Rasmussen, Christian A.
A History of the City of Red Wing Minnesota
Red Wing, Minnesota: Red Wing Advertising Co, 1934
- $125
Red Wing, Minnesota : Red Wing Advertising Co, 1934. First Edition. Hardcover. Very good. 8vo [viii] 296pp + 16 plates. Blue cloth with dark blue lettering end red design. Previous owner's name to front free end paper otherwise clean throughout. Tight binding. Some wear to cover with some rubbing to spine.
More from Abacus Books

The Biography of a Grizzly
Seton-Thompson, Ernest New York, 1900 Stated First Impression April 14, 1900. Hard cover in publisher's cloth with design in yellow and black to both covers. Light shelf wear to cover and spine slightly darkened otherwise clean and unmarked. This book is dedicated to the memory of the days spent at the Palette Ranch on the Graybull, where from hunter, miner, personal experience, and the host himself, I gathered many chapters of the History of Wahb.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Santpoort, Holland, 1925 Hard cover Square folio 13" by 13" Cream cloth over boards. 164 pages. Pages lightly toned. Cover shows shelf wear, particularly to spine ends, and marks to spine otherwise very good. An introduction by architect H. Th. Wijdeveld and many articles by famous European architects and American writers.- $350
- $350

Tommy Toddles
Lee, Albert New York, 1896 Hard cover. Octavo. [viii] 2. 192 pages with 26 illustrated plates by Peter S. Newell. Green cloth with color designs to both covers and spine. Gilt titles. The book is in fine condition and the cover art is bright. Hand written inscription to front free end paper dated 1896. One page loose. The book captures the adventures of a young boy, Tommy, as he experiences the wonder of his toy animals coming to life.- $70
- $70

Liberal Arts Education and College Architecture in Steamboat Springs
Baker, Robert P. Phippsburg, CO, 2015 Signed and inscribed by author to architect Carl A. Worthington. Soft cover in pictorial wraps. Octavo. [x] 165 pages. Clean and unmarked. Tight binding. Light shelf wear to cover. Steamboat Springs — Phippsburg resident and longtime college educator Robert P. Baker has self-published an ambitious book, "Liberal Arts —Education and College Architecture in Steamboat Springs — a Personal HIstory," that succeeds in blending three story lines, including the history of the small college now known as the Alpine Campus of Colorado Mountain College. One story line is the arc of Baker's own career in higher education, including a four-year stint teaching at Stanford University. The second story line is the metamorphosis of Yampa Valley College in Steamboat Springs from a liberal arts college in a ski town into the modern Colorado Mountain College (CMC). And finally, Baker highlights the career of former Steamboat Springs architect Lincoln Jones whose buildings were integral to the early years of the college and its liberal arts tradition. - Tom Ross, Steamboat Pilot.- $39
- $39

Berlin, Lucia San Francisco, 1990 Soft cover. Octavo. SIGNED by author with a personal inscription to Keith Abbott. Fading to spine otherwise very good. Poet and author Keith Kumasen Abbott was a colleague of Berlin's at Naropa University where he taught writing and art. He is perhaps best remembered for his memoir of Richard Brautigan, with whom he was a friend.- $600
- $600

Walking the Dog: Poems
Menebroker, Ann Freedom, CA, 2003 First edition. One of 100 copies. Soft cover. Small octavo. 86 pages. Cover art by Roger Langton. SIGNED by author with a six line inscription to Roger Langton. Ann Menebroker was an American poet, recognized as one of the leading women writers of the no apologies offered and none needed male dominated "Meat Poets".- $65
- $65

Silliman, Ron Providence, 1974 "This booklet was designed and printed by Rosemary Waldrop in an edition of three hundred copies of which this is number 165." SIGNED by author on title page. Stapled wraps in a soft card dust jacket. 8 1/2" by 7" Unpaginated but 36pp. Laid in is a postcard of a poem, "Shoe Music" by Ron Silliman for TUUMBA Press, signed by him and sent to Keith Abbott. Poet and author Keith Kumasen Abbott taught writing and art at Naropa University. He is perhaps best remembered for his memoir of Richard Brautigan, with whom he was a friend.- $55
- $55

Reminiscences of Levi Coffin
Coffin, Levi London and Cincinnati, OH, 1876 Hard cover. Octavo.[viii] 712pages with two frontispiece portraits of Levi and Catherine Coffin. Beautifully rebound in half calf over marbled boards by Period Bookbinders Company, UK. A touch of foxing to frontispieces otherwise clean and unmarked throughout. "A brief History Of The Labors Of A Lifetime In Behalf Of The Slave, With The Stories Of Numerous Fugitives Who Gained Their Freedom Through His Instrumentality, And Many Other Incidents." Levi Coffin was an active leader of the Underground Railroad in Indiana and Ohio, some unofficially called Coffin the "President of the Underground Railroad," estimating that three thousand fugitive slaves passed through his care. The Coffin home in Fountain City, Wayne County, Indiana, is now a museum, sometimes called the Underground Railroad's "Grand Central Station." Howes B923.- $650
- $650

Fuck You, Cancer & Other Poems
Fields, Rick Berkeley, 1997 First Edition, one of 500 copies. Side stapled stiff wraps. Small octavo. 37 pages. SIGNED by author with a twelve line inscription to friend Sidney (Goldfarb) a fellow poet and colleague. Rick Fields was an accomplished author, poet and specialist in the history of Buddhism in the United States. This is a collection of poetry about his cancer, approached from a personal and Buddhist point of view.- $125
- $125

My First Days in the White House
Long, Huey Pierce Harrisburg, Pa, 1935 Hard cover. Octavo. [viii] 146pp. Textured red publisher's cloth with black titles. Illustrations by Cleanthe Carr. Very good. This book is often referred to as Long's "second autobiography" and was published after his assassination in 1935, it emphatically laid out his presidential ambitions for the election of 1936 and, through imaginary conversations, his first days of presidency.- $100
- $100

Saddlemakers of Sheridan County, Wyoming
Gorzalka, Ann Boulder, CO, 1984 First Edition, First Printing. Oblong hard cover. 91 pages. Pictorial dust jacket with closed tears to back otherwise very good. A tribute to the talented saddlemakers of Sheridan, Wyoming past and present. Artists in leather would be a most appropriate way to describe those individuals who create the beautiful trophy saddles seen in parades and often found in museums. - from the book.- $150
- $150

The Life of Sam Houston
Lester, Charles Edwards Philadelphia, 1867 Hard cover. Octavo. [xi] pp 13-402, (12). Mustard/green cloth stamped in black and gold. Frontispiece of Houston and five additional b/w plates. Howes 271 (iii). Samuel Houston was an American general and statesman who played a pivotal role in the Texas Revolution and served as the first and third president of the Republic of Texas. Charles Edwards Lester or C. Edwards Lester (1815–1890) was an American author, diplomat, Presbyterian Minister and Abolitionist who in 1840 addressed antislavery meetings in Massachusetts and was elected a delegate to the London antislavery conference of that year. - wikipedia- $125
- $125

South Platte Country
Krakel, Dean Dedication signed by author to a Mrs. Mast for helping him put the book together. Soft cover in pictorial wraps. Quarto. [vi] 268pages and 29pages chronology and tables. Withdrawn from the Albany County Library with associated markings.Pages clean and unmarked.- $65
- $65

The Western Style Colour Prints in Japan
Toyama, Usaburo Tokyo, 1936 Blue cloth over limp boards, 9 1/4" by 7 3/4". 305 pp. Paper label to front cover has slight loss. Both free end papers creased otherwise very good. Starts with a preface by Yone Noguchi and a 27 page essay on "The Origin of the Western Style Landscape Painting in Japan" followed by "A Retrospective Catalogue of Western Style Colour Prints in Japan" comprising of a short biography of 42 Japanese artists and 255 b/w plates.- $150
- $150

How Classroom Desegregation Will Work
Garrett, Henry E Richmond, VS, Ca1965 Side stapled booklet in wraps. 7" by 5" 24 pages. Slight tanning to cover otherwise very good throughout. From the introduction - "Section 1 indicates strongly that Negro-White mental differences are chiefly innate and are inherited. It does not minimize the factor of environment in determining achievement, but it holds that heredity is vastly more potent." Henry Edward Garrett (1894-1973) was an American psychologist and segregationist. He was President of the American Psychological Association in 1946 and Chair of Psychology at Columbia University from 1941 to 1955.- $95
- $95

Portraitures of Horses
Morris, George Ford Fordacre, Shrewsbury, New Jersey, 1952 Oblong quarto. Hardcover. Textures brown faux leather with gilt titles. 280 pages profusely illustrated in b/w and color along with autobiographical comment and narrative by the author. Very good but NO dust jacket. "Being a collection of more than five hundred reproductions of the artist's and author's work in oil, water color, pastel, crayon, charcoal, pen and pencil, as well as of his lithographs, etchings silhouette cut-outs and sculpture, accompanied by autobiographical notes and comment covering a professional career of more than sixty-five years of effort in "attempted portrayals of animals ad their friends."- $205
- $205

Spearhead In The West 1941-1945 The Third Armored Division
Frankfurt, 1945 Decorated publisher's cloth over boards. Small quarto. 260 pages with numerous maps and photographs. Small tear to cover at top of spine otherwise very good. No dust jacket. An in depth telling of the deeds of the Third Armored Division from their preparation in the U.S.A. through their landing on the beaches of Normandy in June of 1944 and their progress into Germany.- $75
- $75

The Spell of The Turf
Hard cover, Red cloth over boards with gilt titles and race horse design. Octavo. 286 pages with b/w photographs throughout.Top edge with red topstain. Book plate of Eleanor and James Bodrero to front fixed end paper. Some shelf wear to cover with fading to spine. James Spalding Pompeo Bodrero was an artist, illustrator and animator of whom one Disney colleague said "had the extraordinary ability to draw anything at all," but was especially known for his horse subjects. There he worked on Dumbo the elephant, created the ostrich who danced in "Fantasia" and José Carioca, the parrot amongst others.
Dissertatio Medica, Inauguralis, de Leucorrhoea
Modern boards with paper title label to front. Small octavo. [iv] 32pp. A doctoral thesis in Latin submitted to William Robertson, principal at the University of Edinburgh by John Simpson. Inscribed by author " Dr. McIlwaine / With best Comp. / from his friend and / fellow Candidate" Very good. An early dissertation on women's reproductive health.
Indian Journals. March 1962 – May 1963
Ginsberg, Allen San Francisco, 1970 Soft cover. Octavo. 210pp. Signed, dated and inscribed on the title page to Keith Abbott 7/9/94 with pen sketches by Ginsberg. Very good Keith Abbott, was a professor at Naropa University's Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, a published author and poet, and colleague of the author.- $200
- $200
Reminiscences of Levi Coffin
Coffin, Levi London and Cincinnati, OH, 1876 Hard cover. Octavo.[viii] 712pages with two frontispiece portraits of Levi and Catherine Coffin. Beautifully rebound in half calf over marbled boards by Period Bookbinders Company, UK. A touch of foxing to frontispieces otherwise clean and unmarked throughout. "A brief History Of The Labors Of A Lifetime In Behalf Of The Slave, With The Stories Of Numerous Fugitives Who Gained Their Freedom Through His Instrumentality, And Many Other Incidents." Levi Coffin was an active leader of the Underground Railroad in Indiana and Ohio, some unofficially called Coffin the "President of the Underground Railroad," estimating that three thousand fugitive slaves passed through his care. The Coffin home in Fountain City, Wayne County, Indiana, is now a museum, sometimes called the Underground Railroad's "Grand Central Station." Howes B923.- $650
- $650

Pioneers of the Territory of Southern Colorado
Four volume set. Soft covers in wraps. Gift inscription on first page of each volume otherwise clean and unmarked with tight bindings and light shelf wear to covers. The books consists of family histories of the "un-sung and almost unremembered pioneers of Huerfano County and Southern Colorado" by family members. Also included are early histories of some towns and areas and many illustrations from early photographs
The Slave States of America
Two Volumes. Octavo. [xvi] 587pp with 4 engraved plates, [xii] 584pp with 4 engraved plates. Both volumes beautifully rebound in green half calf with Morocco and gilt spine labels over original marbled boards. All edges marbled. James Silk Buckingham spent four years in the United States, and in 1839 travelled across the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia and Alabama to observe at first hand the inhumane treatment of slaves in a system that showed "reckless indifference to human life". This two-volume work documents Buckingham's findings and argues that the USA should follow Britain's example in abolishing slavery. Buckingham describes the use of slaves in industries as diverse as gold mining, cotton manufacturing, railways, canals, and agriculture. He highlights the economic, social and political implications of a change to free labor, and also relations between the slaves and their employers. Howes B923.
The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search For God
Signed on half title page by John Farleigh (illustrator) and dated 1933. Hard cover. Octavo. 75 pages. Illustrated boards and decorative end papers designed and engraved by John Farleigh. Engraved title page and nineteen further illustrations by Farleigh throughout the text. Edge wear and some chipping to outer hinges. Binding and text block tight. The "Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God" caused controversy when released due to the religious, sexual and racial themes within the writing and John Farleigh's complementary (and risqué) wood engravings commissioned by Shaw for the book.
On Liberty
Mill, John Stuart New York, 1885 Hard cover. Octavo. 394 pages. Gift inscription to front free end paper. Wear to cover and spine. John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), one of the most influential philosophers of the nineteenth century, became a guiding light for modern liberalism and individual liberty. Practical applications of First Amendment principles often rest upon allusions to his ideas, most famously expressed in his essay On Liberty.- $35
- $35

