L’Encre de Chine dans la calligraphie et l’art japonais contemporains. Exposition circulaire pour l’Europe
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LYONEL FEININGER Etchings, Lithographs and Woodcuts From the Estate of the Artist: March 20 – April 15, 1972.
Tall 8vo., 88 pp., b&w illustrations, [6] additional leaves of plates. Illustrated wrappers. A near fine copy. Price list laid-in. This catalogue lists, provides details of production states and edition size, as well as illustrates 100 prints.MANUEL ANATOMIQUE ET PATHOLOGIQUE, ou Abrégé de toute l’anatomie, et des usages que l’on peut en tirer pour la connoissance, & pour la guérison des Maladies.
Paris, Gaspar Meturas, 1661. Fort volume in-12 (98 X 157 mm) veau brun, dos à nerfs orné (Reliure de l'époque) ; frontispice dépliant, (24) ff., 779 pages. Petits manques en marge latérale du faux-titre et titre, rousseurs aux premiers feuillets, deux infimes manques à la coiffe supérieure, habile restauration à la coiffe inférieure. Ex-libris manuscrit ancien d'un chirurgien sur le faux-titre. NOUVELLE ÉDITION, corrigée et augmentée de la sixième partie qui concerne l'ostéologie. PORTRAIT gravé dépliant de l'auteur en frontispice. Jean RIOLAN le jeune (1577-1657), professeur royal d'anatomie et de botanique fut le médecin ordinaire des rois Henri IV et Louis XIII et le premier médecin de la reine mère Marie de Médicis. Par ses travaux, il est surnommé en son temps « prince des anatomistes » et est connu pour son opposition à la théorie de la circulation du sang défendue notamment par William Harvey. L'édition contient également à la suite des six livres qui constituent ce manuel d'anatomie le "Discours contre la nouvelle Doctrine des Veines Lactées", le "Discours du mouvement du sang", le "Discours des ongles", le "Discours des poils", le "Discours des Valvules des Veines" et le "Traité de l'anatomie pneumatique". SÉDUISANT EXEMPLAIRE en reliure d'époque, bien conservé. NICE COPY. PICTURES AND MORE DETAILS ON REQUEST.Modernism London Style: The Art Deco Heritage
'Modernism London Style' chronicles the creativity of the architects and designers of the period, as well as the currents in the city's culture that helped shape their work. Architecture scholar Adam Caruso sheds light on the key features of the Art Deco style and architectural historian Christoph Rauhut and photographer Niels Lehmann capture the architectural Art Deco heritage of London in a photographic tour.Fantaisies Romaines
HOUTIN François (Né à Mayenne en 1950) et EROUART Gilbert Fantaisies Romaines. 1985 Gravures de François Houtin accompagnées d'un texte de Gilbert Erouart. Ancien jardinier-paysagiste, Houtin est notamment connu pour ses gravures de jardins imaginaires. 9 gravures à l'eau-forte ainsi que la couverture gravée en couleur par l'artiste. Ces gravures sont signées, datées et numérotées HC 2/7 crayon. Y est cependant joint une suite de 5 gravures comprenant différents états de la même planche, numérotées 7/10 et signées au crayon. Ouvrage numéroté H.C. 7, parmi les 7 exemplaires réservés aux collaborateurs. Signé au crayon sous le colophon par l'auteur et le graveur, et dédicacé à l'éditrice Michèle Broutta par ce dernier (« Pour Michèle avec tous mes remerciements pour ce livre que nous avons fait ensemble. Amicalement. François »). Imprimé pour le compte de Michèle Broutta, éditions uvres Graphiques Contemporaines, à Paris. In-folio de format oblong, conservé dans son emboîtage cartonné. Excellent état.The Brothers Dalziel, 1840-1890. A record of 50 years work in conjuction with many of the most distinguished artists of the period.1840-1890
Edward Dalziel (1817-1905), George Dalziel (1815-1902).Compilation of the works of several contemporary book writers and illustrators richly illustrated. 4to. xiii + 369pp. TEG. A presentation copy signed and dedicated to William F. Dalziel from George and Edward Dalziel in pen on title page. Bound in full green morocco with gold title on the spine. Illustrated throughout by Sir J.E. Millais, Sir. E. J. Poynter, Holman Hunt, Dante G. Rossetti, Sir John Tenniel, Sir E. Burne-Jones, John Ruskin, Arthur Hughes, Birket Foster, and many others. Library of Congress NE1217.D3 A3 Bound in full green morocco with gold title on the spine.The Regent’s Daughter; [Une Fille du Régent]
