Twelfth Night – or, What You Will.
Waltham St. Lawrence: Golden Cockerel Press,: 1932
- $2,989
By William Shakespeare. Number 80 of 275 copies handset in 14 pt. Golden Cockerel type and printed in brown, blue and black on Batchelor paper with Golden Cockerel watermark. 13.25 X 9.25 ins. 76 pp. Half niger morocco with gilt spine titling. Special orange cloth sides decorated with repeating designs by the artist. T.E.G., others uncut. Tittle border and 29 other engravings by Eric Ravilious printed in slate-blue and sienna. The title page alone makes this book one of the finest Cockerels for collectors. In an incredible understatement Christopher Sandford comments (Chanticleer 82), "Eric Ravilious is discovered to be a clever decorator". Internally fine covers very good. This copy belonged to Allen Freer, educator, writer, art critic and art collector.

10 Merrymount Press Keepsakes illustrated by Rudolph Ruzicka.
THE MERRYMOUNT PRESS "Ruzika (Rudolph), notably in the series of annual Keepsakes done for the Press since 1912, has created some of America's most distinguished wood engravings in color" (The Work Of The Merrymount Press an exhibition prepared by Greg Anderson for The Huntington Library, 1942). The following Keepsakes are included: 1923, A VIEW OF THE GRANARY BURYING-GROUND; 1924, A VIEW OF UNIVERSITY HALL HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE; 1926, A VIEW OF THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS; 1930, A VIEW OF THE QUINCY HOMESTEAD QUINCY, MASSACHUSETT; 1931, A VIEW OF SOME OLD GARDENS BEACON HILL, BOSTON; 1933, A VIEW OF FORT INDEPENDENCE ON CASTLE ISLAND, BOSTON HARBOR; 1934, THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT IN THE PUBLIC GARDEN BOSTON; 1936, CHRIST CHURCH, SALEM STREET, BOSTON LOOKING WEST FROM "THE PARADO"; 1937, SAINT STEPHENS CHURCH ON HANOVER STREET, BOSTON LOOKING EAST FROM "THE PRADO"; 1938, WORCESTER SQUARE LOOKING TOWARD THE CITY HOSPITAL, BOSTON; 1940, A VIEW OF THE SUMMER HOUSE. A fine set with light handling marks.- $449
- $449

Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi.
GILL, ERIC Being the 26th and 27th Chapters of "Saint Matthew's Gospel", from the Latin text. Number 57 of 250 copies set in 18 pt. Caslon Old Face type and printed in black and red on Batchelor hand-made paper. 10.5 X 7.5 ins. 15 pp. Full bound in white buckram with gilt spine title. Initial letters and 6 wood engravings by Eric Gill. "The "Passio" is an exquisite little book; clearly related to the sculptures of The Stations of the Cross which Gill had cut for Westminster Cathedral - and when his engravings were devotional in intent what a superb illustrator Gill could be. ("A History of the Golden Cockerel Press 1920-1960) A fine copy in dust-jacket which is very slightly chipped and lightly soiled.- $2,153
- $2,153
The Fables of Aesop.
OFFICINA BODONI The first three books of Caxton's Aesop printed from the Veronese edition of MCCCCLXXIX in Latin and Italian with 66 woodcuts newly engraved by Anna Bramanti and hand-coloured with pochoir at the Atelier Daniel Jacomet, Paris. Two volumes with an Epilogue by Giovanni Mandersteig. Number 138 of 160 sets. Printed on Magnani mould-made paper with goose watermark. Voilume I: the Latin text of the 1479 edition, with Italian translation. Volume II: English text based on Caxton's 1482 translation. Both volumes backed in green morocco with stiff vellum covered boards. Upper and lower covers decorated with renaissance strapwork and title in gilt. Gilt spine titling. Top edges gilt. This set celebrates the golden anniversary of the founding of the Offiicina Bodoni Press and is considered to be Mandersteig's finest production. A very fine set with the bookplates of Lord Strathallan. Prospectus loosely inserted. Original transparent wrappers. Held in original brown paper covered slipcase with green morocco edges.- $6,876
- $6,876
Ireland Remembered.
DE POL, JOHN (WITH SIGNED WOOD ENGRAVING) A GI's recollections of Ireland by John De Pol including a Catalogue Raisonne of the artist's Irish graphics. One of 100 (600) copies with a signed wood engraving by John De Pol loosely inserted. First edition. Soft cover. 8 x 8 ins. 51 pp. + Colophon. Green paper covers with title in black on upper cover. John De Pol (1913-2004) was a New York printmaker and master wood engraver. During the Second War he was stationed at an aerodrome in Northern Irekland, 1943-44, where, in his spare time, he produced 17 lthographs, 11 etchings and 39 wood engravings. There are 9 full page wood engravings in this book as well as the signed wood engraving, "Old Store Front, Limerick", loosely inserted. Internally fine. Slight fading to spine and covers.- $197
- $197

Strawberry Tine and The Banquet.
HERMES, GERTRUDE By R.H. Mottram. Number 55 of 250 copies signed by the author. Set in 14 pt. Golden Cockerel type and printed on Batchelor paper. 9.5 X 6 ins. 89 pp. Quarter green morocco with special GCP pattern cloth covered boards. T.E.G. with gilt spine titling. 4 wood engravings by Gertrude Hermes. Exterior near fine. Interior fine.- $269
- $269

The Shipwright’s Trade.
KIPLING, RUDYARD By Rudyard Kipling with woodcuts and linocuts by James Dodds. Hardcover. 8 x 8 ins. 24 pp. Green cloth with title and wood engraving on upper cover. Taken from the second part of Kipling's "The Truthful Song" from his book, "Rewards & Fairies" published in 1910. And illustrated throughout, including endpapers, by James Dodd who, before becoming an artist, plied the shipwright's trade. Near fine.- $36
- $36

NICHOLSON, WILLIAM The scarce and desirable large Library Edition. Title and 26 three colour lithographs printed on hand-made wove paper and tipped-in on brown paper leaves. First published in 1897 title page dated 1898. Folio. 15.75 x 12.5 ins. Full pictorial cloth with title in black on spine and upper cover. All edges gilt. William Nicholson's most famous graphic work priced at 12s - 6d on publication. The artist's ironic sense of wit and fondness for puns in evidence with "A for artist" a self-portrait but as a pavement artist rather than a fine artist. And "B for Beggar" being a portrait of Nicholson's brother-in-law, James Pryde, his partner in J. and W. Beggarstaff. Together, the Begarstaff brothers designed posters and other graphic work which captured the attention of the art world. "An Alphabet" is the first of the five portrait/picture books that Heinemann published with Nicholson lithographs. The artist was paid £5 for each image with six shillings additional for hand-colouring. Nicholson claimed he could turn out 40 a day. Better than a very good + copy with slight soiling to covers and light scattered foxing to the brown leaves. The plates uneffected.- $3,946
- $3,946

LUCIAN FREUD the complete etchings 1946-1991.
FREUD, LUCIAN Exhibition catalogue for Lucian Freud at Thomas Gibson Fine Art June 4 - July 12, 1991. Text by Craig Hartley. 12 x 10.75 ins. Photographic soft cover with title on glassine wrapper. 38 gravure illustrations. An extremely handsome catalogue in its original cardboard box. Fine copy.- $149
- $149
Twelfth Night – or, What You Will.: https://rarebookinsider.com/rare-books/twelfth-night-or-what-you-will/