Beware of the Danger of Antisemitism
Sampaix, Louis Henry London, 1949 Soft cover. Side stapled black wraps with silver title and design. 31pp. with b/w photographs. Staples rusted. Occasional foxing otherwise very good. Upon being freed from Ebensee-Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, liberated by American troops of the 80th Infantry Division on 6 May 1945, Louis Henry Sampaix wrote a long document that was filed among the records of the Legal Adviser to General Eisenhower and published in various newspapers. Four years later he wrote this booklet and states "These unhappy memories which I have assembled here without any order or place, should not have been published. But my conscience forbids me to be silent any more. I can still hear the voices of those who died and the light of the world becomes dark for me. I can still see, now, coming back again, the symptoms of Nazism and anti-Semitism. Forgive me, but I have no doubt that for you, as for myself, it is USEFUL to go back into the past. That is why: LET US NEVER FORGET.- $95
- $95

Three Wonderlands of the American West
Stated first impression. Hard cover. Tall octavo. [xii] 180pp. with sixteen reproductions in color from original paintings by Thomas Moran, N.A. and thirty two duogravures from photographs. Also maps of the Yellowstone, Yosemite and Grand Canyon regions. Light green cloth with dark green and gilt stamped design to front cover and spine. Top edge gilt. Near fine with only a touch of wear to extremities.
Casa Manana
First edition, limited to 300 copies. Hardcover. Quarto. unpaginated. Blue cloth over bevel edged boards with gilt title to front cover and spine. Decorative end papers. SHelf wear to edges of cover. Contains illustrations of many of Spratling's designs and fourteen plates of different Mexican artifacts from the Morrow collection.
The Closed Door
First Edition. Number 49 of 50 copies on handmade paper. Hardcover. Octavo. [ix] 129pp and 16 plates. Top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. Spine darkened and end papers tanned and with some foxing throughout. A long introduction by May Sinclair. A collection of poems by the author in French with parallel translations in English by F.S. Flint and sixteen b/w illustrations by the author who has also provided numerous large b/w tailpieces.
New Year’s In Sokolniki
Stapled wraps. Quarto. Twelve pages including three full page b/w illustrations by N. Zhukov. Translated from the Russian by Fainna Solasko. Very good. A publication of the Soviet Children's Library For Tiny Tots which tells a story of V.I. Lenin visiting an orphanage outside of Moscow and delivering presents and good cheer. Propaganda in the form of a thinly veiled retelling of the Santa Claus folk tale.
Works of the Late Doctor Benjamin Franklin
Franklin, Benjamin Dublin, 1793 Octavo. 8" x 4 7/8" Contemporary full calf binding. [vi] (2) 303pp. Lacks frontispiece. Preface by Richard Price. Exterior hinges starting, covers show wear. Text block very good. Ford (Franklin Bibliography) C.439.- $950
- $950

Lady Brassey’s Three Voyages in the Sunbeam
Brassey, Anna. Baroness Brassey London, 1889 Quarto. Hard cover. Light orange cloth publishers binding depicting the ship at sea and a shore scene with nautically themed decorations. [iv] 192pp. Decorative end papers with repeating ship and swan motifs. Hand written gift inscription from the Whitefield Tabernacle Book Society (London) to the front free end paper. Shelf wear to covers and spine with a little "delamination" of the cloth. Front hinge starting. Accounts of three separate voyages entitled "A Voyage in the Sunbeam", " Sunshine and Storm in the East" and "In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties." Each 64pp double columns and profusely illustrated. Anna Brassey was an English traveler, writer and accomplished photographer who wrote bestselling travel diaries of her sea voyages around the world.- $75
- $75

The Subtle Knife
Pullman, Philip New York, 1997 First American Edition, First Printing. SIGNED by author in blue ink on title page. Clean and unmarked with a very tight binding. Minimal shelf wear to intact dust jacket. Second book in the author's highly acclaimed "His Dark Materials" trilogy.- $125
- $125

The Golden Compass
Pullman, Philip New York, 1996 First U.S. Edition, Second Printing. Inscribed and SIGNED by author in blue ink on title page "For Judith, with / my best wishes- / Philip Pullman" Hard cover. Clean and unmarked with a very tight binding. Minimal shelf wear to intact dust jacket. First book in the author's highly acclaimed "His Dark Materials" trilogy.- $175
- $175

The Subtle Knife
Pullman, Philip London, 1997 First Edition, First Printing. Hard cover. Octavo. Inscribed and SIGNED by author in blue ink on title page "Best wishes to J----- V--- / Philip Pullman" Hard cover. Clean and unmarked with a very tight binding. Minimal shelf wear to intact dust jacket. Second volume in the highly acclaimed "His Dark Materials" trilogy.- $220
- $220

Northern Lights
Pullman, Philip London, 1995 First edition, third printing. Hard cover. Octavo. Inscribed and SIGNED by author on title page in blue ink "My greetings to J----- V--- / Philip Pullman" Clean and unmarked with a very tight binding. Carnegie Medal sticker to front of dust jacket which shows minor shelf wear and is intact. In this, the first book in his compelling "His Dark Materials" trilogy, Philip Pullman has created a powerfully original universe, remarkable for its combination of electrifying action and heart-stopping emotion. - from the dust flap.- $375
- $375

Tennis In Baltimore
Roberts, Frank G. Baltimore, MD, 1928 Hard cover. Octavo 241 pages plus seven photographic illustrations. Green cloth over boards with black lettering. Interesting ink stamp to front free end paper dated 1933 and referring to the National Industrial Recovery Act, from the Cragin Simplex Corp. maker of tennis rackets. Cover shows some shelf wear with slight fading to spine. The story of tennis in Baltimore from 1879 onwards and containing a 29 quatrain "Tennis Player's Rubaiyat" reportedly written in the 1890s.- $150
- $150

Specimens of Type held in the Letterpress Printing Section of the Ordnance Survey
Chessington, 1947 String tied oblong booklet in card stock covers. 8 1/4" by 6 1/4". 34 pages of type examples with preface and index. With annotations to the index and printed paper amendments pasted in. Cover shows wear with some discoloration to rear. Ordnance Survey (OS) is the national mapping agency for Great Britain. The agency's name indicates its original military purpose, which was to map Scotland in the wake of the Jacobite rising of 1745. The OS is still in existence and since 2015 has operated as Ordnance Survey Ltd, a government-owned company and remains accountable to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.- $95
- $95

General Geography and Rudiments of Useful Knowledge
Spafford, Horatio Gates Hudson, 1809 First edition. Full calf. 8vo. [xii] 381pp with 2 fold out maps and diagram of the solar system. Pages toned with some foxing. Covers and spine show wear. The second fold out map "engd. for Spafford's geography 1808" by Gideon Fairman Sr. is titled "United States; or Fredon." "It was a great oversight" of the Constitution's framers that they did not give the United States a "proper name." So claimed Samuel Latham Mitchill in an 1803 broadside. A doctor by training, Mitchill not only diagnosed this problem, he also proposed a remedy. The land occupied by the United States, he suggested, should be called Fredon, or Fredonia in its more "poetical" form. The people of Fredonia would be called Fredonians or Fredes. And the adjectival form would be Fredish. Mitchill declared these various words were "sonorous," and the whole language "rich and copious." This Fredish language would even translate well into verse: "Their chiefs, to glory lead on/The noble sons of Fredon."- $200
- $200

Henri Matisse
Fry, Roger Paris, 1931 First edition limited to 650 copies of which this one is not numbered. Quarto. Glassine covered soft wraps in ribbon tied hard cover. 50 pages of text in English with illustrations interspersed and 40 b/w plates and 4 full color plates. Binding intact but loose. Spine creased with small loss. Hard cover shows some wear with a little fading and back hinge starting.- $1,500
- $1,500

Emancipating The Past
Walker, Kara (Artist) DiTillio, Jessi (Text) Exhibition Catalog 11" by 8 1/2". Stapled wraps. Sixteen pages featuring a selection from an exhibition of 59 of Walker's prints and multiples and an essay by Jessi DiTillio. The traveling exhibition visited eight locations in the United States between January 2014 and February 2017. Walker's silhouette images work to bridge unfinished folklore in the Antebellum South, raising identity and gender issues for African-American women in particular. Walker uses images from historical textbooks to show how enslaved African Americans were depicted during Antebellum South.The silhouette was typically a genteel tradition in American art history; it was often used for family portraits and book illustrations. Walker carried on this portrait tradition but used them to create characters in a nightmarish world, a world that reveals the brutality of American racism and inequality.- $75
- $75

Africa Portuguesa
Faria y Sousa, Manuel De Lisbon, 1681 Folio in sixes. [iii], Title, Dedication and License; 207pp. Tabla 11pp. (Pages misnumbered, going from 86 to 89 but with continuous text). Text in Spanish. Contemporary vellum bound stiff wraps. Professionally rebound in original cover with some restoration to the first two sheets. Housed in custom cover and slipcase. A few small closed tears to page edges. Vellum cover a little age wrinkled with one tear to top of spine. Manuel de Faria y Sousa was a Portuguese historian and poet who frequently wrote in Spanish. The tone of some of his work which excited the suspicion of the inquisitors, caused his temporary incarceration, and led to the permanent loss of his official salary. In spite of the enthusiasm which is said to have prescribed to him the daily task of twelve folio pages, death overtook him before he had completed his greatest enterprise, a history of the Portuguese in all parts of the world. Several portions of the work appeared at Lisbon after his death, under the editorship of Captain Faria e Sousa : Europa Portugueza (1667, 3 vols.); Ásia Portugueza (1666–1675, 3 vols.); África Portugueza (1681). This account of the Portuguese possessions in Africa is a compilation, the scope of the volume extending from the year 495 to 1520. It gives a narrative of various expeditions along the coasts, and deals principally with North African Territories. (Mendelssohn Vol. 1 p.533).- $1,750
- $1,750

Scenes and Musings in the Rockies
Schneiderhahn, Edward V.P St. Louis, 1949 Firat Edition. Hard cover. Green cloth with black title. Octavo. [xxii] 267pp. with b/w photographs. Tight binding, Very good. The personal reminiscences of a noted St. Louis lawyer, who spent his summers in the Fall River valley in the Rocky Mountain National Park and in fact passed away there.- $55
- $55

Mumbo Jumbo
Reed, Ishmael New York, 1972 First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. 223pp. Black cloth over boards. Fine in a good price clipped dust jacket. Ishmael Scott Reed is an American poet, novelist, essayist, songwriter, playwright, editor and publisher known for his satirical works challenging American political culture. His best-known work is Mumbo Jumbo (1972), a sprawling and unorthodox novel set in 1920s New York. Reed's work has often sought to represent neglected African and African-American perspectives; his energy and advocacy have centered more broadly on neglected peoples and perspectives, irrespective of their cultural origins. - wikipedia.- $275
- $275

Mexican Cook Book Devoted to American Homes
Velazquez de Leon, Josefina Mexico City, 1947 First Edition. Soft cover 7 3/4" by 5 1/2". 363 pages. Written in two languages: English and Spanish translated by Concepcion Silva Garcia. Drawings by Guadalupe Muteozabal Velazquez de Leon. Pages tanned and some chipping to edges of cover. Two pages loose. Josefina Velazquez de Leon was an entrepreneurial author and teacher who traveled throughout the Mexican Republic holding cooking classes and collecting regional recipes and, in doing so, united Mexican cooking as one cuisine. In 1947, De Leon wrote the bilingual "Mexican Cook Book: Devoted to American Homes. Authentic Recipes from Every Region of the Mexican Republic," the first Mexican cookbook published in the United States, introducing the complexity of traditional Mexican cuisine (not Tex-Mex or Cal-Mex) to an American audience.- $250
- $250

A Treatise on The Art of Making Wine From Native Fruits; Exhibiting The Chemical Principles Upon Which The Art Of Wine Making Depends; The Fruits Best Adapted For Home Made Wines And The Method Of Preparing Them
Accum, Fredrick London, 1820 Hard cover. Small octavo. Paper over boards. [viii] (9)-92pp, [xxiii] 1 pp. A 23 page prospectus of a new edition of "Accum's Treatise on Adulterations of Food and Culinary Poisons" at rear. Title page with color diagram of a wine press. Lacks front free end paper. Front hinge separating with some loose gatherings and one leaf torn near binding. From the preface "My principal intention in this Treatise has been to give a concise description of the art of preparing the several varieties of Wine which may be made from fruits of domestic growth, to enable those who possess no knowledge of the subject to proceed with facility and success." Gabler G6930. Accum was an extremely accomplished chemist, and member of the Royal Academy of sciences his publications were, in his own words,.."it has been my purpose to express all necessary rules and instructions in the plainest language, divested of those recondite terms of science, which would be out of place in a work intended for general perusal.- $400
- $400

Atlas of Schuyler County New York
Philadelphia, 1874 Folio. Hard cover. Bound in quarter leather dark brown cloth covered boards, blind stamped and with a decoratively embossed title reading "Atlas Of Schuyler Co. New York. A. Pomeroy & Co." in gilt. 57 pages. Some rubbing to cover otherwise very good. Color maps, including four fold out, of Schuyler County showing prominent towns and cities, the county, a double page Plan of New York State and a double page Map of the United States and Territories. Preceded by an Index, Table of Distances, Population Chart and List of Post Offices.- $285
- $285