First edition in English. One of a dozen candidates for the first detective novel to be translated into English, depending on how you define detective. Rebound in marbled wrappers. Fine. Coll: blank, pp. [1-3] 4-124, double columns of tiny type. Ref: Nield, A Guide to the Best Historical Novels (1911), p. 82, with a star, meaning distinction (no kidding). Reed (p. 178) notes this edition's existence while listing it as the first in English, and quotes Harris (who also lists it) in doing so, but Reed never saw a copy, and it seems plausible that both Nield, and Harris relied on reports.Three Hearts and Three Lions
New York: Doubleday Science Fiction, 1961. Approximately 5 1/2 x 8 1/2". First Edition. Illustrated dust jacket by Edward Gorey, some creases, small nicks mostly to spine ends, minor rubbing, original price of $3.95 intact, in very good + condition. Red cloth over boards with gold stamped design on cover and gold/black stamped lettering and designs on spine, top edges red, really minor edge wear, slight corner bumping,small pen marks on rear cover, otherwise, in very good + condition. (Toledano D-Anderson)Poul Anderson (1926 - 2001) was an American science fiction and fantasy writer. He was awarded three Nebula Awards and seven Hugo awards. This book is listed in Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels by Pringle as number #25. Dust jacket is illustrated by Edward Gorey (1925 - 2000), an American artist and writer, best known for his eccentric imagery and stories, often set in Victorian and Edwardian settingsColoured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, with Plates of the Coaches, Machines, &c. From Drawings Made Upon the Spot . With Descriptive Particulars, Serving as a Guide to Travellers on the Railway.
Small folio. (356 x 288 mm). Leaf with title, four leaves with text 'The Liverpool and Manchester Railway' and 15 engraved plates each with additional colour by hand, thirteen after Bury numbered 1 - 13 in Arabic numerals at upper right and the two final folding plates numbered in Roman numerals at upper right; all plates dated '1831'; some small areas of damp-staining to the front pastedown and front free endpaper and still visible on the title and first leaf of text but crisp and clean thereafter. Contemporary burgundy roan-backed marbled paper-covered boards, title 'RAILWAY' in gilt with decorative gilt tools to spine, small splits at foot. [PROVENANCE: Pencil note and address to front pastedown and : 'R[obert]. L[ionel]. Foster / Walliscote / Whitchurch / Reading' and the same in ink with 'Reading' replaced with 'Oxon.' to title]. The first issue of Bury's beautifully illustrated work on the first inter-city railway with the two additional folding colour plates. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway, the first inter-city railway line in the world, was opened officially on Spetember 15th, 1830. Commencing at the yard of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company at Wapping in Liverpool, the railway proceeds via a cutting into a tunnel under Crown Street and exits at Edgehill. It proceeds over 31 miles via Huyton, the Whiston plane, Rainhill Level, Parr Moss, the nine arch viaduct over the Sankey valley and canal, the four arch viaduct over the Newton valley to Parkside, Chat Moss, Barton, Eccles and Salford, over the Irwell to the final station in Water Street, Manchester; as per the text: 'The total number of bridges on the line is 63.' The famous plates include 'The Tunnel'; 'Excavation of Olive Mount, 4 Miles from Liverpool'; 'Viaduct of the Sankey Valley'; and so on. The two additional folding plates ('Travelling on the Liverpooland Manchester Railway') and plate 7 ('Coaches &c. employed on the Railway') depict actual trains, carriages and passengers (including cattle). 'This classic record of the beginnings of the railway age was also one of the last significant books illustrated with aquatints.' (Ray). 'Copies occur with 2 extra folding coloured aquatint plates by I. Shaw, engraved by S. G. Hughes viz. 'A Train of First and Second Class Carriages with the Mail' and 'Train of Waggons with Goods, Cattle &c.'.' (Tooley). [Tooley 120; Prideaux 329; see Ray 45; see Abbey Life 400 for the later issue].Wanted A Chaperon
