DOUGHTY, Charles M
Jonathan Cape Ltd. & The Medici Society Limited (1924), London: 1924
- $3,125
Two 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" volumes beautifully bound by Brian Frost & Company in full red calf leather with gilt floral border on the covers, gilt-decorated spines with gilt-lettered green morocco spine labels, gilt dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt; housed in a red cloth slipcase. Early printing of this edition with frontispiece portraits, maps, plans (several in color and folding), and text illustrations. About Fine in a lightly rubbed slipcase
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LONDON, Jack Quarto (7-7/8" x 11") bound in full imported flexible Irish linen with a silkscreen design by the illustrator on the cover; 400 pages. Illustrated with 12 full-page, full-color paintings plus 2 double-spreads in full color, and 16 line drawings by Fletcher Martin. Copy #419 of 1500 SIGNED by the illustrator on the colophon page. Monthly Letter laid in. About Fine in a Near Fine slipcaseSWANN’S WAY
PROUST, Marcel Oblong quarto (8" x 11") bound in full natural linen with an embossed pattern reproducing exactly the wall-covering from the bedroom in which Proust sat up in bed, night after night, writing this book; 480 pages. Translated by C. K. Scott- Moncrieff. Illustrated with color reproductions of paintings by Bernard LaMotte. Copy #844 of 1500 SIGNED by the artist on the colophon page. Owner blindstamp at bottom of front endpaper; spine slightly darkened. Near Fine in a Very Good slipcase with typical rubbing to the gold paperADVENTURES AMONG BIRDS
HUDSON, W[illiam] H[enry] Octavo (5-1/2" x 8-1/2") bound by Bayntun-Riviere in 3/4 dark green morocco leather with 5 raised bands and gilt lettering and decoration on the spine, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. With a frontispiece portrait of Hudson, ornithologist and author of GREEN MANSIONS. Hemingway cited Hudson's book FAR AWAY AND LONG AGO as a must read for young writers. Sunning to spine with rubbing along spine edges. Near FineFAR AWAY AND LONG AGO. A HISTORY OF MY EARLY LIFE
HUDSON, William Henry Superb memoir of a childhood growing up on the Pampas of Argentina beautifully bound by Brugalla in full dark green morocco leather with gilt rules on the covers, 5 raised bands and gilt lettering and decoration on the spine, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. Frontispiece portrait of Hudson, ornithologist and author of GREEN MANSIONS. Hemingway cited FAR AWAY AND LONG AGO as a must read for young writers. Housed in a cloth clamshell box. Mild sunning to spine. About Fine in a Fine slipcaseMANUAL OF CLASSICAL EROTOLOGY (De figuris Veneris)
FORBERG, Fred. Chas Octavo (5-7/8" x 8-3/4") bound in 3/4 red morocco leather with 5 raised bands and gilt lettering and decoration on the spine, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. Illustrated with 10 color erotic illustrations. The title page states that this is the Literal English Version and is limited to 100 copies. First published by the German classicist Friedrich Karl Forberg in 1824 in Latin and Greek, this is an anthology of ancient Greek and ancient Roman source texts on erotic topics, discussed objectively and classified and grouped by subject matter. It concludes with a list of 90 sexual positions. Light wear to corners and edges. Still Near FineTHE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI
DANTE, Alighieri Folio (8" x 12-3/4") bound in full cloth specially woven in rose and buff by Fortuny of Venice with a gold- stamped linen spine label. Translated and annotated by Melville Best Anderson with an introduction by Arthur Livingston. Designed, printed on rag mould-made paper, and bound by Hans Mardersteig at the Officina Bodoni in Verona, Italy. Copy #1018 of 1500 SIGNED by the designer on the colophon page. Handsome book, beautifully printed. Uncommon Monthly Letter laid in. Minor fraying and soiling. Very Good, lacking the slipcaseORIGINAL ART: RENATA ADLER AS ELOISE, MAGAZINE ARTICLE
KNIGHT, Hilary Original pen-and-ink illustration (5" x 6" visible framed to an overall size of 7-1/2" x 10") featuring a depiction of author Renata Adler as Knight's famous creation Eloise from the series of books written by Kay Thompson and illustrated by Knight.WALKING WITH THE WIND. A Memoir of the Movement
LEWIS, John with Michael D'Orso Sixth Printing. INSCRIBED and SIGNED by Lewis on the front page with the publisher's logo: "To Eunice Akin/Always keep your head up high!/Best Wishes,/John Lewis/4-18-99." Illustrated with photos. Rather faint light blue stain to bulked fore-edge of text, not affecting the interior text. Very Good in a Near Fine dustwrapperSIGNED PHOTOGRAPH
