly toned. Cover shows shelf wear, particularly to spine ends, and marks to spine otherwise very good. An introduction by architect H. Th. Wijdeveld and many articles by famous European architects and American writers.- $350
- $350

Liberal Arts Education and College Architecture in Steamboat Springs
Baker, Robert P. Phippsburg, CO, 2015 Signed and inscribed by author to architect Carl A. Worthington. Soft cover in pictorial wraps. Octavo. [x] 165 pages. Clean and unmarked. Tight binding. Light shelf wear to cover. Steamboat Springs — Phippsburg resident and longtime college educator Robert P. Baker has self-published an ambitious book, "Liberal Arts —Education and College Architecture in Steamboat Springs — a Personal HIstory," that succeeds in blending three story lines, including the history of the small college now known as the Alpine Campus of Colorado Mountain College. One story line is the arc of Baker's own career in higher education, including a four-year stint teaching at Stanford University. The second story line is the metamorphosis of Yampa Valley College in Steamboat Springs from a liberal arts college in a ski town into the modern Colorado Mountain College (CMC). And finally, Baker highlights the career of former Steamboat Springs architect Lincoln Jones whose buildings were integral to the early years of the college and its liberal arts tradition. - Tom Ross, Steamboat Pilot.- $39
- $39

Tommy Toddles
Lee, Albert New York, 1896 Hard cover. Octavo. [viii] 2. 192 pages with 26 illustrated plates by Peter S. Newell. Green cloth with color designs to both covers and spine. Gilt titles. The book is in fine condition and the cover art is bright. Hand written inscription to front free end paper dated 1896. One page loose. The book captures the adventures of a young boy, Tommy, as he experiences the wonder of his toy animals coming to life.- $70
- $70

Portraitures of Horses
Morris, George Ford Fordacre, Shrewsbury, New Jersey, 1952 Oblong quarto. Hardcover. Textures brown faux leather with gilt titles. 280 pages profusely illustrated in b/w and color along with autobiographical comment and narrative by the author. Very good but NO dust jacket. "Being a collection of more than five hundred reproductions of the artist's and author's work in oil, water color, pastel, crayon, charcoal, pen and pencil, as well as of his lithographs, etchings silhouette cut-outs and sculpture, accompanied by autobiographical notes and comment covering a professional career of more than sixty-five years of effort in "attempted portrayals of animals ad their friends."- $205
- $205

Berlin, Lucia San Francisco, 1990 Soft cover. Octavo. SIGNED by author with a personal inscription to Keith Abbott. Fading to spine otherwise very good. Poet and author Keith Kumasen Abbott was a colleague of Berlin's at Naropa University where he taught writing and art. He is perhaps best remembered for his memoir of Richard Brautigan, with whom he was a friend.- $600
- $600

Indian Journals. March 1962 – May 1963
Ginsberg, Allen San Francisco, 1970 Soft cover. Octavo. 210pp. Signed, dated and inscribed on the title page to Keith Abbott 7/9/94 with pen sketches by Ginsberg. Very good Keith Abbott, was a professor at Naropa University's Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, a published author and poet, and colleague of the author.- $200
- $200

Walking the Dog: Poems
Menebroker, Ann Freedom, CA, 2003 First edition. One of 100 copies. Soft cover. Small octavo. 86 pages. Cover art by Roger Langton. SIGNED by author with a six line inscription to Roger Langton. Ann Menebroker was an American poet, recognized as one of the leading women writers of the no apologies offered and none needed male dominated "Meat Poets".- $65
- $65

Silliman, Ron Providence, 1974 "This booklet was designed and printed by Rosemary Waldrop in an edition of three hundred copies of which this is number 165." SIGNED by author on title page. Stapled wraps in a soft card dust jacket. 8 1/2" by 7" Unpaginated but 36pp. Laid in is a postcard of a poem, "Shoe Music" by Ron Silliman for TUUMBA Press, signed by him and sent to Keith Abbott. Poet and author Keith Kumasen Abbott taught writing and art at Naropa University. He is perhaps best remembered for his memoir of Richard Brautigan, with whom he was a friend.- $55
- $55

Fuck You, Cancer & Other Poems
Fields, Rick Berkeley, 1997 First Edition, one of 500 copies. Side stapled stiff wraps. Small octavo. 37 pages. SIGNED by author with a twelve line inscription to friend Sidney (Goldfarb) a fellow poet and colleague. Rick Fields was an accomplished author, poet and specialist in the history of Buddhism in the United States. This is a collection of poetry about his cancer, approached from a personal and Buddhist point of view.- $125
- $125