1902, First Edition, Beautiful Book is Very Good Plus or Better, bright and clean publisher's green cloth, bright gilt title to front board, striking Margaret Armstrong showing her MA monogram to front board. illustrated spine. floral in white, dark green and gilt decoration, spine bright as well with light wear to head and heel and bottom of front gutter, top edge gilt, light corner wear, No previous owner bookplate or writing, text and plates fine, 109 pages plus 6 pages of color plates nicely illustrated by American Artist and illustrator Howard Chandler Christy (1872-1952) popular during the jazz age. Text in beautiful floral borders. A lovely copy protected in a custom mylar sleeve.Hojutsu densho-kan (Secret Gun Book).
Pictorial manuscript paper scroll (1062 x 25 cm). Dated on stylistic grounds to 17th or early 18th century. Emakimono manuscript paper tutorial scroll depicting the traditional Japanese martial art hojutsu, or the art of gunnery in 130 segments containing forty-five large multi-coloured drawings mostly of wild life suitable for hunting and shooting in their habitat but also including a design of a gun posed on a barrel, portrayals of 3 armed huntsmen (one galloping) and 4 target panels including a large fan. Among the exquisite paintings are a deer, a wild boar, a fox, a fish, a heron, cranes, pheasants and other wildfowl, a falcon, geese, ducks, a butterfly and a dragonfly; the birds are shown in their habitat of plants, trees and rocks. The images of wild life selected are marked with red target points and sometimes additional red lines to indicate the precise manner of shooting them which is explained in the accompanying calligraphic text. The arms of the three huntsmen (one gallopping on a horse) are also marked and discussed for their use. The scroll is in near fine condition considering its age; a few folds and wormholes expertly repaired, occasional light offsetting and minimal traces of wear, otherwise in excellent condition, intact with its original gilt floral decorative paper wrappers; lightly worn at edges. Shooting with guns was considered a privileged sport for the Japanese aristocracy rather than a weapon used for fighting in battle. The first matchlock guns were imported to western Japan and Tanegashima Island in 1543 from South East Asia, where they were first introduced by the Portuguese. They were initially used in Japan as gifts, or for hunting, but were then gradually adopted by the Samurai warrior class.Compte-rendu à la partie françoise de Saint-Domingue,
par ses représentans, venus en France sur le vaisseau Le Léopard, commandé par M. de Santo-Domingo. Paris, Lejay, s.d. [1790], in-8, dérelié. 118 pp., un f. vierge. Roquincourt, 3497. Le 7 août 1790, après s'être emparé du vaisseau Le Léopard, 85 membres de l'Assemblée dite de Saint-Marc le firent naviguer à destination de la métropole pour y présenter directement les intérêts des colons de Saint-Domingue, menacés par la politique de l'Assemblée nationale, en partie soumise au lobby de la Société des Amis des Noirs. Arrivés à Brest le 14 septembre 1790, ils commencèrent aussitôt leurs démarches et la rédaction de mémoires pour expliquer la situation de l'île.Walden: Or, Life in the Woods
Original publisher's cloth binding embossed in blind. Yellow endpapers. Includes adverts at the rear dated May 1854 (The earliest date of adverts is April 1854, but the book was not published until July of that year. BAL states that advert dates are of "no known bibliographical significance"). A Near Fine copy, with slight discoloration to the front board and minor rubbing to the base of the spine. Darkening to the upper corner of the first fifty pages. But a copy that appears unused and unread, extremely clean and fresh. Housed in a custom slipcase with chemise. One of just 2,000 copies of the first edition, the importance of which cannot be overstated. "Henry David Thoreau lived for two years, two months, and two days by Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. His time in Walden Woods became a model of deliberate and ethical living" as he grappled with the environmental and social challenges of his own time (Walden Project). A reformer seeking truth and balance in nature, Thoreau wrote of his experience in the present text; and his words continue inspiring world leaders, climate change activists, and those who simply aim to find their own best version of life. "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion" (Thoreau). BAL 20106. Near Fine.DECLARATION OF THE INDEPENDENT STATE OF ISRAEL. Iton Rishmi