A Book of Old English Love Songs
Mabie, Hamilton Wright (Introduction) New York, 1897 Hard cover. Octavo. Green cloth with extravagant gilt design. [xxvi] 159 pages. Top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. Clean and unmarked with a tight binding and light shelf wear to cover, more so at spine ends. A touch of very light foxing to end papers. 88 English love songs from various authors. Illustrated with 30 full page drawings by George Wharton Edwards, along with decorative head and tail pieces.- $49
- $49

So Long
Berlin, Lucia Santa Rosa, 1993 Soft cover. Octavo. SIGNED by author with a personal inscription to Keith Abbott. Slight fading to spine otherwise very good. Poet and author Keith Kumasen Abbott was a colleague of Berlin's at Naropa University where he taught writing and art. He is perhaps best remembered for his memoir of Richard Brautigan, with whom he was a friend.- $550
- $550

Japan’s Accession to the Comity of Nations
Siebold, Alexander London, 1901 Hard cover. Small octavo. [xii] 119 pages. Paper over boards. Signature of a U.S. Army Col. dated July 26, 1901. Yokohama to front end paper. Cover shows heavy shelf wear. The book examines how the focus of the West towards Japan changed, as Japan became a dominant force in the political arena of the Far East when it freed itself of Chinese rule and, through the Meiji restoration adopted a democratic system of government based on the West.- $95
- $95

Home Sick
Berlin, Lucia Santa Rosa, 1990 Soft cover. Octavo. SIGNED by author with a personal inscription to Keith Abbott. Fading to spine otherwise very good. Poet and author Keith Kumasen Abbott was a colleague of Berlin's at Naropa University where he taught writing and art. He is perhaps best remembered for his memoir of Richard Brautigan, with whom he was a friend.- $650
- $650
Mental Birth Control
Jackson, Mildred. Teague, Terri Oakland, CA, 1978 Paperback. 56 pages. Clean and unmarked. Very tight binding. Light shelf wear to cover. We have long believed that the mind controls the body... we feel it is a viable spiritual method of birth control. Mental birth control allows us to work out our spiritual path by drawing to us what we need: conception when it is desired; or freedom from the demands of child rearing. - from the preface.- $95
- $95

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone First edition with full number line. Hard cover. Dark green leather binding with ornate stamped gilt and pictorial panel to front cover. All edges gilt. Acetate jacket. A couple of faint marks to gilt of fore-edge and bottom edge otherwise fine in a fine jacket.- $90
- $90

Mirth, Music, and Memory
Hard cover. Small octavo. Textured, patterned paper over boards. 160 pages. Gift inscription from author on front free end paper to Josephine Abercrombie reads "To charming / Josephine Abercrombie / May you open this little book with / anticipation and close it with / satisfaction. / Sincerely, / Mrs. Frederick Nussbaum. / September 5, 1941, / at The Broadmoor, / Colorado Springs. A collection of amusing stories and anecdotes regarding contemporary (classical) musicians. Josephine Avalona Abercrombie (January 15, 1926 – January 5, 2022) was a prominentAmericahorsewoman businesswoman, boxing promoter, philanthropist, and founder of The Lexington School in Lexington, Kentucky.
A Great Russian Tone Poet Scriabin
Hull, A. Eaglefield London, 1916 Hard cover. Publishers cloth with gilt titles to spine. Small Octavo. [viii] 304 pages with 165 musical illustrations and four b/w photographic plates. Some light shelf wear to covers and spine ends. Very good. Scriabin was an innovator as well as one of the most controversial composer-pianists of the early 20th century. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia said of him, "no composer has had more scorn heaped on him or greater love bestowed."- $45
- $45

Tell A Tall Tale
Salisbury, Kent (Author), Zanazanian, Adrina (Illustrator) Tall plastic comb bound 15 3/4" by 6 1/2" Cardboard covers. Consisting of six groups of six cardboard panels, each with text by Kent Salisbury and a color illustration by Adrina Zanazanian which can be turned and combined to make thousands of different stories. Spine of plastic comb separated in places but binding functionally. Light shelf wear to covers- $125
- $125

Fantazius Mallare
Hecht, Ben Hard cover. Green cloth with black title to spine. Octavo. 174 pages and 10 full page b/w plates of extraordinary illustrations by Wallace Smith. "Limited edition for private circulation only, consisting of two thousand and twenty five numbered copies. Only two thousand copies for sale. Published September 1922." This copy marked number 1, and appears to be from a second print run. No dust jacket (if issued). name to top of front free end paper. Very good. A novel of decadence and mystic existentialism, Fantazius Mallare is a story of a mad recluse—a genius sculptor and painter who is at war with reason. Rather than commit suicide, his doting madness dictates that he must revolt against all evidence of life that exists outside himself. He destroys all of his work and then seeks out a woman who will devote herself to his Omnipotence. What follows is a glorious trek into a horrifying enlightening insanity. FANTAZIUS MALLARE was circulated in a limited edition 2,000 copy hardcover, which contained black-and-white illustrations by Wallace Smith. The book was quickly confiscated by the Federal Government, which branded it "lewd, obscene and lascivious" and further charged Hecht with "defiling the U.S.A. mails with its transport" The eminent Clarence Darrow succeeded in winning an acquittal for Hecht, who (as claimed by Gregory William Mank) found himself "loving every minute" of the 1922 legal proceedings.- $95
- $95

The Congressional Club Cook Book
Washington D.C., 1993 Limp red cover with stamped gilt title. Decorative end papers. All edges gilt. 957 pages of recipes fully indexed. Signed on title page "Best wishes - / Ralph M Hall / Member of Congress / 4th District of Texas and dated 1999. Limp red cover with stamped gilt title. At 91, Ralph M. Hall was the oldest serving member of Congress at the end of his last term in office, the oldest person to ever serve in the House of Representatives, the oldest one ever elected to a House term, the oldest House member ever to cast a vote, and also the last member of Congress from the G.I. Generation and one of the last two World War II veterans serving in Congress.- $30
- $30

When I Grow Up
Denslow W.W. New York, 1909 First edition, September 1909. Hard cover. Large octavo, 9 7/8" by 7 3/8". Tan cloth with cover and spine decorated in black, white and orange. Unpaginated but 104pp. 24 full page color drawings and 24 full page monochrome drawings by Denslow. Short handwritten inscription to front free and paper dated 1914. Light rubbing to covers with some marks, heavier to spine. Illustrations sharp and bright. The book comprises 24 different types of people a child could be when they grow up, with a poem and illustrations for each by W.W. Denslow, who is best remembered as the original illustrator of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum.- $500
- $500

The Pearl and the Pumpkin
Paul West and W.W. Denslow New York, 1904 Hard cover. Large octavo. [ii] 240 pages. Light green cloth Stamped in dark with pictorial label in color to front. Sixteen color plates and numerous two-color illustrations by Denslow. Gift inscription to header of page 7. Spine a little rubbed else a fairly bright copy. Very good. This fantasy was originally conceived as a stage musical with the book as an accompaniment. The play opened in Chicago in 1905 but did not run for long despite Denslow's costumes and elaborate sets receiving much praise. Denslow is best known as the original illustrator of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum.- $160
- $160

Kyeser. Conrad London, New York, 1968 Two volumes in original glassine in plain slip case. Hard covers. Quarto. Half vellum with titles in red. Volume one is a facsimile of the original with 173 diagrams. Volume two is a translation into German of the original Latin text. Small mark to spine of volume one. Very good. Bellifortis ("Strong in War", "War Fortifications") is the first fully illustrated manual of military technology, written by Konrad Kyeser and dating from the start of the 15th century it summarises material from classical writers on military technology, like Vegetius' De Re Militari and Frontinus' anecdotal Strategemata, emphasizing poliorcetics, or the art of siege warfare, but treating magic as a supplement to the military arts; it is "saturated with astrology", remarked Lynn White, Jr. in a review of the first facsimile edition. Bellifortis was written in Latin and contained many elaborate illustrations of war weaponry. The manual discusses machines and technology that were old and new. It described weapons such as trebuchets, battering rams, movable portable bridges, cannons, rockets, chariots, ships, mills, scaling ladders, incendiary devices, crossbows, and instruments of torture] The portrait of the author is called by its modern editor the first realistic portrait of an author since Antiquity. Many of the illustrations for the book were made by German illuminators who were sent to Eichstätt after their own ousting from the Prague scriptorium.- $500
- $500

William Nicholson’s An Alphabet
Craig, Edward Andover, UK, 1978 Number 207 of a signed limited edition of 300. Soft cover. Small folio. Mustard yellow sewn wraps with images of Nicholson's illustrated alphabet to the inside. [iv] 12pp Folded sheet with b/w photographs "Printing William Nicholson's Alphabet from the Original Woodblocks" laid in. Small crease to top corner of front cover else fine.- $50
- $50

N.C. Wyeth
Allen, Douglas New York, 1972 First Edition. Number 26 of a limited edition of 250 copies Signed by both Authors. Quarto. 335 pages. Half bound leather over cloth covered boards. Top edge gilt. Fine in a very good slip case. More than 300 color and black-and-white illustrations by one of America's preeminent painters are collected here, along with illuminating text from the artist's letters, magazine articles about his work, and many other sources. The result: a fully realized portrait of a "golden age" illustrator. - Goodreads.com- $300
- $300

The Road Goes Ever On
Tolkien J.R.R. (Poems), Swann, Donald (Music) Boston, 1967 Stated First Printing. Hard cover. Slim quarto. 67 pages. Contains seven songs, six from "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy and one from "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil" along with a glossary of Elvish terms used in the songs. Illustrations by J.R.R. Tolkien and Samuel Hanks Bryant. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. This book has been valued even by those uninterested in music, since it helps Tolkien's readers to better understand the cultures of the various mythological beings presented in Middle-earth, and helps linguists analyse Tolkien's poetry. As well as the poems, notes, and translations, Tolkien contributed decorations in the form of Elvish script for the top and bottom of every page of sheet music, and tailpieces for the spaces at the ends of the poems. - Tolkien Gateway.- $375
- $375

The Southern Highlander and His Homeland
Campbell, John C New York, 1921 Hard cover. Octavo. [xxi] 405pp. Green publisher's cloth with gilt titles and blind stamped crest. With b/w photographs, tables and fold out color map. Very good. An in depth study of the people of the Southern Appalachian Mountains in the first two decades of the C20th.- $65
- $65

Emancipating The Past
Walker, Kara (Artist) DiTillio, Jessi (Text) Exhibition Catalog 11" by 8 1/2". Side stapled in wraps. Sixteen pages featuring a selection from 59 of Walker's prints and multiples and an essay by Jessi DiTillio. The traveling exhibition visited eight locations in the United States between January 2014 and February 2017.- $75
- $75

Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains
Gilbert, G.K. and Powell J.W. Washington D.C., 1880 Second edition. Hard cover. Quarto. Dark brown cloth over boards with gilt to spine. [xii] 170 plus five fold out plates, one in color. Illustrated throughout with b/w drawings. Slight change of color to gilt on spine otherwise near fine.- $250
- $250

Erik Lindegren: An ABC Book
Lindegren, Erik Askim, Sweden, 1976 Oblong hard cover,10" by 7" 199 pages. A compilation of the three parts of the author's "ABC of Lettering and Printing" translated into English by rune Ostland. Erik Lindegren (Swedish calligrapher and typographer, 1918-1996) ran the Erik Lindegren Grafisk studio in Askim, Sweden.- $35
- $35

Alice in Wonderland (Pop-up Book)
Carroll, Lewis Westminster London, UK, 1960 Illustrated by Vojtech Kubasta. Hardcover. Tall quarto. Unpaginated but 18 pages and two double page color pop-ups on the end papers. Pictorial paper over boards with cloth binding. Front cover has a transparent plastic window with the next four leaves having smaller and smaller cut outs to create the appearance of looking into a tunnel. Full color illustrations to the head of each page. Small closed tear to bottom edge of two text pages. Light shelf wear to covers with some rubbing to edges otherwise very good. Pop-ups intact and in near fine condition. Vojtech Kubasta trained as an architect and became one of the most innovative paper engineers and artists of the 1950s and 60s. Working for the Czechoslovakian state publisher Artia he raised the standard for moveable books everywhere.- $600
- $600

Limousin Cattle in Canada…A Success Story
Gunderson, Harald Calgary, AB, 2002 Inscribed and signed by the author to Dale F. Runnion who contributed the foreword. Hard cover. Brown suede with gilt title and design. Quarto. 208 pages. A few faint marks to the suede cover otherwise very good throughout.- $125
- $125

Invocation: War Poems & Others
Nichols, Robert London, 1915 Hard cover 7" by 4 1/2" Grey cloth 41pp [3]. Fine in original but torn glassine. Commissioned into the Royal Field Artillery in 1914, Nichols served on the Western Front, including the Battle of Loos and the Battle of the Somme, until invalided home with shell shock in August 1916. On 11 November 1985, Nichols was among 16 Great War poets commemorated on a slate stone unveiled in Westminster Abbey's Poet's Corner.- $30
- $30

The Cheyenne Saddle
Laird, James R. Cheyenne, WY, 1982 Number 73 of a limited edition of 200 books bound in genuine saddle leather and inserted in a fitted slip case. Signed and dated by author on the limitation page. Hard cover. Quarto. [ix] 1, 55pp. Some fading to spine otherwise near fine in a fine slip case. Profusely illustrated.- $175
- $175

The Unser Legacy
Kirby, Gordon Minneapolis, 2005 Signed by Al Unser and Al Unser Jr. on the title page. Hard cover. 10 1/4" square. 256pp. Profusely illustrated with b/w and color photographs. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. The story of the Unser family of Colorado Springs. The most successful motor racing family in America with numerous wins at Pikes Peak and the Indy 500.- $200
- $200