Reminiscences of Levi Coffin
Coffin, Levi London and Cincinnati, OH, 1876 Hard cover. Octavo.[viii] 712pages with two frontispiece portraits of Levi and Catherine Coffin. Beautifully rebound in half calf over marbled boards by Period Bookbinders Company, UK. A touch of foxing to frontispieces otherwise clean and unmarked throughout. "A brief History Of The Labors Of A Lifetime In Behalf Of The Slave, With The Stories Of Numerous Fugitives Who Gained Their Freedom Through His Instrumentality, And Many Other Incidents." Levi Coffin was an active leader of the Underground Railroad in Indiana and Ohio, some unofficially called Coffin the "President of the Underground Railroad," estimating that three thousand fugitive slaves passed through his care. The Coffin home in Fountain City, Wayne County, Indiana, is now a museum, sometimes called the Underground Railroad's "Grand Central Station." Howes B923.- $650
- $650
Reminiscences of Levi Coffin
Coffin, Levi London and Cincinnati, OH, 1876 Hard cover. Octavo.[viii] 712pages with two frontispiece portraits of Levi and Catherine Coffin. Beautifully rebound in half calf over marbled boards by Period Bookbinders Company, UK. A touch of foxing to frontispieces otherwise clean and unmarked throughout. "A brief History Of The Labors Of A Lifetime In Behalf Of The Slave, With The Stories Of Numerous Fugitives Who Gained Their Freedom Through His Instrumentality, And Many Other Incidents." Levi Coffin was an active leader of the Underground Railroad in Indiana and Ohio, some unofficially called Coffin the "President of the Underground Railroad," estimating that three thousand fugitive slaves passed through his care. The Coffin home in Fountain City, Wayne County, Indiana, is now a museum, sometimes called the Underground Railroad's "Grand Central Station." Howes B923.- $650
- $650

Saddlemakers of Sheridan County, Wyoming
Gorzalka, Ann Boulder, CO, 1984 First Edition, First Printing. Oblong hard cover. 91 pages. Pictorial dust jacket with closed tears to back otherwise very good. A tribute to the talented saddlemakers of Sheridan, Wyoming past and present. Artists in leather would be a most appropriate way to describe those individuals who create the beautiful trophy saddles seen in parades and often found in museums. - from the book.- $150
- $150

My First Days in the White House
Long, Huey Pierce Harrisburg, Pa, 1935 Hard cover. Octavo. [viii] 146pp. Textured red publisher's cloth with black titles. Illustrations by Cleanthe Carr. Very good. This book is often referred to as Long's "second autobiography" and was published after his assassination in 1935, it emphatically laid out his presidential ambitions for the election of 1936 and, through imaginary conversations, his first days of presidency.- $100
- $100

Spearhead In The West 1941-1945 The Third Armored Division
Frankfurt, 1945 Decorated publisher's cloth over boards. Small quarto. 260 pages with numerous maps and photographs. Small tear to cover at top of spine otherwise very good. No dust jacket. An in depth telling of the deeds of the Third Armored Division from their preparation in the U.S.A. through their landing on the beaches of Normandy in June of 1944 and their progress into Germany.- $75
- $75

The Life of Sam Houston
Lester, Charles Edwards Philadelphia, 1867 Hard cover. Octavo. [xi] pp 13-402, (12). Mustard/green cloth stamped in black and gold. Frontispiece of Houston and five additional b/w plates. Howes 271 (iii). Samuel Houston was an American general and statesman who played a pivotal role in the Texas Revolution and served as the first and third president of the Republic of Texas. Charles Edwards Lester or C. Edwards Lester (1815–1890) was an American author, diplomat, Presbyterian Minister and Abolitionist who in 1840 addressed antislavery meetings in Massachusetts and was elected a delegate to the London antislavery conference of that year. - wikipedia- $125
- $125

The Western Style Colour Prints in Japan
Toyama, Usaburo Tokyo, 1936 Blue cloth over limp boards, 9 1/4" by 7 3/4". 305 pp. Paper label to front cover has slight loss. Both free end papers creased otherwise very good. Starts with a preface by Yone Noguchi and a 27 page essay on "The Origin of the Western Style Landscape Painting in Japan" followed by "A Retrospective Catalogue of Western Style Colour Prints in Japan" comprising of a short biography of 42 Japanese artists and 255 b/w plates.- $150
- $150