Folio. (4) pp. Unbound as issued, text in Hebrew, in near perfect condition. Very rare first edition first issue of the Israeli Declaration of Independence printed on the first day of the birth of Israel. This was the first publication rescinding the British White Paper. With the names of all of the signatories, headed by David Ben-Gurion, this document heralded the end of British involvement in Palestine, and the start of unrestricted immigration into the new Jewish state. It publishes for the very first time the full declaration as read out by Ben-Gurion at 4pm on Friday 14 May 1948 in the Tel-Aviv Museum. It announced that the National Council was to become the Provisional Government of Israel until a Constituent Assembly was formed on 1 October 1948. Iton Rishmi records all the decrees, ordinances and notices of the Israeli government, as well as the appointments of all government officials. Scarce first printing of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, the seminal historical document that establishes the first Jewish State in 2000 years. Contained in the first issue of the Official Gazette of the Israeli provisional government, this landmark publication was printed on the first day of the birth of Israel. Formally entitled the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, the Israeli Declaration of Independence was proclaimed on May 14 1948, by David Ben-Gurion, the executive head of the World Zionist Organization, chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and, shortly after, the first Prime minister of Israel. It declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel. "The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here, their spiritual, religious, and national identity was formed. Here, they achieved independence and created a culture of national and universal significance. Here, they wrote and gave the Bible to the world. Exiled from Palestine, the Jewish people remained faithful to it in all the countries of their dispersion, never ceasing to pray and hope for their return and the restoration of their national freedom." Immediately following the British army withdrawal earlier on May 14, war broke out between Jews and Arabs. Egypt launched an air assault against Israel that same evening. Despite a blackout in Tel Aviv-and the expected Arab invasion-Jews celebrated the birth of their new nation, especially after word was received that the United States had recognized the Jewish state. At midnight, the State of Israel officially came into being upon termination of the British mandate in Palestine. "Using the American Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution as philosophical frameworks, a small group of attorneys and politicians pieced together Israel's Declaration of Independence. On Friday, May 14, the National Council, established to oversee the political needs of the Jewish community in Palestine, voted to accept the final text of the Declaration. That afternoon at 4 pm, David Ben-Gurion, head of the National Council, read the Declaration at the Tel Aviv Museum. The Declaration was divided into four parts: 1) a biblical, historical, and international legal case for the existence of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel" 2) the self-evident right of the Jewish people to claim statehood 3) the actual declaration of statehood" and 4) statements about how the state would operate, including an enumeration of citizen rights. Very rare and sought-after first edition first issue of this seminal historical document that establishes the birth of the Jewish State. Very rare and sought-after.The Mental Capacity of the American Negro.