Limousin Cattle in the United Kingdom
Jobst, Dieter East Molesey, UK, 1986 Inscribed and signed by author on the half title page: With Good Wishes to an / "Old" Limousin Friend / Dieter Jobst / September 1986. Pictorial hard cover. Quarto. 192 pages. Clean and unmarked. Tight binding. Very good condition.- $125
- $125

The Rubaiyat of Mortimer Moon
Moon, Mortimer No publisher or place of publication noted. Undated but likely 1890 to 1915. Octavo. Unpaginated but sixteen leaves staple bound in tan wraps and cord tied into a limp brown suede cover with gold title and decoration. 89 verses with duotone illustrations by Lloyd Williams throughout. Very good condition with slight rub to bottom corner of front cover. A one page preface gives a synopsis of the life and work of Omar Khayyam in which the author ends by writing that his own verses are "... at best, pale caricatures which brazenly dare to stand in the shadow of Omar's structure, their only claim for consideration being that they reflect perhaps a somewhat more cheerful and optimistic philosophy and faith." None located in OCLC.- $125
- $125

The Seaman’s Friend
Dana, R.H. Jr. Boston, 1851 Hard cover. Octavo. Blue cloth over boards. Both covers blind stamped and with a gilt sailing ship and title to the front. [viii] 9-225pp with 5 plates plus two pages of publisher's advertisements. Gift inscription from grandfather to grandson on front free end paper. Boston bookseller's label to rear fixed end paper. First and last pages and all page edges foxed, all other pages and plates bright. Cover shows fading, more so to spine.- $200
- $200

Dryden, John Edinburgh, 1821 Complete in eighteen volumes. Octavo. Tan calf over boards with double gilt ruled covers. Ornate gilt tooled spines with five raised bands and two contrasting labels. Marbled end papers and page edges. Volume I with portrait frontispiece of Dryden engraved by W.H. Lizars. Volume VI includes a fold out plate "The Solemn Mock Procession of the POPE Cardinals, Jesuits, Friars Etc. Through the CITY OF LONDON November 17th 1679." with a half width separation along one of the folds. Each volume with the bookplate of Florence de Wolfe Sampson by E.D. French, who also engraved the Grolier Club's own bookplate as well as bookplates for many of its members. Some foxing to frontispiece and title page, Vol I, otherwise very good. John Dryden (1631-1700) was an English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was appointed England's first Poet Laureate in 1668. He is seen as dominating the literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden. - wikipedia. There may be additional shipping costs for this large set.- $900
- $900

The Great Buffalo Hunt
Gard, Wayne New York, 1959 First edition, signed by author on the front free end paper. Hard cover. Octavo. 324 pages with 16 illustrations and photographs. Housed in a custom made tan leather cover with buffalo skull design to front and cowboy portrait to rear. Near fine in a near fine price clipped dust jacket. Focusing on the years from 1871 to 1883, this authoritative work describes the hunting of the buffaloes for their hides as a factor in the conquest of the West. Chapters on the habit of the buffalo, on what the animal meant to the Plains Indian, and on hunting as a sport provide a backdrop for the dramatic action by the gatherers of hides.- $95
- $95

The History of the Texas League of Professional Baseball Clubs 1888 – 1951
Ruggles, William B. Texas, 1951 Second edition, greatly expanded from the 1932 first edition. Octavo. 408pages. Soft cover in tan wraps with title in black. Clean and unmarked. Spine a little creased but with a tight binding. An in depth reference of Texas baseball from the first season in 1888 through to 1950.- $50
- $50

This Is My Story
Roosevelt, Eleanor New Y, 1937 Stated first edition. Had cover. Octavo. [x] 365pp. Illustrated with b/w photographs. Light blue cloth over boards with gilt to spine and embossed signature in dark blue to front. Some offsetting from dust jacket. Dust jacket shows shelf wear with some chipping to edges and original price of $3.00 to front dust flap. The first of Eleanor Roosevelt's autobiographies describing her life up until the presidential election of 1924.- $175
- $175

The Occasional Writings of Philip Heseltine (Peter Warlock). Four Volumes
Philip Arnold Heseltine, known by the pseudonym Peter Warlock, was a British composer and music critic. The Warlock name, which reflects Heseltine's interest in occult practices, was used for all his published musical works…Through his critical writings, published under his own name, Heseltine made a pioneering contribution to the scholarship of early music. Trevor Hold was an English composer, poet and author, best known for his song cycles, many of them setting his own poetry.
Light Cars and Cyclecars of 1916
Staff London, 1916 Soft cover Small octavo. [viii] 64pp. Cream colored covers with lettering and sports car image in black to front. One car illustration and specifications per page for a total of 61 different models. Light tanning to pages with some wear to covers. Very good.- $100
- $100

Against Speaking Evil of Princes, and Those in Authority Under Them
Gibson, Edm. D.D. London, 1706 Unbound stab-stitched pamphlet. 16pp. Front page partially loose but attached. Two small holes through all pages.Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-Frayars, near the Water-Side. For the Benefit of the Poor. Preached and published shortly before renewed negotiations between England and Scotland concerning the Treaty of Union to create a new "Great Britain" which was deeply unpopular among the Scottish population which on occasion broke out in civil disorder. Scots were prohibited from emigrating until 1707, when the Act of Union united Scotland, England, and Wales as the United Kingdom, giving Scots the same rights as the English. At that time, trade between Scotland and America increased. Scots began to immigrate to Virginia, where tobacco production was a highly profitable business.- encyclopedia.com- $50
- $50

Unit Photography
Steadman, F.M. New York, 1914 Inscribed and signed by the author on the half title page November 19th - 1915. Hardcover. Octavo. [xi] 160pp, 2pp advertisements. With 13 plates and 10 illustrations. Light shelf wear to cover with a little rubbing to edges. This book is written with a desire to establish a rational scientific foundation for the practice of photography and for the study of light as it is daily observed in nature. - from the introduction.- $95
- $95

Pioneer Pottery
Cardew, Michael London, 1973 Hard cover. Oversized octavo. [xv] 327pp. Signed and dated by author on ffep Boulder/1978. Also a handprint in clay to the title page. Previous owner's name to corner of ffep. Near fine in a very good dust jacket which shows tears to top edge. Michael Cardew has been described as "one of the finest potters of the century and one of the greatest slipware potters of all times." There are collections of his work in museums in Britain, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.- $250
- $250

We’ll All Wear Silk Hats
Bailey, Lynn R. Tucson, AZ, 1994 Signed by author on the title page. Hard cover. Octavo. [x] 219pp. Fine in a fine dust jacket which is in an archival quality mylar sleeve. The story of two Cochise County ranches...more than a century ago they monopolized much of the one million acres comprising the Sulphur Spring Valley.- $295
- $295

This Man Roosevelt
Looker, Earle New York, 1932 Hard cover. Octavo. 233 pages. Publisher's blue cloth. NO dust jacket. Previous owner's name to front free end paper otherwise clean throughout. Tight binding Shelf wear to cover with fading to spine. A newspaper clipping of a letter to the Times regarding Roosevelt's 1920 nomination for vice-president is laid in. Earle Looker was an author, journalist and a speechwriter for President Franklin D. Roosevelt.- $79
- $79

Hunting Big Game in the Eighties
Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor (Editor) New York, 1933 Hard cover in dust jacket. Octavo. [x] 182pp. Publisher's blue cloth with gilt lettering. Frontispiece portrait of Elliott Roosevelt with tissue guard. Book very good. Dust jacket poor with loss to edges and a tape repair to back seam. Now in a protective brodart sleeve. Elliott Bulloch Roosevelt (1860-1894) was the third child of Martha Bulloch and Theodore Roosevelt Sr. He was a younger brother of future president Theodore Roosevelt, the father of Eleanor Roosevelt (the author), and godfather of Franklin D. Roosevelt.- $79
- $79

Adventures of a Bookseller
Orioli, G New York, 1938 Hard cover. Octavo. [viii] 329pp. Extensive scholarly pencil marginalia and notes. Dust jacket worn and torn with loss to the spine and a closed tear to the front. Now protected in an archival quality mylar sleeve. Giuseppe "Pino" Orioli (1884–1942) was a Florentine bookseller best known for privately publishing the unexpurgated first edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover and for his long association with Norman Douglas.- $180
- $180

The Long Shadow of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Wolf, Ann M. New York, 1974 Hard cover in dust jacket. Octavo. 81 pages. Blue publisher's cloth with silver lettering to spine. Clean and unmarked with a tight binding. Dust jacket shows wear with chipping to edges and is protected in an archival quality mylar sleeve. An original order form from the publisher is laid in. In a devastating group of essays, Mrs. Wolf attacks the Roosevelt administration and it's influence on subsequent events.- $48
- $48

Memoirs of an Interpreter
Birse, A.H. New York, 1967 Hard cover in dust jacket. Octavo. 254 pages. Dark blue publisher's cloth with gilt titles to spine. A name and date written on title page otherwise clean and unmarked. Price clipped dust jacket shows shelf wear with light chipping to top edge and is protected in a new archival quality mylar sleeve. A.H. Birse accompanied Churchill as his Russian interpreter for the Big Three meetings with Stalin and Roosevelt in Yalta, Potsdam and Teheran. His keen, firsthand observations give enormous impact to his candid account of the personalities and happenings of these times.- $100
- $100

The Future Comes
Beard, Charles A. and Smith George H.E. New York, 1933 Hardcover Small octavo. [xii] 178pp. Red publisher's cloth with gilt title to front and spine. Former owner's stamp to preliminary pages otherwise clean throughout. Light shelf wear to cover. No dust jacket. A contemporary analysis of the New Deal, in political, historical, and economic terms, written at the end of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first year in office.- $20
- $20

Roosevelt and Daniels
Kilpatrick, Carroll Chapel Hill, 1952 Hard cover. Octavo. [xvi] 226pp. Publisher's red cloth over boards. Clean and unmarked. light shelf wear to dust jacket which is protected in an archival quality mylar sleeve. The author presents a record of the thirty year friendship of F.D.R. and Josephus Daniels. Of particular interest is their correspondence during the campaigns of 1928 and 1932.- $35
- $35

Index Librorum Prohibitorum
Fraxi, Pisanus (pseudonym Ashbee, Henry Spencer) London, 1877 Quarter leather over red marbled boards. 4to. [lxxvi] 542pp [2]. Top edge gilt, others untrimmed. Title in gilt to spine. Text in black and red. All edges rubbed with an old near vertical scratch to front cover. Front free end paper and first blank leaf loose. Henry Spencer Ashbee was a book collector, writer, and bibliographer. He is notable for his massive, clandestine three-volume bibliography of erotic literature published under the pseudonym of Pisanus Fraxi. The title of the work is Index Librorum Prohibitorum: being Notes Bio-Biblio-Icono-graphical and Critical, on Curious and Uncommon Books. It has an engraved frontispiece and reproduces by photolithography occasional facsimile pages from works which it discusses in its text. Its author listed himself on the title page as Pisanus Fraxi. The Index Librorum Prohibitorum–the title of course is humorously annexed from the Roman Catholic organ of censorship–is the first bibliography in the English language devoted to writings of a pornographic or sexual character. But the Index is itself the first part of a work, for in 1879 there followed a second, companion volume, Centuria Librorum Absconditorum, and in 1885 Pisanus Fraxi completed his project with a third volume, entitled, Catena Librorum Tacendorum. Pisanus Fraxi was the pseudonym of Henry Spencer Ashbee. Ashbee distinguishes himself from most previous bibliographers by virtue of the attention he gives to the contents of the books he examined. - Steven Marcus, The Other Victorians.- $300
- $300

Carter Glass. A Biography
Smith, Rixey and Beasley, Norman New York, 1939 Inscribed to book dealer Roberta Barbee Martin and signed by both the author and Carter Glass in the year of publication. Hard cover. Octavo. [xv] 519pp. Blue publisher's cloth over boards with gilt title to spine. Top edge stained blue. Clean and unmarked. Light shelf wear to cover. No dust jacket. Carter Glass was an American newspaper publisher and Democratic politician from Lynchburg, Virginia. He represented Virginia in both houses of Congress and served as the United States Secretary of the Treasury under President Woodrow Wilson. He played a major role in the establishment of the U.S. financial regulatory system, helping to establish the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. - Wikipedia- $95
- $95

Africa from South to North Through Marotseland
Gibbons, Major A. St. H London and New York, 1904 Two volumes. Hard cover. Octavo. 276pp and 295pp. Green publisher's cloth with map of Africa stamped in black and red and gilt title. Top edges gilt. Some leaves unopened. Many b/w photographs. Covers show light to moderate shelf wear with some darkening of spines. Lacking maps. The author was in charge of the 1898 to 1900 expedition to Marotseland. Aided by grants from the Royal Geographic Society, the British South Africa Chartered Company, and British Military Intelligence, he was able to map fairly accurately the areas of his travels. The object of the expedition were to determine the geographical limits of Lewanika's country, to define the Congo-Zambezi watershed, the discover the main source of the Zambezi, to make a hydrographical and ethnographical survey of Lewanika's territory, to study its resources and industrial possibilities, to ascertain how far the Zambezi and its affluents could be used as navigable waterways and, finally, to furnish Cecil Rhodes with information relative to the selection of a route for a projected trans-continental railway - particularly with reference to the crossing of the Zambezi. Blank Books.- $300
- $300