South Platte Country
Krakel, Dean Dedication signed by author to a Mrs. Mast for helping him put the book together. Soft cover in pictorial wraps. Quarto. [vi] 268pages and 29pages chronology and tables. Withdrawn from the Albany County Library with associated markings.Pages clean and unmarked.- $65
- $65

How Classroom Desegregation Will Work
Garrett, Henry E Richmond, VS, Ca1965 Side stapled booklet in wraps. 7" by 5" 24 pages. Slight tanning to cover otherwise very good throughout. From the introduction - "Section 1 indicates strongly that Negro-White mental differences are chiefly innate and are inherited. It does not minimize the factor of environment in determining achievement, but it holds that heredity is vastly more potent." Henry Edward Garrett (1894-1973) was an American psychologist and segregationist. He was President of the American Psychological Association in 1946 and Chair of Psychology at Columbia University from 1941 to 1955.- $95
- $95

On Liberty
Mill, John Stuart New York, 1885 Hard cover. Octavo. 394 pages. Gift inscription to front free end paper. Wear to cover and spine. John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), one of the most influential philosophers of the nineteenth century, became a guiding light for modern liberalism and individual liberty. Practical applications of First Amendment principles often rest upon allusions to his ideas, most famously expressed in his essay On Liberty.- $35
- $35

Beware of the Danger of Antisemitism
Sampaix, Louis Henry London, 1949 Soft cover. Side stapled black wraps with silver title and design. 31pp. with b/w photographs. Staples rusted. Occasional foxing otherwise very good. Upon being freed from Ebensee-Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, liberated by American troops of the 80th Infantry Division on 6 May 1945, Louis Henry Sampaix wrote a long document that was filed among the records of the Legal Adviser to General Eisenhower and published in various newspapers. Four years later he wrote this booklet and states "These unhappy memories which I have assembled here without any order or place, should not have been published. But my conscience forbids me to be silent any more. I can still hear the voices of those who died and the light of the world becomes dark for me. I can still see, now, coming back again, the symptoms of Nazism and anti-Semitism. Forgive me, but I have no doubt that for you, as for myself, it is USEFUL to go back into the past. That is why: LET US NEVER FORGET.- $95
- $95

Lady Brassey’s Three Voyages in the Sunbeam
Brassey, Anna. Baroness Brassey London, 1889 Quarto. Hard cover. Light orange cloth publishers binding depicting the ship at sea and a shore scene with nautically themed decorations. [iv] 192pp. Decorative end papers with repeating ship and swan motifs. Hand written gift inscription from the Whitefield Tabernacle Book Society (London) to the front free end paper. Shelf wear to covers and spine with a little "delamination" of the cloth. Front hinge starting. Accounts of three separate voyages entitled "A Voyage in the Sunbeam", " Sunshine and Storm in the East" and "In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties." Each 64pp double columns and profusely illustrated. Anna Brassey was an English traveler, writer and accomplished photographer who wrote bestselling travel diaries of her sea voyages around the world.- $75
- $75

Works of the Late Doctor Benjamin Franklin
Franklin, Benjamin Dublin, 1793 Octavo. 8" x 4 7/8" Contemporary full calf binding. [vi] (2) 303pp. Lacks frontispiece. Preface by Richard Price. Exterior hinges starting, covers show wear. Text block very good. Ford (Franklin Bibliography) C.439.- $950
- $950

The Subtle Knife
Pullman, Philip New York, 1997 First American Edition, First Printing. SIGNED by author in blue ink on title page. Clean and unmarked with a very tight binding. Minimal shelf wear to intact dust jacket. Second book in the author's highly acclaimed "His Dark Materials" trilogy.- $125
- $125

The Golden Compass
Pullman, Philip New York, 1996 First U.S. Edition, Second Printing. Inscribed and SIGNED by author in blue ink on title page "For Judith, with / my best wishes- / Philip Pullman" Hard cover. Clean and unmarked with a very tight binding. Minimal shelf wear to intact dust jacket. First book in the author's highly acclaimed "His Dark Materials" trilogy.- $175
- $175

The Subtle Knife
Pullman, Philip London, 1997 First Edition, First Printing. Hard cover. Octavo. Inscribed and SIGNED by author in blue ink on title page "Best wishes to J----- V--- / Philip Pullman" Hard cover. Clean and unmarked with a very tight binding. Minimal shelf wear to intact dust jacket. Second volume in the highly acclaimed "His Dark Materials" trilogy.- $220
- $220