Pamphlet, 8vo, original wrappers, Illustrated with tables and charts, 71pp. First separate printing. Some edge tears and chipping, a couple of edge pieces missing, not affecting text, normal aging; good overall. First appeared in Archives of Psychology, No. 28. Marion J. Mayo (1871-1948) was an educator with multiple degrees who taught in New York before heading West to tech at a college level in St. Louis. At the time it appeared, Mayo's study was almost entirely ignored, with the notable exception of a critical review by W.E.B. DuBois. Nevertheless, Mayo's long-forgotten thesis, submitted for a doctorate in Philosophy at Columbia University, is generally cited in comprehensive bibliographies as the earliest relevant work. DuBois' scathing review criticized Mayo's methodology of reaching broad conclusions on the basis of a small sample of students (school records of 150 Black students in New York high schools) but he was primarily perturbed by those conclusions âÂÂ" that "as regard the mental heredity of the Negro and white races as represented in our Northern states, the average mental ability of the white race, so far as this ability is exercised in school studies, is higher, but not a great deal higher, than that of the colored race". DuBois was also disturbed by Mayo's premise that the underlying racial distinction was not due to opportunity but rather heredity. Calling this a "monstrous" conclusion, DuBois goes on to enumerate in detail all the ways in which Black children had been deprived by opportunity from overwhelming racial discrimination. Interestingly, while I didn't do a close analysis of Mayo's material, and yes, whites clearly come off better in Mayo's study, some of the differences don't appear that significant, especially when you consider the historical context when this study was taken. This study preceded by eight years Robert Yerkes' famous study of race differences in mental tests of American soldiers during World War I. Work 574 & 625. Not in HowesVoyages and Travels, into Brasil, and the East-Indies: Containing an Exact Description of the Dutch Brasil, and divers Parts of the East-Indies; Their Provinces, Cities, Living Creatures, and Products: The Manners, Customs, Habits, Religion of the Inhabitants; with a most particular Accunt of all the remarkable Passages that Happened during the Author’s Stay of Nine Years in Brasil
London: Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, 1703. First edition in English. Folio. (12 3/4"x 8 1/4", 325mm x 210mm). With engraved author's portrait, engraved additional title, and 44 further engraved plates. Bound in contemporary calf rebacked and recornered. On the spine, five raised bands with red morocco lettering piece in the second panel. Red edges to the text block. Boards and extremities rubbed. Chip to edge of top board. Light foxing. Plate 7 browned at edges. Plate 37 with small tear. This is the second volume of John Churchill's eight volume collection of Voyages and Travels. Each volume is a complete work within the whole. Most of the plates are folding, depicting topics such as a map of Brasil, a map of the city of Pernambuco, a Cocoa tree, and species of fish. John Nieuhoff (1618-1672) was a Durch traveler who spent most of his life abroad. At the behest of Jan Witsen, a leader in the Dutch West India Company, Nieuhoff left for Dutch Brazil in 1640. During an expedition into Madegascar in 1672, he disappeared and was never found. Bookplate of Christ Church, a constituent college of University of Oxford. It was founded in 1546 by King Henry VIII. From the collection of Clayre and Jay Michael Haft. Sotheby's Loondon, 12 Dec 2023. Sabin 13015 (for all 8 volumes in Churchill's series.HEAD ON A PIKE. The Illustrated Lyrics of Matt Pike. Signed by Matt Pike