Wilson’s Quarter Century in Photography
Wilson, Edward L. New York, 1887 Hardcover. Large octavo. [xv] 528 plus 20pp advertisements. Green peddled cloth over beveled boards with gilt lettering. Faint moisture mark to fore-edge of first few pages otherwise very good. Light shelf wear to cover with wear to spine ends. Edward Livingston Wilson was an American photographer, writer and publisher based in Philadelphia. In 1864 he began the Philadelphia Photographer magazine. He served as an energetic officer of the National Photographic Association of the United States.- $140
- $140

The Paris Metro
Buren, Daniel (Artist-Editor) Cenet, Michel (Photographer) London, 1973 Two volumes in slipcase. Oblong with stiff card covers. Each 207pp. Text in six languages. Both volumes clean and unmarked with very tight bindings and slight sun fade to spines. Slip case is in good condition with shelf wear and a little rubbing to edges. A book of photographs taken in over a hundred stations of the Paris metro Each photograph is centered on a billboard and in the upper right corner of each billboard vertical white and coloured stripes. The pieces of white and blue vertically striped paper put up/pasted in this way were a pretext for Michel Cenet's photographs.- $225
- $225

Rendezvous With Destiny
Hardman, J.B.S. New York, 1944 Pre-Publication Edition For the Chicago Joint Board Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Presented to Delegates and Guests at the Fourteenth Biennial Convention May 15, 9144. Hardcover. Black publisher's cloth over boards. Octavo [xxx] 367pp. with b/w photographs. Clean and unmarked. Cover shows light shelf wear with a little rubbing to back and spine faded. Published in support of Roosevelt's 1944 election campaign, which saw him win an unprecedented fourth term and to die three months later.- $75
- $75

Ten Days
Grey, Henry (Pseudonym) New York, 1933 George Grey is thought to be a pseudonym for Franklin D. Roosevelt himself. Booklet in stiff paper cover. Small octavo. [iv] 58 pp. Bound in hard cover library binding of blue cloth over boards. Bookplate of the Forbes Library to front fixed end paper. Evidence of circulation record removed from rear end papers. The author, who conceals his identity under the name George Grey, fixes upon the President's first ten days in office as a turning point in American, and perhaps world, psychology; and in the pages following develops that argument in swiftly striking language. - from the Editor's Note.- $50
- $50

White House Diary
Nesbitt, Henrietta Garden City, NY, 1948 Inscribed and signed by the author on the front free end paper. Hard cover. Small octavo. 314 pages. Publisher's light blue cloth over boards. Book clean and unmarked. Price clipped dust jacket shows shelf wear with small loss at spine ends and fore-edge and is protected in an archival quality mylar sleeve. During her time as F.D.R's housekeeper the author was responsible for implementing Eleanor Roosevelt's plan to serve budget conscious meals during the Great Depression and W.W.II as an inspiration and example to struggling families throughout the nation. A collection of stories centered round the Roosevelt family and their famous visitors.- $75
- $75

White House Physician
McIntire, Ross T. New York, 1946 Inscribed and signed by the author on the front fixed end paper in the year of publication. Hard cover. Octavo. [vi] 244 pages. Publisher's blue cloth over boards. Price clipped dust jacket shows Fairly heavy shelf wear with rubbing to edges and is protected in an archival quality mylar sleeve. Vice-Admiral Ross T. McIntire was an American physician and United States Navy officer. An otolaryngologist, he was appointed physician to President Franklin Roosevelt in 1932, becoming the first Physician to the President with a board-certified specialty. In 1938, he became the Surgeon General of the United States Navy, overseeing a major expansion of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery during World War II.- Wikipedia.- $95
- $95

The Happy Warrior
Roosevelt, Franklin D. Boston, 1928 Hardcover. 7 3/4" by 4 3/4". [vi] 40pp. Black cloth over boards with wrap around paper title label. Book very good. Dust jacket shows chipping to edges and split along spine crease. Alfred E. Smith, a four term Governor of New York, was the democratic nominee for President of the United States in 1928. The basis Happy Warrior is Franklin D. Roosevelt's memorable nomination speech in which he "paints a lively picture" of him.- $44
- $44

Winston Churchill and the Second Front 1940-1943
Higgins, Trumbull New York, 1957 Hard cover. Octavo. [xii] 281 pages. Review copy with carbon copy of review laid in. Book clean an unmarked with a tight binding. Dust jacket shows light shelf wear and slight fading to spine. "An analysis of British and American strategy from the fall of France through the Casablanca Conference in 1943..." from the dust flap.- $23
- $23

Short Grass & Longhorns
Hamner, Laura V. Norman, OK, 1943 Hard cover. Octavo. [viii] 269pp. with many b/w photographs. Book in very good condition. Price clipped dust jacket shows shelf wear with a closed tear to front and fading to spine. Compiled from hundreds of first hand interviews "Short Grass & Longhorns" is a meticulously researched history of the cattle industry in the Texas panhandle with anecdotes concerning many of the now famous people of the region.- $110
- $110

Now It Can Be Told
Groves, Leslie R. Lieut. General U.S. Army, Ret. New York, 1962 Hard cover. Octavo. [xiv] 464pp. Black cloth over boards with gilt titling to spine and blind stamped star burst to front. Evidence of price erased from front end papers. Dust jacket shows fading to spine chipping to edges and a tear to top edge. A firsthand account by Lieutenant General Leslie Richard Groves, a United States Army Corps of Engineers officer who oversaw the construction of the Pentagon and directed the Manhattan Project, a top secret research project that developed the atomic bomb during World War II.- $95
- $95

Admiral Halsey’s Story
Halsey, William F. Fleet Admiral U.S.N New York, 1947 Signed by author on half title page. Hard cover. Octavo. [xvii] 310 pp. Blue publisher's cloth over boards. Gilt titles to cover and spine. Map end papers. Illustrated with b/w photographs. Clean and unmarked. Light shelf wear to cover. No dust jacket. William Frederick Halsey Jr. was a fleet admiral in the United States Navy during World War II. He is one of four individuals to have attained the rank of fleet admiral of the United States Navy. Halsey was made commander of the South Pacific Area, and led the Allied forces over the course of the Battle for Guadalcanal and the fighting up the Solomon chain. In 1943 he was made commander of the Third Fleet, the post he held through the rest of the war. He took part in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle of the Second World War and, by some criteria, the largest naval battle in history.- $225
- $225

Young Nudes
Masaya Nakamura (Photographer) Tokyo, Japan, 1961 Stiff cardboard cover in pictorial wraps. 9 3/4" by 7". 71 pages of b/w photographs plus an introductory essay by Koen Shigemori and two pages of technical data on the pictures. Slight discoloration to bottom edge of title page otherwise clean throughout. Wraps show shelf wear to edges and slight fading. From the introductory essay, "Another reason for the appeal of his works is that Nakamura is the first Japanese photographer with the skill, taste and sensibility that could combine with artistic creativeness to produce a healthy dynamism and sensual grace that appeal immediately to the imagination."- $80
- $80

Fifty Years of Public Life
Roper, Daniel C. Durham, N.C., 1941 Hard cover in dust jacket. Octavo. [x] 422pp. Publisher's blue cloth with gilt stamped lettering. Top edge stained blue. Book very good. Dust jacket shows wear with small loss at spine ends and is in a protective mylar sleeve. Roper's career spans sixteen presidents. He was the U.S. Secretary of Commerce under president Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 until 1938, during which time he played a major role in the rollout of the New Deal. The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was a part of his portfolio until it was struck down by the Supreme Court in 1935.- $79
- $79

Ninety-Two in the Shade
McGuane, Thomas New York, 1973 First Edition, First Printing. Hard cover. Octavo. 197pp. Top edge stained red. Signed by author on title page and dated 1992. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. The author's third novel and the basis of a 1975 movie of the same name directed by him.- $250
- $250

The Strange Alliance
Deane, John R New York, 1947 Inscribed and signed by author on title page. Hardcover. Octavo. [viii] 344 pages. Red publisher's cloth with gilt title to spine. Clean and unmarked. Dust jacket shows light shelf wear with a couple of chips to edges and is protected in an archival quality mylar sleeve. Major General John Russell Deane, United States Army, served as Chief of the United States Military Mission in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow during World War II. As such, he was the principal U.S. military official in Moscow through the end of the war and Ambassador W. Averell Harriman's key military advisor. He attended the 1943 Moscow Conference and the 1945 Yalta Conference. As the war progressed, he became frustrated by the Soviet government and urged that the U.S. work with the Soviets under a firmer policy "based on mutual respect and made to work both ways." - Wikipedia.- $95
- $95

Present At The Creation
Acheson, Dean New York, 1969 Signed by the author on the front free end paper. Hard cover. Octavo. [xviii] 798 pages. Book clean and unmarked. Dust jacket shows light shelf wear with a little rubbing to bottom edge and is protected in an archival quality Brodart sleeve. Dean Gooderham Acheson was an American statesman and lawyer. As U.S. Secretary of State, he set the foreign policy of the Harry S. Truman administration from 1949 to 1953. He was Truman's main foreign policy advisor from 1945 to 1947, especially regarding the Cold War. Acheson helped design the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, as well as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. He was in private law practice from July 1947 to December 1948.[2] After 1949 Acheson came under partisan political attack from Republicans led by Senator Joseph McCarthy over Truman's policy toward the People's Republic of China. As a private citizen in 1968 he counseled President Lyndon B. Johnson to negotiate for peace with North Vietnam. During the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, President John F. Kennedy called upon Acheson for advice, bringing him into the executive committee a strategic advisory group.- Wikipedia.- $60
- $60

Men And Decisions
Strauss, Lewis L. Garden City, NY, 1962 Signed by author on front free and paper. Hard cover. Octavo. [x] 468 pages. Publisher's grey cloth over boards with black and gilt title device to front cover and spine. Book clean and unmarked. Dust jacket shows some shelf wear with a chip at top of spine and is protected in an archival quality Brodart sleeve. Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss was an American businessman, philanthropist, and naval officer who started as an assistant to Herbert Hoover and served two terms on the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, the second as its chairman. He was a major figure in the development of nuclear weapons, the nuclear energy policy of the United States, and nuclear power in the United States.- $28
- $28

The War Diary of Breckinridge Long
Israel, Fred L. Nebraska, 1966 Hardcover in dust jacket. Octavo. [xxv] 410pp. Brown publisher's cloth with titles in black on spine. Clean and unmarked with a tight binding. Dust jacket shows light shelf wear with slight fading to spine and is protected in an archival quality mylar sleeve. Samuel Miller Breckinridge Long was an American diplomat and politician. He served in the administrations of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt and is infamous among Holocaust historians for making it difficult for European Jews to enter the United States in the 1930s and '40s.- $79
- $79

Men Around the President
Alsop, Joseph and Kintner, Robert New York, 1939 First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. [x] 211pp. Red publisher's cloth over boards. Top edge stained red. Clean and unmarked. Light shelf wear to dust jacket. With the dramatic technique they have made their trade-mark, Alsop and Kintner display the machinery behind the New Deal. They are writing history as it is being made. - from the front dust flap.- $50
- $50
After Seven Years
Moley, Raymond New York, 1939 Inscribed and signed by author on front free end paper in year of publication. Hard cover. Octavo. [xii] 446 pages. Publishers red/orange cloth with gilt and black title device to spine. Light shelf wear to cover with a little fading to spine. No dust jacket. Raymond Charles Moley was an American political economist and adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Initially a leading supporter of the New Deal, he went on to become its bitter opponent before the end of the Great Depression. Moley's After Seven Years was one of the first in-depth attacks on the New Deal, and remains one of the most powerful.- $90
- $90

Catalogo De La Coleccion De Codices
Glass John B. Mexico City, 1964 Hard cover. Grey publisher's cloth with silver lettering. Quarto. 237pp. plus 139 b/w plates. Marginalia consisting of cross referencing in pencil to the descriptions, and ink to the margins of the plates by a previous scholar. Very good.- $112
- $112

To A Skylark
Shelley, Percy Bysshe Undated, but likely 1950-1967. Hard cover. Paper over boards. Octavo. Unpaginated but [ii] 14pp. Fore-edge untrimmed. Opening line in gilt. This book has been designed, printed from hand-set type and case bound by Thelma & John Evans at The Goose Rumped Roan Press now situate at Este Es the Northern Edge of the Black Forest near Hilltop near Parker Colorado. Approximately sixty copies have been completed for private distribution as keepsakes.- $75
- $75

New Year’s In Sokolniki
Kononov, A Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Ca 1954 Stapled in wraps. 11 1/4" by 8 1/2" Twelve pages including three full page b/w illustrations by N. Zhukov. Very good. A publication of the Soviet Children's Library For Tiny Tots which tells a story of V.I. Lenin visiting an orphanage outside of Moscow and delivering presents and good cheer. Propaganda in the form of a thinly veiled retelling of the Santa Claus folk tale.- $125
- $125

The Charlie Chaplin Archives
Duncan, Paul (Editor) No.1068 of a limited first edition with a 12 Frame Strip from "City Lights" cut from an Original 35 MM Print in the Charlie Chaplin Archives. Hard cover. Oblong 16 1/2" by 12 1/4" 560 pages. Tiny blemish to one of the title letters on front cover otherwise fine. In original custom box. Three years in the making, and leaving no document unturned in the vast Chaplin archives, this XL tome follows the making of every one of Chaplin's films. Featuring personal letters and memos, sketches, storyboards, posters, on-set photos, and oral history from Chaplin and some of his closest collaborators, it reveals the impromptu invention as well as the meticulous planning that together made Chaplin the first international film star. - from the publisher.- $375
- $375