Northern Lights
Pullman, Philip London, 1995 First edition, third printing. Hard cover. Octavo. Inscribed and SIGNED by author on title page in blue ink "My greetings to J----- V--- / Philip Pullman" Clean and unmarked with a very tight binding. Carnegie Medal sticker to front of dust jacket which shows minor shelf wear and is intact. In this, the first book in his compelling "His Dark Materials" trilogy, Philip Pullman has created a powerfully original universe, remarkable for its combination of electrifying action and heart-stopping emotion. - from the dust flap.- $375
- $375

A Book of Old English Love Songs
Mabie, Hamilton Wright (Introduction) New York, 1897 Hard cover. Octavo. Green cloth with extravagant gilt design. [xxvi] 159 pages. Top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. Clean and unmarked with a tight binding and light shelf wear to cover, more so at spine ends. A touch of very light foxing to end papers. 88 English love songs from various authors. Illustrated with 30 full page drawings by George Wharton Edwards, along with decorative head and tail pieces.- $49
- $49

Tennis In Baltimore
Roberts, Frank G. Baltimore, MD, 1928 Hard cover. Octavo 241 pages plus seven photographic illustrations. Green cloth over boards with black lettering. Interesting ink stamp to front free end paper dated 1933 and referring to the National Industrial Recovery Act, from the Cragin Simplex Corp. maker of tennis rackets. Cover shows some shelf wear with slight fading to spine. The story of tennis in Baltimore from 1879 onwards and containing a 29 quatrain "Tennis Player's Rubaiyat" reportedly written in the 1890s.- $150
- $150

Specimens of Type held in the Letterpress Printing Section of the Ordnance Survey
Chessington, 1947 String tied oblong booklet in card stock covers. 8 1/4" by 6 1/4". 34 pages of type examples with preface and index. With annotations to the index and printed paper amendments pasted in. Cover shows wear with some discoloration to rear. Ordnance Survey (OS) is the national mapping agency for Great Britain. The agency's name indicates its original military purpose, which was to map Scotland in the wake of the Jacobite rising of 1745. The OS is still in existence and since 2015 has operated as Ordnance Survey Ltd, a government-owned company and remains accountable to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.- $95
- $95

General Geography and Rudiments of Useful Knowledge
Spafford, Horatio Gates Hudson, 1809 First edition. Full calf. 8vo. [xii] 381pp with 2 fold out maps and diagram of the solar system. Pages toned with some foxing. Covers and spine show wear. The second fold out map "engd. for Spafford's geography 1808" by Gideon Fairman Sr. is titled "United States; or Fredon." "It was a great oversight" of the Constitution's framers that they did not give the United States a "proper name." So claimed Samuel Latham Mitchill in an 1803 broadside. A doctor by training, Mitchill not only diagnosed this problem, he also proposed a remedy. The land occupied by the United States, he suggested, should be called Fredon, or Fredonia in its more "poetical" form. The people of Fredonia would be called Fredonians or Fredes. And the adjectival form would be Fredish. Mitchill declared these various words were "sonorous," and the whole language "rich and copious." This Fredish language would even translate well into verse: "Their chiefs, to glory lead on/The noble sons of Fredon."- $200
- $200

Henri Matisse
Fry, Roger Paris, 1931 First edition limited to 650 copies of which this one is not numbered. Quarto. Glassine covered soft wraps in ribbon tied hard cover. 50 pages of text in English with illustrations interspersed and 40 b/w plates and 4 full color plates. Binding intact but loose. Spine creased with small loss. Hard cover shows some wear with a little fading and back hinge starting.- $1,500
- $1,500

Emancipating The Past
Walker, Kara (Artist) DiTillio, Jessi (Text) Exhibition Catalog 11" by 8 1/2". Stapled wraps. Sixteen pages featuring a selection from an exhibition of 59 of Walker's prints and multiples and an essay by Jessi DiTillio. The traveling exhibition visited eight locations in the United States between January 2014 and February 2017. Walker's silhouette images work to bridge unfinished folklore in the Antebellum South, raising identity and gender issues for African-American women in particular. Walker uses images from historical textbooks to show how enslaved African Americans were depicted during Antebellum South.The silhouette was typically a genteel tradition in American art history; it was often used for family portraits and book illustrations. Walker carried on this portrait tradition but used them to create characters in a nightmarish world, a world that reveals the brutality of American racism and inequality.- $75
- $75