This copy signed by Matt Pike. This is a retrospective of musical poetry by heavy metal guitarist and frontman, Matt Pike, which spans twenty years beginning in 1998 with the album Art of Self Defense up to the latest release, the 2019 Grammy-Award winning record, Electric Messiah. Every chapter features brand-new artistic interpretations from the minds and hearts of an incredible cast of illustrators, tattooers, printmakers, and painters Pike has been trusted since the beginning to depict his vision. The cast of artists are Arik Roper, David V. D'Andrea, Santos, Brian Mercer, Skinner, Jondix,Stash, Tim Lehi, Jordan Barlow, and Derrick Snodgrass created brand new, never before seen works specifically inspired by each album, including one large illustration to define the chapter ahead and two additional vignettes that are directly inspired by the songs. Each has their own bold and iconic style that perfectly compliments the breadth of Pike's various works. These prolific artists transport the reader further into a far-away landscape of ominous Lovecraftian entities, shrouded in wondrous and esoteric darkness. Together, they have redefined the way we perceive Underground Doom Metal these past twenty years and it is our honor to showcase them together along with the incredible written word of Pike. 87 pages. Issued sans dust jacket. A fine copy bound in illustrated boards with black backstripThe Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay.To Which is Added an Appendix, Tending to Explain the Spirit, Progress and History of the Jurisprudence of the State; Especially in a Moral and Political View
vii + 868 pages, with useful index to these charters & laws. Previous owner stamp of Sanford H. Dudley, Counsellor at Law on front endpaper. Approx. 6 1/2" x 9 3/4" size; full polished leather binding, gilt titled label. Some edge, tips wear and rubbing to the cover; occasional spotting & soil; front blank endpaper top edge torn away; some old worming at top edge of a section of leaves, no loss to text; in good condition.Blue Book
A Blue Book published to commemorate the semi-centennial of Iowa College with 74 original cyanotypes pasted in. The photographs range in size from 4 x 4cm to approximately 15 x 20cm , and all are related in some manner to the College. There are images of male and female students in sports (including early baseball gear!), faculty members, a glee club, etc. Book measures 30 x 20cm; 252pp. Numerous advertisements at the end. Bound in cloth, shaken, hinges cracked. Interior in very good condition.My Native Village: A Brief History of Centerville, Utah
62pp. Octavo [23 cm] Stapled blue and black printed wraps. Very good. The spine and edges of the front wrap are sun faded. Illustrated with historic photographs of people and places of Centerville, Utah. Several historic buildings are depicted and many of the original pioneers are portrayed. History of Centerville, from its beginnings in 1848 up until just before WWII.Set of Four Comix Book Magazines
The set includes issues #1, 2, 4 and 5 (of 5). #4 is a second printing, the rest are first printings. Contributions by Kim Deitch, Peter Poplaski, Trina Robbins, Art Spiegelman, Bill Sanders, Basil Wolverton, and many others. Average condition is very good+/near fine. ; Quarto.La dernière exploration – Voyage dans un monde qui se meurt
- Editions La Presse, Ottawa 1974, 15x23cm, broché. - Edition originale pour laquelle il n'a pas été tiré de grands papiers. Agréable exemplaire. Iconographie. Envoi autographe daté et signé d'Alain Bombard à Albert Torrès. [ENGLISH DESCRIPTION ON DEMAND]Fascinating book by a magician who worked with Alexander Hermann and Prof. Kellar. Robinson had been raised as a spiritualist but no longer acknowledged the truth of its teachings. He was not hostile to spiritualism or those who believed in it, but was determined to expose those who would defraud believers seeking knowledge of deceased loved ones. His background in stage magic made him an ideal debunker of clever tricks. Bound in maroon cloth over boards with spine and upper board titled in gilt, illustration to upper board in black. Boards show minor extremity rubs and mild soiling, but hinges sound. Interior has a short taped at top inner margin of title page, some mild foxing and toning, else clean. A very good copy overall. Original cloth over boards. Octavo. vi, 148 pages, + 2 leaves publisher ads