Pen & Inklings
Herford, Oliver New York, 1893 Slim 12 mo. Unpaginated. Green cloth over boards with red initial and black lettering to front cover. A volume of poetry with b/w illustrations throughout. Bookplate of Frank Earle Hayward to the front fixed end paper and another smaller "property of " label of his to the front free end paper. Mr. Hayward had considerable connections to the revolutionary era-- he was a member of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, and apparently of the Order of Washington, where he was the Deputy Vice-Commander-General for the state of New York. He was also a member of the Bibliophile Society of Boston. A copy of this bookplate resides in the William Augustus Brewer Bookplate Collection at the University of Delaware.- $150
- $150

Prints & Drawings By Frank Brangwyn With Some Other Phases Of His Art.
Sparrow, Walter Shaw London, 1919 Hardcover. 4to. [x] 288pp. First edition. With fifty plates and numerous smaller woodcuts. Rebound in brown cloth over boards with gold titling to spine. Very good condition throughout. Sir Frank William Brangwyn RA RWS RBA, a prolific artist in many media, was largely an autodidact but did receive training from Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo and in the workshops of William Morris.- $75
- $75

The Magical Record of the Beast 666
Crowley, Aleister (John Symonds and Kenneth Grant, Editors) London, 1972 Limited edition number 233 of 250 signed on the limitation page by editors John Symonds and Kenneth Grant, the latter with the addition of his O.T.O. moniker. Green cloth over boards with gilt to spine Crowley's distinctive signature reproduced in gilt on the front cover. Marbled end papers. All edges green stained. Octavo. [xv] 326pp. In custom slip case. Some white marks to spine and slip case. The diaries of Aleister Crowley from 1914 to 1920 covering almost all of his time in America and the start of his time at Cefalu and travels in between. Including daily events and records of his occult practices.- $800
- $800

Four Fighters of Lincoln County
Utley, Robert M. Albuquerque, 1986 Hard cover in dust jacket. 8vo. 116pp. Stated first edition signed by the author on a sticker affixed to the half title page. Book is near fine with a small red remainder mark to the top edge. Dust jacket shows light shelf wear with a small closed tear yo top edge. This book, based upon the first of the Calvin P. Horn Lectures on Western History and Culture, Robert M. Utley examines four principal actors in the Lincoln County War: Alexander McSween, Billy the Kid, Col. Nathan A.M. Dudley and Lew Wallace (Governor of New Mexico). - from the dust flap.- $30
- $30

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
Fisher, Philip A. New York, 1958 Hardcover in dust jacket. 8vo. [xiii] 136pp. Book in very good condition. Dust jacket shows shelf wear with some chipping to edges and small loss at top of spine and front edge. Philip A. Fisher, widely regarded as one of the most successful investors of all time, was a pioneer in the field of growth investing. His book "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits" has achieved almost legendary status in the investment community. "I sought out Phil Fisher after reading his Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits...A thorough understanding of the business, obtained by using Phil's techniques...enables one to make intelligent investment commitments." -Warren Buffet.- $300
- $300

Winter Camping
Carpenter, Warwick S. New York, 1920 Small hard cover 7 3/16" x 4 3/4". Publisher's green cloth binding. 164pp. Very good condition throughout with light shelf wear only to covers. An early instructional manual on the pleasures and practicalities of camping in cold weather with chapters on Personal Equipment, Food, Shelter and Beds, Campfires and Stoves, Wildlife in Winter etc. The design on the front cover, which wraps around the spine is of a stylized forest with a top border of geese and lower border of salmon.- $49
- $49

On Active Service In Peace and War
Stimson, Henry L. New York, 1948 Two volume set. Number 227 of a limited first edition of 1250 signed by the author on the limitation page of volume I. Hardcovers in blue publisher's cloth with dust jackets. Octavo. Both volumes clean and unmarked. Price clipped dust jackets show some shelf wear and fading to spines and are protected in archival quality mylar sleeves. Henry Lewis Stimson was an American statesman, lawyer, and Republican Party politician. Over his long career, he emerged as a leading figure in U.S. foreign policy by serving in both Republican and Democratic administrations. He served as Secretary of War (1911–1913) under President William Howard Taft, Secretary of State (1929–1933) under President Herbert Hoover, and Secretary of War (1940–1945) under Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman.- Wikipedia.- $165
- $165

Codice Xolotl
Dibble, Charles E. Mexico, 1980 Two Volume set in matching slip case. Cloth bound hard covers with crest in gilt and black to front. Tall quartos. Vol. 1 (text) 164 pages. Vol. 2 Plates. Both volumes clean and unmarked with tight bindings and minor wear to covers. The Codicé Xolotl is a post-conquest cartographic Aztec codex, thought to have originated before 1542. It is annotated in Nahuatl and details the pre-conquest history of the Valley of Mexico, and Texcoco in particular, from the arrival of the Chichimeca under the king Xolotl in the year 5 Flint (1224) to the Tepanec War in 1427. The manuscript consists of six amatl boards measuring 17" × 19" with ten pages and three fragments from one or more pages. While it is unknown who did the binding of the manuscript, it is cast like a European book back to back. The Codex Xolotl has been an important source in giving detailed information on material, social, political and cultural changes in the region during the period. It is one of the few still surviving cartographic histories from the Valley of Mexico and one of the earliest of its type. - Wikipedia.- $350
- $350

The Raven, Le Corbeau
Poe, Edgar Allan New York, 1968 A facsimile of the 1875 edition of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe with French translation (into English) by Stephane Mallarme and illusttrations by Edouard Manet. Copy number 119 of a limited edition of 1000 copies. Slim quarto. Hard cover. Unpaginated but 32pp. Fine in a fine dust jacket.- $225
- $225

Meditations on Hunting
Ortega y Gasset, Jose New York, 1972 First American Edition. Hardcover. 152 pages. Gift inscription to front free end paper otherwise fine in a very good dust jacket. Translated by Howard B. Wescott, with an introduction by Paul Shepard and illustrated by Lewis S. Brown.- $200
- $200
A History of New Mexico
Villagra, Gaspar Perez de, Chicago, 1962 Villagra, Gaspar Perez de,Hard cover. Blue cloth over boards with gilt lettering to front cover and spine. Octavo. 308pp with twelve b/w plates. Translated by Gilberto Espinosa front the original Spanish of 1610. Clean and unmarked. Tight binding Light shelf wear to cover. Very good.- $23
- $23

With The Colors From Montgomery County, Illinois U.S.A.
Litchfield. Ill, 1919 Hardcover quarto. 190pp. Fully indexed with six engraved color plates. Very good. With The Colors From Montgomery County. An Honor Roll of members of the armed forces and Red Cross nurses from Montgomery County, Illinois, each with a portrait photograph, who gave their lives in the First World War.- $150
- $150

Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow
Philochelidon. (Forster, Thomas) London, 1808 Sewn pamphlet. 8 1/8" by 6" 32pp. Gathering of pages 19-30 loose otherwise in very good condition. Although not the first, the author uses observation and research to provide evidence that swallows, and also martins and swifts, are "birds of passage" that migrate annually and do not hibernate or overwinter underwater as previously thought. Additional Remarks include a list of translations of the name "swallow" from several languages and also a list of different names, in English, for each particular species, many not now in common use. In 1808, under the signature 'Philochelidon,' he published 'Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow,' of which the sixth edition appeared, with a catalogue of British birds annexed, in 1817.- Wikisource.- $200
- $200

Prohibition Punches
Doran, Roxana B. Philadelphia, 1930 Stated first printing. Hard cover. Octavo. 93pp. Pale purple cloth over boards with gilt lettering. Slight fading at spine otherwise very good. "Several years into the noble experiment (prohibition) Roxana B. Doran wife of James M. Doran, the Commissioner of Industrial Alcohol, earned fleeting fame with the publication of Prohibition Punches (Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1930), the result of a nationwide campaign to popularize fruit drinks. Her own recipe for "1930 Cocktail" was composed of grapefruit juice, pineapple juice, limes and ginger ale, garnished with fruit and a sprig of mint. "Mrs. Doran Introduces New Cocktail at Dinner"- Baltimore Sun [2nd January 1930]. P.2 So that's the background to Harry Craddock's cheekily named "Prohibition Cocktail" in the Savoy Cocktail Book. This one, at least if enjoyed outside the US, was legal, delivered a kick and actually tasted nice. It was everything other prohibition cocktails were not. Even more cheekily, it's almost exactly the same as Craddock's Charlie Lindbergh cocktail: the sole difference is that this recipe calls for a single dash of apricot brandy, not two (the Lindbergh also specifically calls for the proprietary brandy Pricota).- $425
- $425

The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies.
Kirk, Robert. comment by Andrew Lang Stirling, 1933 Hard cover. Octavo. Publisher's purple cloth with lettering in black to front cover and spine. Bookseller's label from Hartman's Books, Inc. Seattle inside back cover. Two previous owner's names inside front cover. Dust jacket faded and tanned around spine with small closed tears to head. Very good in a good dust jacket. The Secret Commonwealth is a curious book, the bibliography being extremely obscure. Written in 1691 the work apparently existed in MS, only until its publication in 1815, with Sir Walter Scott as editor.- from the dust flap.- $250
- $250

Selected Readings Translated From Traditions and Myths of the Taiwan Aborigines
Baudhuin, R.F. Hard cover. Red cloth over boards with gilt design and lettering to front cover and spine. 10 1/2" by 8 1/2" [13] 732pp. Partial tanning to end papers. Very good. Manuscript translation of an unspecified Japanese work by Ogawa [Takuji?] and Asai [Susumu?] published c. 1930.- $300
- $300

Yesterdays On Brooklyn Heights
Callender, James H. New York, 1927 Number 53 of a limited first edition, signed by author. Octavo. Dark blue pebbled cloth over limp boards with gilt stamped front cover and spine. 296pp with b/w photographs. Light water mark to gutter corner of preliminary pages. light crease to corner of rear cover. Hinges firm. Good. Yesterdays on Brooklyn Heights is history of a sort. It tells in rather casual manner of early settlement in Brooklyn, describing the Dutch houses and manners of dress, and the shift from Dutch to English presence by the time of the Revolutionary War. But Callender was writing less a history in any currently accepted sense of the term than an elegy to a place he loved, and which he saw losing much of the charm he treasured. He rued the coming of apartment buildings and the telephone, which "began to curtail the running in and out of each other's [sic] houses at all hours. … And one morning we woke up to realize that our Golden Age had vanished, never to return." - Henrik Krogius, Editor Brooklyn Daily Eagle.- $55
- $55

Journey To Love
Williams, William Carlos New York, 1955 Octavo. Grey/green cloth with black and green lettering to front to cover and spine. Top edge grey stained. 87pp. Price of $3.00 at the top and date 10/55 at the bottom of the front dust flap. Bookseller label of The Grolier Book Shop, Cambridge, Ma to bottom of ffep. Some light marks and small split to crease of dust jacket. Near fine in a good dust jacket. Journey To Love is a collection of mellow and tender love poems, all written in the past two years. The long poem, Asphodel That Greeny Flower, is a love poem, and will surely take its place among the great love poems of all time. - from the dust flap.- $65
- $65

Two Women in the Klondike
Hitchcock, Mary E. New York and London, 1899 Green cloth over boards with title in gilt and two colored design to front. 8vo. [xiv] 485pp [2] with fold out map of Alaska in rear pocket. 105 illustrations, primarily b/w photographs. Internal hinges split. Some rubbing to corners with slight loss to top front and top of spine Describes the adventures of Hitchcock and Edith Van Buren, a grandniece of President Van Buren, during a perilous and eventful journey taken in the summer of 1898. Owing to the waters of the Yukon River being low, the two women were delayed for some time at Dawson City where they located miner's claims and lived as squatters. Besides the interesting incidents of travel included, the book included graphic descriptions of the Klondike region, and accounts of local customs and superstitions, as well as mining methods. - wikipedia- $125
- $125

The University Club Denver
Denver, 1900 Small hard cover, 7" by 5" Light green handmade paper over boards with gilt lettering. Fore-edge untrimmed. 59pp. Very good. An official publication of the University Club Denver containing lists of Officers and Committee Members, Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Rules for the Government and a list of Resident and Non-Resident Members.- $75
- $75

Arbus, Diane New York, 2003 First Edition, First Printing. Hard cover. Quarto. 352 pages. Fine in a fine dust jacket protected in an archival quality Brodart sleeve. "The book reproduces two hundred full-page duotones of Diane Arbus spanning her entire career, many of them never before seen..."- $88
- $88

Shadow & Act
Ellison, Raplh New York, 1964 Hardcover. Octavo. [xxiii] 317pp. Dust jacket price clipped with a small closed tear to back top edge. Near fine in a very good dust jacket. "The pieces collected here," Mr. Ellison writes in his Introduction, "are concerned with three general themes: with literature and folklore, with Negro musical expression-especially jazz and the blues-and with the complex relationship between the Negro American sub-culture as a whole.- $30
- $30

The White Slaves of England
Sherard, Robert Harborough London, 1897 Hard cover. Octavo. Red publisher's cloth with stamped black pictorial front cover. 370pp and 6pp of publisher's advertisements. Over 40 b/w illustrations by Harold Piffard. Wear to covers and spine. Interior hinges starting. Foxing to frontispiece tissue guard. Good. A series of chapters on the conditions of workers in various industries including Alkali Workers, Nail Makers, White Lead workers. After graduating from Oxford University Sherard became a professional journalist writing for a wide range of publications. He became particularly interested in working conditions and urban poverty and was also commissioned to write several articles on child labour.- University of Reading, Special Collections.- $60
- $60