Africa Portuguesa
Faria y Sousa, Manuel De Lisbon, 1681 Folio in sixes. [iii], Title, Dedication and License; 207pp. Tabla 11pp. (Pages misnumbered, going from 86 to 89 but with continuous text). Text in Spanish. Contemporary vellum bound stiff wraps. Professionally rebound in original cover with some restoration to the first two sheets. Housed in custom cover and slipcase. A few small closed tears to page edges. Vellum cover a little age wrinkled with one tear to top of spine. Manuel de Faria y Sousa was a Portuguese historian and poet who frequently wrote in Spanish. The tone of some of his work which excited the suspicion of the inquisitors, caused his temporary incarceration, and led to the permanent loss of his official salary. In spite of the enthusiasm which is said to have prescribed to him the daily task of twelve folio pages, death overtook him before he had completed his greatest enterprise, a history of the Portuguese in all parts of the world. Several portions of the work appeared at Lisbon after his death, under the editorship of Captain Faria e Sousa : Europa Portugueza (1667, 3 vols.); Ásia Portugueza (1666–1675, 3 vols.); África Portugueza (1681). This account of the Portuguese possessions in Africa is a compilation, the scope of the volume extending from the year 495 to 1520. It gives a narrative of various expeditions along the coasts, and deals principally with North African Territories. (Mendelssohn Vol. 1 p.533).- $1,750
- $1,750

Scenes and Musings in the Rockies
Schneiderhahn, Edward V.P St. Louis, 1949 Firat Edition. Hard cover. Green cloth with black title. Octavo. [xxii] 267pp. with b/w photographs. Tight binding, Very good. The personal reminiscences of a noted St. Louis lawyer, who spent his summers in the Fall River valley in the Rocky Mountain National Park and in fact passed away there.- $55
- $55

Mumbo Jumbo
Reed, Ishmael New York, 1972 First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. 223pp. Black cloth over boards. Fine in a good price clipped dust jacket. Ishmael Scott Reed is an American poet, novelist, essayist, songwriter, playwright, editor and publisher known for his satirical works challenging American political culture. His best-known work is Mumbo Jumbo (1972), a sprawling and unorthodox novel set in 1920s New York. Reed's work has often sought to represent neglected African and African-American perspectives; his energy and advocacy have centered more broadly on neglected peoples and perspectives, irrespective of their cultural origins. - wikipedia.- $275
- $275

Mexican Cook Book Devoted to American Homes
Velazquez de Leon, Josefina Mexico City, 1947 First Edition. Soft cover 7 3/4" by 5 1/2". 363 pages. Written in two languages: English and Spanish translated by Concepcion Silva Garcia. Drawings by Guadalupe Muteozabal Velazquez de Leon. Pages tanned and some chipping to edges of cover. Two pages loose. Josefina Velazquez de Leon was an entrepreneurial author and teacher who traveled throughout the Mexican Republic holding cooking classes and collecting regional recipes and, in doing so, united Mexican cooking as one cuisine. In 1947, De Leon wrote the bilingual "Mexican Cook Book: Devoted to American Homes. Authentic Recipes from Every Region of the Mexican Republic," the first Mexican cookbook published in the United States, introducing the complexity of traditional Mexican cuisine (not Tex-Mex or Cal-Mex) to an American audience.- $250
- $250

A Treatise on The Art of Making Wine From Native Fruits; Exhibiting The Chemical Principles Upon Which The Art Of Wine Making Depends; The Fruits Best Adapted For Home Made Wines And The Method Of Preparing Them
Accum, Fredrick London, 1820 Hard cover. Small octavo. Paper over boards. [viii] (9)-92pp, [xxiii] 1 pp. A 23 page prospectus of a new edition of "Accum's Treatise on Adulterations of Food and Culinary Poisons" at rear. Title page with color diagram of a wine press. Lacks front free end paper. Front hinge separating with some loose gatherings and one leaf torn near binding. From the preface "My principal intention in this Treatise has been to give a concise description of the art of preparing the several varieties of Wine which may be made from fruits of domestic growth, to enable those who possess no knowledge of the subject to proceed with facility and success." Gabler G6930. Accum was an extremely accomplished chemist, and member of the Royal Academy of sciences his publications were, in his own words,.."it has been my purpose to express all necessary rules and instructions in the plainest language, divested of those recondite terms of science, which would be out of place in a work intended for general perusal.- $400
- $400