Materia: Xilografía japonesa de la segunda parte del siglo XIX. Grabado japonés. Ferrocarril - Utagawa Shigekiyo Publicación: Tokyo, Era Meiji, 1883. Dimensiones: Tríptico. Cada plancha: 35 x 23,5 cm. Las tres planchas: 35 x 70,5 cm. Técnica: Xilografía japonesa (El dibujo se crea con planchas de madera). Conservación: Muy buen estado. Utagawa Shigekiyo (activo entre 1860 y 1890) fue un artista ukiyo-e de la escuela Utagawa. Referencias: On Railway color prints, núm. 230. LBS1The Lord of the Rings. Illustrations by Ingahild Grathmer. Drawn by Eric Fraser
Second impression thus, three volumes, 8vo. Black and white illustrations, map endpapers. Original gilt decorated white quarter morocco, cloth sides, spines a little rubbed, slipcase again with mild rubbing. Hammond A5l.Hugo PRATT : Corto Maltèse en Egypte, SERIGRAPHIE Originale signée, 500ex, 50×40 cm
Art, Affiches et Gravure Hugo PRATT (1927-1995). - Corto Maltèse en Egypte, 2020. - Sérigraphie originale. - Signée dans la planche + timbre sec + tampon officiel "Hugo Pratt" au dos. - 2 passages couleur. - Sur papier d'art Innova, 50 x 40 cm. - Numérotée sur 500 exemplaires (numéro du certificat donné à titre d'exemple). - Certificat d'authenticité Informations : édité en 2020 par les éditions Christian Collin En excellent état Né à Rimini en Italie en 1927 et mort à Pully (Suisse) en 1995, Hugo Eugenio Pratt est un auteur de bande dessinée italien. Son uvre la plus connue est Corto Maltese (1967-1991), qui a largement dépassé le champ de la bande dessinée.Mémoires de Vidocq, chef de la Police de Sureté jusqu’en 1827, aujourd’hui propriétaire et fabricant de papier à Saint-Mandé.
4 vol. in 8°, de 2f. VIII-420pp., 2ff. 462pp., 3ff. 434pp., 2ff. 420pp., ill. d'un portrait gravé, (sans les ff. de fx-titre en tête) demi-basane blonde moderne à coins, dos très orné, p. de t. rouge et verte, rousseurs habituelles sinon bel exemplaire décoratif. Edition originale très recherchée, de ces Mémoires, remarquable témoignage sur les moeurs criminelles de l'époque et sur la langue argotique, par l'ancien forçat qui fut le créateur et le chef de la police de sûreté. Ils ont été rédigés d'après des notes fournies par Vidocq, avec de nombreux rajouts dans le but de pimenter le récit. Il a paru en plus 2 volumes de suppléments en 1830, ils sont très rares et manquent dans la plupart des séries. ¶ Yve-Plessis, biblio. argot n° 117-118 - Michel Foucault, Surveiller et punir p.288: "L'importance presque mythique qu'il a prise aux yeux mêmes de ses contemporains ne tient pas à ce passé (de voleur et de brigand), peut-être embelli; elle ne tient pas non plus au fait que, pour la première fois dans l'histoire, un ancien bagnard, racheté ou acheté, soit devenu un chef de police; mais plutôt au fait qu'en lui, la délinquance a pris visiblement son statut ambigu d'objet et d'instrument pour un appareil de police qui travaille contre elle et avec elle." - Dict. oeuvres, IV/p.476: "On ne s'étonnera pas si un personnage aussi étrange, aussi romanesque, est entré de son vivant dans la littérature et a inspiré aux différents écrivains qui l'ont approché des interprétations aussi contradictoires de son rôle et de sa personne que celles de Vautrin ou de Jean Valjean" - Le Clère Biblio. police n°1010 (c'est seulement en 1832 qu'il fut nommé très officiellement chef de la sûreté.)Hull.