The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
Burton, Sir Richard Philadelphia, 1931 First trade edition. Quarto. Publisher's black cloth over boards. Silver stamped spine. Pogany illustration on paper label with a wide silver border to front cover. [xvi] 129pp. Pogany illustrations throughout. Firm binding. Light shelf wear. Very good.- $80
- $80

James, Will New York, 1929 Illustrated classics edition. Small quarto, 9 1/2" by 7 1/4". Publisher's black cloth with large color illustration pasted down to front cover. Gilt lettering to spine. Pictorial end papers. Frontispiece and 14 plates by the author. Light shelf wear, a little more so at spine ends. Very good. Will James expressed surprise at winning the Newbery Medal (1927) for Smoky the Cow Horse, since the book was published for adults. - wikipedia.- $45
- $45

Wood Words
McCulloch, Walter F. Portland, Ore, 1958 Hard cover. Publisher's orange cloth with pine tree in green to front cover. Title in gilt to spine. Octavo. [vi] 219pp. Frontispiece with a colored illustration tipped in. Previous owner's name and evidence of a bookplate having been removed from front fixed end paper. Very good. A logger's dictionary of 4,000 words and phrases, the working words used by American lumbermen.- $50
- $50

Catch Me If You Can
Abagnale, Frank W. Jr. New York, 1980 First edition, Third printing. Boldly signed by author on the front free end paper. Hard cover in dust jacket. Octavo. 253 pp. Book in very good condition. Dust jacket shows light shelf wear with small closed tear to top edge and price clipped. Frank William Abagnale Jr. is an American security consultant known for his career as a con man, check forger and impostor when he was 15 to 21 years old. He became one of the most notorious impostors, claiming to have assumed no fewer than eight identities, including an airline pilot, a physician, a U.S. Bureau of Prisons agent, and a lawyer. Abagnale escaped from police custody twice before turning 22 years old. He served less than five years in prison before starting to work for the federal government. Abagnale is currently a consultant and lecturer for the FBI academy and field offices. He also runs Abagnale and Associates, a financial fraud consultancy company. Abagnale's story inspired the Academy Award-nominated feature film, Catch Me If You Can (2002), starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale and Tom Hanks as the FBI agent pursuing him, as well as a Broadway musical of that name, both of which are based on the book Catch Me If You Can.- $60
- $60

The Campus: University of California
Abell, Carl Oakland, 1919 Hard cover 10 1/2" by 8 1/4" String tied. Blue cloth spine, gold cloth over boards with a bear and lettering in blue. 43 full page b/w photographs of the campus of the University of California, each captioned on the page opposite. Previous owner's signature in ink with the inscription, Memories / of my / "Alma Mater" dated Feb 3, 1922 to front free end paper. Slight darkening and shelf wear to cover.- $109
- $109

Herbert, Anthony B. New York, 1982 Hard cover in dust jacket. Octavo. 189pp. with b/w photographs. Inscribed by the author 1/84 / To; Carl / & Ann- friend / from / a friend / Tony Herbert. Small closed tear to bottom edge of dust jacket which is in a new brodart sleeve. Very good. A personal record of the author's experiences of the Korean War by the end of which - according to the United States Army - he was the most decorated soldier in American history. Herbert subsequently became a well known and controversial figure after reporting on alleged war crimes committed by the U.S. Army during the Viet Nam war and covered up at the highest level.- $95
- $95

In the Hell of Auschwitz
Sternberg Newman, Judith New York, 1963 Stated first edition. Octavo.Grey cloth over boards in dust jacket. 136pp. with b/w photographs. Signed by author on half-title page. Previous owners name to front free end paper otherwise very good. Dust jacket shows wear with some rubbing to edges. With a summary of the trial of Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz.- $75
- $75
Colorado Territorial Scrip
Mumey, Nolie Boulder, CO, 1966 Tall octavo. 127pp. Cloth bound hard cover with paper title label. Sectional map end papers. Facsimiles of early Colorado scrip in rear pocket. Fore-edge unopened. Limitation page is present but unsigned and not numbered. Fine in fine original clear plastic dust jacket.- $95
- $95
Diary 2018 Selections
Bennett, Alan London, 2018 Hardcover. Octavo. 30 pages. Number 209 of a limited edition of 350 signed by the author. Printed on Mohawk Ultrafelt Warm White paper and typeset in Monotype Miller. The book was designed by Andrew Stilwell and Patrick Roe and quarter bound in Harmatan leather by The Logan Press of Finedon. The cover illustration is from the Peter Campbell Archive. Fine.- $250
- $250

The Recluse
Wordsworth, William London and New York, 1888 Hardcover. Octavo. Publisher's green cloth over boards with gilt lettering to spine. 56pp. Housed in a custom made tri-fold case within a slip case all in green cloth over board with gilt lettering to a darker green spine label. Light tanning to endpapers and light wear to covers and slip case. Very good. From a preliminary page "...It is now published for the first time in extenso"- $50
- $50

Monarch The Big Bear of Tallac
Seton, Ernest Thompson New York, 1904 Stated first impression October 3, 1904. Octavo. Hard cover. Blue cloth with oval paste down to front cover and gilt lettering and decoration. Unpaginated but [iv] 214pp with 100 drawings by Ernest Seton Thompson. In this Book the designs for cover, title page, and general make-up were done by Grace Gallatin Seton. Hand written gift inscription to blank preliminary page dated Christmas 1904. Light wear to head and tail of spine otherwise very good. The story of the life of a grizzly bear in the Sierra Nevadas, his capture and last days spent in a cage in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.- $30
- $30
Izaak Walton: His Wallet Booke
Walton, Izaak (Joseph Crawhall, Illustrator) London, 1885 Blue paper covered boards, ivory spine with gilt title. 8vo. 120pp edges uncut. Rubbing and chipping of top paper/edges, toning to end papers and title page. No signs of previous ownership. Extracts of songs and poetry from Walton's Compleat Angler profusely illustrated with Crawhall's distinctive hand colored wood cuts.- $400
- $400

Frossardi, Nobilissime Scriptoris Gallici, Historiarum Opus Omne, Iamprimum et Breviter Collectum et Latino Sermone Redditum
Froissart, Jean Parisiis, 1537 First edition abridged and translated from French into Latin by Johannes Sleidanus. 16mo, 6-7/8" x 4-3/8", [16],115, [1] leaves. Signatures A-B^8 a-o^8, p4. Printer's device on title page. Palimpsest vellum spine over marbled paper covered boards. All edges tinted red. Occasional marginalia in an old hand (Latin) with some loss to trimming during an early rebinding. Former owner's inscription to ffep "Ex libris belliducis Rottiers, Antr., A. 1839." Light damp staining throughout. All edges worn. From the library of Joseph A. Sadony, with his blind stamp at top of title page. The chronicles of Froissart have been considered, for centuries, as the ultimate expression of the chivalric rebirth of France and England in the fourteenth century, as well as a valuable source of information about the Hundred Years War.- $650
- $650

The Horse in Health And Disease; or, Suggestions on His Natural and General History, Varieties, Conformation, Paces, Action, Age, Soundness, Stabling, Condition, Training and Shoeing With a Digest on Veterinary Practice.
Winter, James W. London, 1846 Quarter bound brown leather over marbled boards. 8vo. Frontispiece [viii] pp 376 with nine b/w plates and one color plate. Overall good condition with some wear to the boards and light moisture marks to the plates. Two page corners professionally repaired. Rear free end paper excised. The author, James W. Winter was a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and of the Association Litteraire D'Egypt and late Veterinary Surgeon to Mehmet Ali and Ibrahim Pasha.- $500
- $500

A Dialogue With Solitude
Heath, David New York, 1965 Tall quarto. Grey cloth over boards with pictorial dust jacket. Unpaginated but 92pp. With the photographer's signed inscription to the title page. Dear Marilyn- / to share with you this small / measure of my life's / meaning / /with affection / Dave / May Day 1968. Very good condition throughout. Dust jacket shows some distress with closed tears to edges and small loss to bottom of spine along with some discoloration. "A Dialogue With Solitude, an incomparable book that James Borcoman, curator of photography at the National Gallery of Canada, has described as the most important book by a photographer to appear in the 1960's. A Dialogue With Solitude was the product of more than a decade of personal exploration in photographic self-expression and the resolution of Heath's creative search to enunciate his statement in the visually poetic form of sequence." - Museum of Contemporary Photography.- $2,250
- $2,250
The Art of Farriery Both in Theory and Practice, Containing the Causes, Symptoms, and Cure of all Diseases incident to Horses…
Reeves, John London, 1771 Third edition. 8vo. Full contemporary leather. [viii] 416pp with one folding and three full page plates. Owner's name handwritten on front free end paper. Front and back hinges starting. Leather rubbed in places. The sub title continues; ...the Various Disorders of these useful Animals. As Also Many Rules relating to the Choice and Management of Horses of all Kinds, and useful Directions how to avoid being imposed upon by Jockies. Wherein some egregious Errors of Former Writers are occasionally pointed out / By JOHN REEVES, Farrier st Ringwood, Hants. The the whole Revised, Corrected and Enlarged by a Physician, to which is added, A New Method of curing a STRAIN in the Back Sinews, and the ANATOMY of a Horse's Leg, with some observations on SHOEING, Also an Appendix, containing some necessary Observations on the late epidemical Distemper among Horses, and a Method of Cure by an EMINENT SURGEON. Handwritten notes and recipes/remedies to front and rear endpapers and eight small hand written sheets of various case notes tipped in.- $400
- $400

Ranch Verses
Chittenden, William Lawrence "Larry" New York, 1893 Hard cover. Octavo. [xi] 189pp. Brown cloth over boards with title and vignette in gilt. Frontispiece with tissue guard and thirteen additional illustrations including some b/w photographs. Near fine with minor wear to extremities. Tight binding. Original owner's signature to front free end paper dated 1893. Gilt sharp and unfaded. A large collection of poetry about which the author writes "The verses in this little volume are offsprings of solitude - born in idle hours on a Texas ranch." William Lawrence "Larry" Chittenden (1862-1934) is best known for his 1890 poem, "The Cowboy's Christmas Ball," which was included in his 1893 book, Ranch Verses. The poem was inspired by a cowboy Christmas dance he attended in Anson, Texas and the event he made famous still takes place annually. - cowboy poetry.com- $50
- $50

Failure Is Not An Option
Kranz, Gene New York, 2000 First edition, first printing. Hard cover in dust jacket. Octavo. 415pp. SIGNED on title page by author and dated 4/21/00. Fine in fine dust jacket. Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Eugene Francis Kranz is a retired NASA Flight Director and manager. He served as NASA's second Chief Flight Director, directing missions of the Gemini and Apollo programs, including the first lunar landing mission, Apollo 11. He is best known for directing the successful efforts by the Mission Control team to save the crew of Apollo 13 and bring them safely back to earth after part of the Service Module exploded.- $250
- $250
A Hebrew Grammar, Without Points
Smith, John Boston, 1810 Boston: John West & Co., 1810. Quarter leather. Very good. Contemporary quarter leather bound over marbled paper covered boards. Hand written paper label to spine. 8vo. 56pp.Edges a little rubbed. Pages evenly tanned with occasional foxing.- $200
- $200
Only The Brave and Other Poems
Rice, Grantland New York, 1941 New York: A.S. Barnes and Company,, 1941. First Edition. Hardcover. Very good. 8vo. Blue cloth with gold letterring in red panels. A collection of poems inspired by the threat of war in 1941.Previous owner's name to half title page. Spine slightly faded. No dust jacket.- $50
- $50

Coffin, Robert P. Tristram New York, 1937 New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1937. First Edition. Hardcover. Very good/good. Maitland De Gogorza. First edition, early printing. Hard cover 8vo. Illustrated by Maitland De Gogorza. Very good in a good price clipped dust jacket. Previous owner's name to front free endpaper. .First volume in the Rivers of America series.- $50
- $50

The Holy Bible Containing The Old and New Testaments, with Original Notes, Practical Observations, and Copious Marginal References
Scott, Thomas Philadelphia, 1804 Philadelphia: William W. Woodward, 1804. First American Edition. Full leather. Good. First American, From the Second London Edition. Complete in five volumes, with original cloth backed map accompanying the five. Contemporary full leather with five raised bands and dark red lettering piece to spines. Contains family history of the Thompson - Howell family of New York. Covers a little rubbed. Some toning and occasional foxing. A half page of family history excised. Hand colored "Map of Palestine or Holy Land from the Best Authorities" Engraved for Whiting & Watson's edition of Dr. Scott's Bible by Peter Maverick, Newark shows toning with some foxing.A fine example of a very early American printed Bible.- $1,250
- $1,250

