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Showing 781–840 of 847 results

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  • Showing 781–840 of 847 results

Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa

Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the Years 1822, 1823 and 1824, by Major Denham, Captain Clapperton and The Late Doctor Oudney, Extending Across the Desert to the Tenth Degree of North Latitude, and from Korika in Bornou, to Sackatoc, The Capital of The Fellatah Empire. With and Appendix.

Denham, Dixon and Clapperton, Hugh London: John Murray, 1826. 1st Presentation Edition, Signed. Royal 4to -- 29.4cm. [lxviii], 336pp., [iv], 272 pp., Appendix. Two volumes in one. Original Tuscan-red boards, spine with a fine contemporary black morocco label, tooled and titled in gilt; with 37 fine engraved and etched plates, charts and maps, and one large fold-out map, of which 35 full-page plates are on India paper, mounted and, of which 28 are also present in 2nd state for a total of 63 plates in all, comprising a “Proof State Before Letters”, and also on India paper, mounted, wood-engraved illustrations. Binding is professionally re-backed with old spine laid down, inner hinges restored. Now contained in a specially constructed black solander box with integral flap-case -- NB: As a result of a binder’s error, this copy was bound without four leaves (signature C of Volume II) and noted at the time on the original incorrectly bound signature in a contemporary graphite hand: “This is a mistake”. These have been supplied from another copy of the first edition. A Very Good copy of the one of the most sought after issues of this masterpiece of African travel. Presentation Copy of the First Edition inscribed on the front free-endpaper, “John Major from the Publisher”. Lowndes: “The most interesting and important work yet published on the subject of African researches. It is written in a plain and perspicuous style, and containing many particulars of an hitherto unknown country.” This, “one of very few copies printed upon thick paper for presents only”. According to Lowndes, there were 2 “lesser” issues of the first edition: the “regular issue”; a “special issue, with the plates mounted on India paper”; and “third issue for presents only” (op.cit.) – the issue that is listed here, which has the plates mounted on India paper. The engravings, after original drawings by Denham and Clapperton, are superbly engraved by Edward Finden, one of the finest steel-engravers in England at the time. Denham and Clapperton, in the company of Dr. Walter Oudney, travelled from Benioleed, near Tripoli, almost due south to Lake Tchad, with excursions in the mountains west of Mourzuk in Fezzan. Dixon attempted to follow the circuit around Lake Tchad but was unsuccessful. In the meantime, Clapperton and Oudney journeyed west from the lake toward the Niger River, but the doctor only made it about a third of the way, and died in Murmur. Clapperton continued west, but was prevented from passing beyond Sackatoo by the local Sultan. He and Dunham subsequently returned to Tripoli and crossed back to England. This exciting narrative is compiled from Denham’s journal, with a chapter by Dr. Oudney on the excursion to the mountains west of Mourzuk. A final section by Clapperton relates to the westward journey form Lake Tchad to Sackatoo and includes an account of Oudney’s death. Among the several appendices are translations from the Arabic or various letters and documents brought back by Denham and Clapperton, including a document relating to The Death of Mungo Park; a translation from Arabic of A Geographical and Historical Account of The Kingdom of Tak-roor, from a larger work composed by Sultan Mahommed Bello of Hausa; Vocabularies of Bornou, Begharmi, Mandara and Timbuctoo; appendices on the Zoology and Botany of the Regions based on samples collected by Dr. Oudney; a note on Rock Specimens; and a Thermometrical Journal kept at Kouka in Bournou. -- Lownnes I p. 629, Howgego D18 Vol. II.
  • $3,800
  • $3,800
Topography of Troy

Topography of Troy, and Its Vicinity Illustrated and Explained by Drawings and Descriptions. Dedicated by Permission, to her Grace The Duchess of Devonshire.