Amsterdam: Aegidius Janssonius Valckenier, c.1661. Coloured. 110 x 130mm. Trimmed to printed border on left by binder, new margin added. An early miniature town plan of Kingston upon Hull, showing the outline of the streets, churches and windmills, but without naming any features. The plan was published in Hermannides's 'Magna Britannia' which contained thirty townplans mostly copied from the insets of John Speed's county maps.Block-Printing
Octavo. (11)pp. Four color linocut plates, one of which serves as titling. Four pages of text instruct the nascent illustrator-printer in how to "design, cut and print linoleum blocks," from preparation to particular substrates. A rear folio, not fully opened, contains seven loose exemplar plates. Bound in marbled paper-covered boards with block-printed title to upper cover. Some edgewear, else near fine.The Selkirk Settlers in Real Life
viii,[9]-119pp. Small octavo in original gilt lettered maroon cloth and beige moire endpapers with frontispiece. Slight shelf wear to edges of covers. Previous school name on front free endpaper. very good Peel 3 #98. "A description of the social life and customs of the settlers.".WEIRD TALES: A MAGAZINE OF THE BIZARRE AND UNUSUAL – VOL.24, NO.5 (NOVEMBER, 1934)
Quarto (25cm); original pictorial pulp wrappers; pp.529-656; illus. Gentle sunning to spine, subtle tanning to text edges; modest wear, some dust-soil to rear wrapper, with a neat 5" split alont lower rear joint, and a tiny abrasion to lower right corner of front wrapper; Very Good. Contents include the conclusion of Robert E. Howard's Conan novella "The People of the Black Circle," "Feigman's Beard" by Derleth, a reprint of "The Music of Erich Zahn" by Lovecraft, and contributions by E. Hoffman Price, Marion Doyle, S. Gordon Gurwit, Kirk Mashburn, and others. Cover art ("Queen of the Lilin") by Margaret Brundage.Hubner:A bibliographical and systematic account of the entomological works of Jacob Hubner and of the supplements thereto by Carl Geyer, Gottfried Franz von Frolich, and Gottlieb August Wilhelm Herrich-Schaffer. Volume One [Two]
Two volumes quarto: xxiv, 605; xi, 274pp., frontispiece. Slight spotting to fore-edges otherwise very good copies of a very scarce title.Commentaires de Jean Calvin sur la concordance ou Harmonie, compose des trois Evangelistes []
Folio. pp. [16] 1-204, 209-850 [2]; 369 [21]. Roman letter, little italic. Large woodcut printer's device to t-p of plumed skull atop a scorpion, set within an architectural frame, t-p slightly dusty. Address to the nobles of Frankfurt, alphabetical table of contents and passages within the work and another on the bible more generally. Very slight age browning, occasional marks, some later leaves with light water stain to lower margin, paper flaw to lower outer corner of hh2 and *2 not affecting text. Mss chapter numbers to upper outer corners of N1. ff. A good, well-margined copy in contemporary mottled calf with gilt rules, slightly scuffed, corners worn. Spine richly gilt in floral geometric pattern and bands raised, edges sprinkled red. The second edition of theologian and Protestant reformer John Calvin's (1509-1564) commentary on the gospels and acts of the apostles. He began his career as lay administrator to a local bishop, before pursuing a career in law, studying at Orleans and Bourges. Here, he was introduced to the doctrine of humanism, with particular influence from Erasmus and Jacques Lefevre d'Etaples, which promoted the restructuring of the church and society based on classical and Christian antiquity. It also encouraged the study of the Bible in Greek, Hebrew and Latin. Calvin's work hugely influenced Protestantism in Europe and North America, leading to the creation of multiple Calvinist churches, particularly in the USA; he is 'the most perseveringly followed by his disciples of any Western writer on theology', his other work on the 'Institutes of the Christian religion' becoming a handbook of Protestant belief. Calvin produced a number of in-depth biblical commentaries, covering most of the Old and almost the entire New Testament, except for the Revelation to John. In this edition, he addresses the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke in tandem, but dedicates entire commentaries to John and the Acts of the Apostles. Lines of Scripture are quoted in chunks, in a larger font, followed by references and detailed comments on various phrases in each text. These include explanations, clarifications, and personal opinions with the aim of identifying examples of Harmony within the passages. 'His manner is classical; he reasons on system, he has little humour; instead of striking with a cudgel he uses the weapon of a deadly logic and persuades by a teacher's authority, not by a demagogue's calling of names.'L’Encre de Chine dans la calligraphie et l’art japonais contemporains. Exposition circulaire pour l’Europe: https://rarebookinsider.com/rare-books/lencre-de-chine-dans-la-calligraphie-et-lart-japonais-contemporains-exposition-circulaire-pour-leurope-2/