Seek My Face - 1st Edition/1st Printing - Rare Book Insider
Seek My Face - 1st Edition/1st Printing

Updike, John

Seek My Face – 1st Edition/1st Printing

Alfred A. Knopf, New York: 2002
  • $169
A handsome first edition/first printing in unread Very Fine condition in alike dustjacket. SIGNED by author John Updike directly on the front flyleaf. De Bellis/Broomfield A186a; John Updike's twentieth novel, like his first, The Poorhouse Fair (1959) , takes place in one day, a day that contains much conversation and some rain. The seventy-eight-year-old painter Hope Chafetz recapitulates, through the story of her own career, the triumphant, poignant saga of postwar American art. (From the dustjacket); 8vo; [x], 276, [2] pages; Signed by Author
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