Gell, William Inscribed and Signed by Lord Byron. London: C. Whittingham, for T.N. Longman and O. Rees, 1804. First Edition. Folio – 43.5cm. (iv), 124 pp. Title leaf with hand-coloured engraved vignette, dedication leaf, 28 hand-coloured plates including 3 fold-out plates and 2 hand coloured maps, 13 engravings in the text, all but 2 coloured -- the entire sequence numbered 1--45, one unnumbered plate at page 21. ¾ tan calf with red morocco spine label and bright gilt decorations on spine. A lovely and complete copy in Near Fine Condition. Rare. The production of this very handsome folio was intended to provide accurate illustrations of the scenery covering the whole region of Troy. William Gell visited the Troy in December, 1801 during his first trip to Greece. He used a camera lucida (an instrument in which rays of light are reflected by a prism to produce on a sheet of paper an image, from which a drawing can be made) to produce in a very short time extremely accurate small-scale sketches of vast landscapes and scenes. The final production of this very handsome folio with its forty-five plates was meant to supply accurate illustrations of the scenery covering the whole region of Troy. This is a very impressive publication. Travel, 399. Blackmer Library 660. “Certainly the most beautiful book on Troy ever printed” --A.K. Lascarides, The Search for Troy, 1553-1874, 1977 Inscribed and Signed by Lord Byron on the verso of the second blank front free leaf reading: Sir William Gell’s Topography of Troy cannot fail to insure the appreciation of every man possessed of a classical taste as well for the information. Sir W. conveys to the mind of the reader as for the ability & research the work’s display. Ld. Byron
  • $7,000
  • $7,000
The Importance of the Cape of Good Hope

The Importance of the Cape of Good Hope, As a Colony to Great Britain, Independently of the Advantages it Possesses as a Military and Naval Station, and the Key to Our Territory Possession of India.

Fisher, Richard Barnard London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1816, First hardbound edition. 3rd (and best) edition with additions. 8vo – 22.7cm. [xxiv], 190 pp. Fold-out hand-colored aquatint frontispiece, fold-out hand-colored plan in outline. Original boards re-backed with original spine laid down and original endpapers. A very clean and complete copy with no foxing and pages untrimmed. “The first two editions of the work were issued in pamphlet form, and the present volume possesses additions to the letterpress of earlier productions. Fisher was of the opinion that the Hottentots had ‘no language’ and that the few words they pronounced were either Portuguese or Dutch. Fisher complains that there were no taverns, hotels, or even shops in Cape Town, and draws a by no means favorable picture of it inhabitants, who he says, have ‘a most inordinate sense of pride’ while ‘they seem to pride themselves on their dexterity in imposition, and none suffer so much from it as English military and navy. He also quotes Barrow as saying ‘that the inanity of their minds and the indolent habit of their bodies are not even surmounted by self-interest,’ and reference is made to the extreme brutality displayed by the “Africans” (Afrikanders) to their slaves. There is an article on the wines of the colony, and others having reference to the trade in dried fruits, ostrich feathers, ivory, &c. Under the title ‘Further Considerations,’ many suggestions are made for the betterment of the government of the colony ’ Mendelssohn Volume 1. Pp. 547.
  • $3,500
  • $3,500
Narrative of a Voyage Round the World

Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, in the Uranie and Physicienne Corvettes, Commanded by Captain Freycinet, During the Years 1817, 1818, 1819 and 1820; on a Scientific Expedition Undertaken By Order of the French Government, in a Series of Letters to a Friend

Arago, Jacques London: Treuttel and Wurtz, Treuttel, Jun. and Richter. 1823, First English Edition. Quarto – 27.5 cm. 2 parts in 1, fold-out frontispiece map and 25 lithograph plates -- complete; later full-tan calf with gilt decorative ruled border on front and rear boards, spine with five raised bands, bright gilt decorative compartments and fuchsia morocco title label. Despite the clear evidence of the 'Directions for placing the Plates' present here, there has been some unnecessary confusion about the collation of this book. Ferguson omitted the map from his plate count, while Hill erroneously called for a map and 26 plates. This very clean copy, with the map and 25 plates is complete and in Near Fine+ condition. The first edition in English of this private narrative of the 1817-1820 Freycinet expedition to Australia and the Pacific - in fact the first appearance in English of any account of the voyage. Originally published in French, Arago's book in its many subsequent editions became one of the voyage best-sellers of the nineteenth century. The English edition is much rarer than the French edition. The very large multi-volume French account of the voyage was far more serious and scientific in tone. Arago was the official draftsman on the voyage, and the excellent lithograph plates here are all after Arago’s drawings. WITH: A 3-page letter written and signed by Arago dated 8 April 1842 to Minister M. Piobert discussing the voyages of Dumont Durville and La Place. “The “Uranie” with a crew of 125 men under the command of Captain Louis de Freycinet, entered the Pacific from the West to make scientific observations on geography, magnetism and meteorology. Arago was the artist of the expedition which visited Western Australia, Timor, Hawaii and New South Wales. The original ship wrecked off the Falkland Islands. Two months later, the expedition continued aboard the “Physicenne” which stopped for a time in Rio de Janeiro. Captain Freycinet’s wife, Rose Pinon, was smuggled on board at the advent of the voyage and made the complete journey, causing some discord among the crew. Freycinet named an island he discovered after her – Rose Island among the Samoa Islands. These entertaining letters, written in a lively and witty literary style, provide vivid descriptions of the topography and the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands. The book achieved great success”. Hill 28-29.
  • $8,500
  • $8,500
Oeuvres complètes
Carnet d’un mondain