Atlas of Schuyler County New York
Philadelphia, 1874 Folio. Hard cover. Bound in quarter leather dark brown cloth covered boards, blind stamped and with a decoratively embossed title reading "Atlas Of Schuyler Co. New York. A. Pomeroy & Co." in gilt. 57 pages. Some rubbing to cover otherwise very good. Color maps, including four fold out, of Schuyler County showing prominent towns and cities, the county, a double page Plan of New York State and a double page Map of the United States and Territories. Preceded by an Index, Table of Distances, Population Chart and List of Post Offices.- $285
- $285

So Long
Berlin, Lucia Santa Rosa, 1993 Soft cover. Octavo. SIGNED by author with a personal inscription to Keith Abbott. Slight fading to spine otherwise very good. Poet and author Keith Kumasen Abbott was a colleague of Berlin's at Naropa University where he taught writing and art. He is perhaps best remembered for his memoir of Richard Brautigan, with whom he was a friend.- $550
- $550

Home Sick
Berlin, Lucia Santa Rosa, 1990 Soft cover. Octavo. SIGNED by author with a personal inscription to Keith Abbott. Fading to spine otherwise very good. Poet and author Keith Kumasen Abbott was a colleague of Berlin's at Naropa University where he taught writing and art. He is perhaps best remembered for his memoir of Richard Brautigan, with whom he was a friend.- $650
- $650

Erik Lindegren: An ABC Book
Lindegren, Erik Askim, Sweden, 1976 Oblong hard cover,10" by 7" 199 pages. A compilation of the three parts of the author's "ABC of Lettering and Printing" translated into English by rune Ostland. Erik Lindegren (Swedish calligrapher and typographer, 1918-1996) ran the Erik Lindegren Grafisk studio in Askim, Sweden.- $35
- $35

Japan’s Accession to the Comity of Nations
Siebold, Alexander London, 1901 Hard cover. Small octavo. [xii] 119 pages. Paper over boards. Signature of a U.S. Army Col. dated July 26, 1901. Yokohama to front end paper. Cover shows heavy shelf wear. The book examines how the focus of the West towards Japan changed, as Japan became a dominant force in the political arena of the Far East when it freed itself of Chinese rule and, through the Meiji restoration adopted a democratic system of government based on the West.- $95
- $95
Mental Birth Control
Jackson, Mildred. Teague, Terri Oakland, CA, 1978 Paperback. 56 pages. Clean and unmarked. Very tight binding. Light shelf wear to cover. We have long believed that the mind controls the body... we feel it is a viable spiritual method of birth control. Mental birth control allows us to work out our spiritual path by drawing to us what we need: conception when it is desired; or freedom from the demands of child rearing. - from the preface.- $95
- $95

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone First edition with full number line. Hard cover. Dark green leather binding with ornate stamped gilt and pictorial panel to front cover. All edges gilt. Acetate jacket. A couple of faint marks to gilt of fore-edge and bottom edge otherwise fine in a fine jacket.- $90
- $90

Emancipating The Past
Walker, Kara (Artist) DiTillio, Jessi (Text) Exhibition Catalog 11" by 8 1/2". Side stapled in wraps. Sixteen pages featuring a selection from 59 of Walker's prints and multiples and an essay by Jessi DiTillio. The traveling exhibition visited eight locations in the United States between January 2014 and February 2017.- $75
- $75

A Great Russian Tone Poet Scriabin
Hull, A. Eaglefield London, 1916 Hard cover. Publishers cloth with gilt titles to spine. Small Octavo. [viii] 304 pages with 165 musical illustrations and four b/w photographic plates. Some light shelf wear to covers and spine ends. Very good. Scriabin was an innovator as well as one of the most controversial composer-pianists of the early 20th century. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia said of him, "no composer has had more scorn heaped on him or greater love bestowed."- $45
- $45

Tell A Tall Tale
Salisbury, Kent (Author), Zanazanian, Adrina (Illustrator) Tall plastic comb bound 15 3/4" by 6 1/2" Cardboard covers. Consisting of six groups of six cardboard panels, each with text by Kent Salisbury and a color illustration by Adrina Zanazanian which can be turned and combined to make thousands of different stories. Spine of plastic comb separated in places but binding functionally. Light shelf wear to covers- $125
- $125