Wynne. The Art of Al and Lou Wynne
Felix, Tracy. Co-Curator Denver, 2008 Denver: Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art, 2008. First Edition. Staplebound wraps. Very good. Catalog of the exhibition of fine art and pottery by Al and Lou Wynne held at the Kirkland Museum of Fine Art, Denver from Oct. 1, 2008 through Jan 4, 2009. Stapled pictorial wraps. 8" x 8" 56pp. Very good condition. Al Wynnes work has been featured in major exhibitions from Colorado to Washington D.C., south to Texas and north to Alaska. His work has been presented in both individual and group shows. Paintings, calligraphy, and sculptures are held in museums and in private collections around the world. Al was listed in Whos Who in American Art starting in 1959. In June 2013, the majority of Al's life's work was destroyed in the Black Forest Fire. All that remains are pieces held by the family and in collections.- $125
- $125
The Family Book; Or Children's Journal.
Berquin, M. [Arnaud] London, 1799 London: Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly., 1799. Later printing. Full leather. Good. Fourth edition. Full leather over boards. 12mo, Frontispiece xi, [1] 294pp [6] advertisements. Gift inscription to ffep in ink. Occasional Foxing. Covers show wear to edges and corners with a small open tear to front and beginning of separation of the back board at the top hinge.Berquin's stories consisted of events that might happen to children in their everyday lives... His books envision childhood reading as a familial exercise; for example, some of his "stories" are actually plays with parts for every member of the family. Berquin's books helped solidify the creation of the nuclear family, for "if Berquin's work has a theme, it is that parents and children live in a perfect symbiosis, the parents looking after their children's interests and the children, if behaving properly, filling their parents with joy." Introductory essay to L'Ami des Enfans.- $600
- $600
The Political History of Slavery in the United States.
George, James Z. New York, 1915 Octavo. [xxiv] 342pp. Portrait frontispiece. Dark blue cloth with gilt lettering to the spine. Half title page starting and minor foxing to last few pages otherwise very good This copy presented to his friend Col. Dillingham by William Hayne Leavell, United States Envoy Extraordinary Guatemala, who wrote the book's foreword and financed its publication. Laid in is a handwritten letter from Leavell to Dillingham on paper embossed "Legation of the United States of America" in which he explains how he he undertook the labor and expense of preparing the author's manuscript for publication. James Zachariah George (1826-1897), known as Mississippi's "Great Commoner," was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Mississippi and later a United States Senator for the same State.- $400
- $400
The Liqueur Compounder’s Handbook of Recipes For the Manufacture of Alcoholic Cordials and Compounded Spirits.
Bush, W.J. & Co Hackney, London E.8., 1921 Hardcover. 8vo. Green cloth over boards with gilt titling and border. All edges gilt. 57pp with a blank leaf headed "Memoranda" between every leaf of recipes, plus 15pp of product advertisement. Eighth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Ink stamp of previous owner, F.L. Bassett of Baghdad, dated 1926, appears on the first three pages. Cover shows moderate wear with evidence of a small piece of tape having been removed from front cover. A prohibition era guide to the methods and techniques of compounding on a commercial scale. Over 100 specific liqueur recipes with weights and measures in three different systems, English Imperial, Metric and the Liquid Wine Measure of the United States.- $550
- $550

Yes, No – One, Zero
Esso Standard New York, 1958 New York: Esso Standard, Division of Humble Oil & Refining Company, 1958. First Edition. Staplebound wraps. Near fine. Staple bound wraps. 15pp paginated in binary number system 0010 to 1111. 10 1/2" by 8". Fine condition.Prepared by the publisher for teachers in the nine states that Esso had offices this booklet provides an explanation of the binary system as a language for early computers and also asks questions such as "What are these devices? In what sense do they think? Will they replace the human brain? A fascinating glimpse into early electronic computer technology.- $125
- $125

Christmas In The Black Belt and other Stories from the Mission Fields At Home and Abroad
Polack, W.G. New York, 1920s New York: Ernst Kaufmann, 1920s. Hardcover. Very good. 64pp. 8vo, Illustrated pastedown over grey cloth hardcover, containing thirteen stories of missionary work in the American south, China, Africa and among the Apache. Collected and published by W.G. Polack, then curator of the Concordia Historical Institute, and notable for a certain political incorrectness. Very good with a pencil gift inscription to front paste down and a little rubbing to edges.- $50
- $50

The Tree Named John
Sale, John B. Chapel Hill, 1929 Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1929. Hardcover. Very good/fair. Joseph Cranston Jones. Green cloth over boards with gilt design and lettering. 8vo. [xii] 151pp. Some offsetting of silhouettes otherwise near fine in a dust jacket that is separated with about a 35% loss of upper spine. Now stabilized in a Brodart sleeve.- $35
- $35

Popular Manual of Phrenology
Bridges, Frederick London, 1860 London: George Philip and Son, 1860. First Edition. Hardcover. Good. Small 8vo. 96pp. Green pictorial embossed cloth over boards. Light tanning throughout and old stain to rear end papers.A seemingly scarce volume on phrenology, a pseudo-medicine primarily focused on measurements of the human skull, based on the concept that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that certain brain areas have localized, specific functions or modules. Although both of those ideas have a basis in reality, phrenology extrapolated beyond empirical knowledge in a way that departed from science.- $100
- $100

Mayflies: An Angler’s Study of Trout Water Ephemeroptera
Knopp, Malcolm Helena, Montana, 1997 Helena, Montana: Greycliff Publishing Company, 1997. First Edition, First Printing. Hardcover. Fine/fine. Robert Cormier. Harcover 4to. Signed by author and also by Robert Cormier, illustrator, who has incorporated a sketch of a fly into his signature.- $59
- $59
Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in the Year 1821
Manby, George William London, 1822 Quarto: [vii] 143pp. Original marbled boards rebacked in half leather with gilt title to spine. New end papers. Fold out hand colored map and 20 b/w lithographed plates, many of which show finely detailed "action scenes." Other b/w illustrations throughout. Rebound half calf over original marbled boards and new end-papers. Gilt titling to spine. Foxing to the map and first pages and then occasionally throughout. Boards show wear, heavy at corners. Notable is the appendix which outlines the technical details and advantages of Manby's new harpoon gun. The first of its kind. Manby's spirited account of an Arctic whaling voyage with Scoresby aboard the Baffin, taken ostensibly to test a new harpoon gun that he had developed. After meeting with continued lack of cooperation and obstruction from the crew, who believed the new harpoon gun to be a threat to their livelihood, Manby turned his attention to narrating the whaling activities of the voyage and studying and recording the local wildlife.- $3,500
- $3,500

Adventures in Tibet; Including the Diary of Miss Annie R. Taylor’s remarkable journey from Ta-Chien-Lu through the heart of the “Forbidden Land.
Carey, William New York, 1901 New York: Barker & Taylor Company, 1901. First Edition. Hardcover. Good +. 8vo. Frontispiece, 285pp. Illustrated with photographs throughout. Yellow cloth with pictorial binding, front panel and spine in cornflower blue and black. Clean and unmarked with a tight binding. Light soiling to cover.- $95
- $95

Hymns in the Chinook Jargon Language
Eells, Rev. M. Portland, 1889 Portland: David Steel, 1889. Second Edition. Wraps. Very good. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Small 12mo. soft cover in pink wraps printed in black. 40pp. Contained within are 20 hymns and the Lord's Prayer in the native language with the English translation on the opposite page. A little sun fading to spine otherwise near fine with a tight binding. From the introductory note on page 3, "In the second edition a hymn has been added in each of the Skokomish, Nisqually and Clallam Languages, and also a medley in the four languages."- $75
- $75
View of the Life, Travels, and Philanthropic labours of the Late John Howard, Esquire, LL.D. F.R.S.
Aikin, John Boston, 1794 Boston: Printed by Manning & Loring for J. White, S. Hall et al., 1794. First Edition. Full leather. Good. 12mo. [viii] pp 9-178. Leatherbound hardcover with pages tanned, cover shows moderate wear, with split but intact front hinge, ink notations to front boards. John Howard was an early prison reformer and philanthropist who traveled extensively in Europe visiting and reporting on prisons and penal institutions.- $95
- $95

Twentieth Anniversary Greeting: Ice and Refrigerating Machines (Frick Company Engineers): A Trade Catalog
Waynsboro, 1902 Waynsboro: Frick, 1902. Wraps. Very good. Tall 8vo. 9" by 6 1/8" Red wraps with black lettering and logo to front. 177pp. An in depth catalog of ice making and refrigeration machinery profusely illustrated with photographs, drawings and diagrams. Undated, however the Smithsonian Online Virtual Archives state; "The new works in Waynesboro were modern and efficient, enough to warrant a feature article in Scientific American in 1881. The following year, the company built its first refrigeration machine, and a whole new direction of production opened up." seemingly indicating 1902 as the Twentieth Anniversary. Clean with a tight binding and light wear to cover.- $60
- $60

Poker Face
Alberts, Ulvis Hollywood, 1981 Hollywood: Angel City Books, 1981. Limited Edition. Hardcover. Good. Special edition number 80 of 500 boldly signed by Alberts. Large square quarto hardcover. Gilt stamped green cloth with matching slip case. Book in very good condition with a little rubbing to spine. Slip case mottled and partially split on two edges. In the 1970's, there was only one tournament game the professional gamblers waited for all year and that was the "World Series of Poker" at Binion's Horseshoe casino in downtown Las Vegas. Alberts photographs of these events and his candid pictures of legendary players, including Johnny Moss, "Amarillo Slim" Preston, Stu Unger, Jack "Treetop" Strauss, Doyle Brunson, Benny Binion and many others, form the story of those iconic early years.- $2,000
- $2,000
Social Life in Greece from Homer to Menander
Mahaffy, J. P. London, 1874 London: Macmillan & Co., 1874. First Edition. Hardcover. Very good. Hard cover. Brown cloth with ivy leaf design in black at top of front cover wrapping around the spine which has title in gilt. 8vo. [xii] 390pp plus 56pp of Catalogue of Works in Belles Lettres, including Poetry, Fiction, etc. Some wear to top and bottom of spine. Rear hinge starting. Small loss to top corner of ffep. No signs of previous ownership.In the preface the author thanks his old pupil Oscar Wilde "who have made improvements and corrections all through the book."John Pentland Mahaffy was he first holder of the Chair of Ancient History in Trinity College Dublin (from 1869). Wilde helped Mahaffy in his house in Howth, Co. Dublin, with the proofs of Greek Social Life from Homer to Menander (1874). The book caused controversy, since it was the first to deal frankly to a large English-language readership with the widespread custom in classical Greece for men both to be married and to have relations with beautiful youths. It refers to the ‘strange and to us revolting perversion’ of what is now called homosexuality. The passage did not appear in subsequent editions. (Patrick Sammon - Conference of the European Society of Modern Greek Studies.)- $750
- $750
The Art of Farriery Both in Theory and Practice, Containing the Causes, Symptoms, and Cure of all Diseases incident to Horses…
Reeves, John London, 1771 London: Carnan and Newbery, Stanley Crowder and B. Collins, 1771. Full leather. Very good. Third edition. 8vo. Full contemporary leather. [i] 416pp with one folding and three full page plates. Front and back hinges starting. Leather rubbed in places.Handwritten notes and recipes/remedies to front and rear endpapers and eight small hand written sheets of various case notes tipped in.- $400
- $400

The Horse in Health And Disease; or, Suggestions on His Natural and General History, Varieties, Conformation, Paces, Action, Age, Soundness, Stabling, Condition, Training and Shoeing With a Digest on Veterinary Practice.
Winter, James W. London, 1846 London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans., 1846. First Edition. Hardcover. Good. Quarter bound brown leather over marbled boards. 8vo. Frontispiece [viii] pp 376 with nine b/w plates and one color plate. The author, James W. Winter was a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and of the Association Litteraire D'Egypt and late Veterinary Surgeon to Mehmet Ali and Ibrahim Pasha.Overall good condition with some wear to the boards and light moisture marks to the plates. Two page corners professionally repaired. back free endpaper excised.- $500
- $500
Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in the Year 1821
Manby, George William London, 1822 [Travel & Exploration] Quarto: [vii] 143pp. with fold out hand colored map and 20 b/w lithographed plates, many of which show finely detailed "action scenes." Other b/w illustrations throughout. Rebound half calf over original marbled boards and new end-papers. Gilt titling to spine. Foxing to the map and first pages and then occasionally throughout. Boards show wear, heavy at corners. Notable is the appendix which outlines the technical details and advantages of Manby's new harpoon gun. The first of its kind. Manby's spirited account of an Arctic whaling voyage with Scoresby aboard the Baffin, taken ostensibly to test a new harpoon gun that he had developed. After meeting with continued lack of cooperation and obstruction from the crew, who believed the new harpoon gun to be a threat to their livelihood, Manby turned his attention to narrating the whaling activities of the voyage and studying and recording the local wildlife.- $3,500
- $3,500

Political History of Slavery in the United States.
George, James Z. New York, 1915 New York: The Neale Publishing Company, 1915. First Edition. Hardcover. Very good. 8vo. Dark blue cloth with title, author and publisher in gold on the spine. This copy presented to his friend Col. Dillingham by William Hayne Leavell, United States Envoy Extraordinary Guatemala, who wrote the books foreword and financed its publication. Laid in is a handwritten letter from Leavell to Dillingham on paper embossed "Legation of the United States of America".Very good with minor foxing to last few pages and light shelf wear to cover.- $400
- $400

A Letter to her Majesty the British Queen
Sutherland, Th. Jefferson Albany, 1841 Albany: Printed by C. Van Benthuysen, 1841. First Edition. Hardcover. Good. New York imprint concerning the Canadian Rebellion, noted for it's index of captive patriots imprisoned at Van Dieman's Land. 168pp in gilt titled brown cloth binding, areas of fade, lightly foxed endpapers showing dampstain. Otherwise neat, tidy.- $1,250
- $1,250

Something Wicked This Way Comes
Bradbury, Ray New York, 1962 New York: Simon and Schuster, 1962. First Edition. Hardcover. Very good/fair. Stated 1st printing. Mustard colored boards with black lettering. Red top stain. Book in very good condition. Dust jacket shows heavy wear to edges with some closed tears. Original $4.95 price present.- $300
- $300
A History of the City of Red Wing Minnesota: https://rarebookinsider.com/rare-books/a-history-of-the-city-of-red-wing-minnesota/