uvres, avec des éclaircissement et des notices historiques

SCOTT Walter 32 volumes, 21 X 13 cm Première édition en 32 volumes des œuvres de Walter Scott (1771-1832), publiées en France de son vivant, dans la traduction de Defaucompret. T1 (46 et 2 (464 et 436 pp.) : Romans poétiques et poésies diverses. T3 (532 pp.) : Waverley. T4 (522pp.) : Guy Mannering. T5 (548 pp.) : L’antiquaire. T6 (508 pp.) : Rob-Roy. T7 (502 pp.) : Les puritains d’Ecosse. T8 (598 pp.) : La prison d’Edimbourg. T9 (424 pp.) : La fiancée de Lammermoor. T10 (456 pp.) : L’officier de fortune. T11 (536 pp.) : Ivanohe. T12 (512 pp.) : Le monastère. T13 (560 pp.) : L’abbé, suite du Monastère. T14 (592 pp.) : Kenilworth. T 15 (604 pp.) : Le pirate. T16 (626 pp.) : Les aventures de Nigel. T17 et T18 (424 et 446pp.) : Peveril du Pic. T19 (610 pp.) Quentin Durward. T20 (586 pp.) : Les eaux de Saint Ronan. T21 (572 pp.) : Redgauntlet. T22 (424 pp.) : Les fiances. T23 (412 pp.) : Richard en Palestine. T24 (576 pp.) : Woodstock. T25 (484 pp.) : Les chroniques de la Canongate. T26 (560 pp.) : La jolie fille de Perth. T27 (536 pp.) : Charles le téméraire. T28, 29, 30 (426, 502 et 548 pp.) : Histoire d’Ecosse. T 31 (470 pp.) : Robert comte de Paris. T32 (234 et 324 pp. 2 textes reliés en un volume) : Le château périlleux suivi de Histoire de la sorcellerie et de la démonologie. Rarissime ensemble complet des 32 volumes tels que publiés, dans une demi reliure uniforme, dos cuir rouge à 4 nerfs, plats papier moucheté rouge, gardes papier moucheté bleu. Rares rousseurs, quelques cahiers jaunis (Furne, éditeur populaire, utilisait parfois des papiers différents dans un même volume), mais le tout est en très bon état. Prévoir frais de port.
  • $2,312
  • $2,312


McClatchy, J. D. and Thorne, Francis. This listing consists of two items relating to an early performance of the opera, Mario and the Magician, based on the story by Thomas Mann. The first item is a folder containing the libretto by J. D. (Sandy) McClatchy. There are 25 loose copied sheets, with a title sheet and 24 numbered sheets of the libretto text held together with a paper clip. The text appears on the rectos only. The folder cover has a label reading: MARIO AND THE MAGICIAN / Libretto by J.D. McClatchy / Music by Francis Thorne / After the story by Thomas Mann. A printed label reading: AMERICAN COMPOSERS ORCHESTRA 37 West 65th Street / New York, NY 10023 / Tel & Fax / Francis Thorne / President. is inserted in the inside folder left side. Above the card, written in ink, are the tel. numbers of Dorothy Danner, Miriam Charney, Francis Thorne, and J.D. McClatchy, as well as Francis Thorne's home address, and two additional tel. numbers. The folder cover is in dark blue ink with inner sides white and measures 9-1/2 x 11-1/2 inches. The second item, measuring 12 x 14 inches, and spiral bound, has a cover label reading: Francis Thorne / MARIO AND THE MAGICIAN / Libretto by J.D. McClatchy / piano/vocal score. There is a cover page, followed by 113 pages of piano / vocal score music with libretto. At the bottom of Pg. 1 is the copyright notice for Francis Thorne & J.D. McClatchy. Please contact the seller for more information.
  • $375
My Last Expedition to the Antarctic 1936-1937 -- Signed by Lars Christensen