ROCKEFELLER, John D A 7-1/2" x 9-1/2" black-and-white original photograph of an elderly Rockefeller seated at his desk in the act of writing. SIGNED on the verso of the photo in ink "John D. Rockefeller" with the stamp of Rockefeller's personal press cameraman, "C [Curt]. E. Engelbrecht, Ormond Beach, Fa." Also written at the bottom of the verso of the photograph is the following: "A very fine likeness of a friend of many years--taken in his ninety fourth year--yours cordially [?]." Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil, was the wealthiest American ever. When he died, his fortune approximated 1/65th of the Gross National Product. In comparison, Elon Musk's wealth is a fraction of the GNP. Small chip to upper right corner; short tear and slight crease at top center; some light brown spots to upper left, mover visible on verso. Very Good with a Fine, large signatureIN FAIRYLAND, A SERIES OF PICTURES FROM THE ELF-WORLD. With a Poem
DOYLE, Richard and ALLINGHAM, William Folio (11" x 15") in publisher's gilt-decorated green cloth, rebacked with original spine laid-down; 31 pages. Illustrated with 16 charming engraved plates, printed in colors, by Richard Doyle. Scattered foxing and soiling, primarily to margins; 1869 Christmas owner gift inscription on front endpaper; hinges reinforced with binder's tape. Cloth a little darkened and worn. Very GoodAFRICAN GAME TRAILS. AN ACCOUNT OF THE AFRICAN WANDERINGS OF AN AMERICAN HUNTER-NATURALIST
ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) Two large octavo (6-5/8" x 10") volumes of the First Limited Edition bound in recent 1/2 brown morocco leather, an almost exact match to the original, with the original boards and morocco corners, the spines lettered in gilt; new endpapers. The binder misspelled Roosevelt's first name on the spines. Illustrated with photographs, drawings, and maps. Copy #363 of 500 copies printed on Ruisdael paper and SIGNED by the author on the limitation page in the first volume. Roosevelt loved travel. Before becoming governor of New York, he served in Cuba as Colonel of the First United States Volunteer Cavalry during the Spanish American War. After his election as President he traveled to Panama to oversee the construction of the canal becoming the first standing President to travel abroad. Shortly after he retired from the Presidency in 1909, Roosevelt sailed for Africa returning a year later. This book is an account of his African hunting trip and is not often found in this condition.SAMUEL PEPYS. THE MAN IN THE MAKING with SAMUEL PEPYS. THE SAVIOUR OF THE NAVY with SAMUEL PEPYS. THE YEARS OF PERIL
[PEPYS, Samuel] BRYANT, Arthur Three volumes (5-1/2" x 8-5/8") bound in 3/4 navy blue morocco leather and cloth with gilt-decorated and lettered spines with 5 raised bands, top edges gilt, marbled endpapers. Illustrated with plates.A CHANGED MAN. THE WAITING SUPPER AND OTHER TALES Concluding with the Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid
HARDY, Thomas Bound in attractive 1/2 green morocco leather with matching corners and marbled boards, the spine with 5 raised bands and gilt lettering and decorations, top edge gilt. Illustrated with a frontispiece and a map of Wessex. Hardy, in his brief preface, states, " I reprint in this volume, for what they may be worth, a dozen minor novels that have been published in the periodical press at various dates in the past, in order to render them accessible to readers who desire to have them in the complete series issued by my publishers." Occasional minor foxing. About FineTHE ROUGH RIDERS
ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) Olive cloth with gilt lettering and medal in gilt on front cover, top edge gilt. Illustrated with photographs. Roosevelt's classic account of his experience as Colonel of the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, the "Rough Riders," during the Spanish American War including his heroic charge of San Juan Hill, ultimately catapulting him to the Governorship of New York, the Vice Presidency, and the White House. This copy is INSCRIBED and SIGNED by the author on the front free endpaper: "Cuyler Reynolds Esq/with sincere regard/Theodore Roosevelt/April 21st 1900." Towards the bottom of that page, Roosevelt also has written "born Oct 27th 1858 in New York." Roosevelt's most sought-after book, very difficult to find signed, especially in the first edition. Tipped in before the title page is a two-page spread consisting of reproductions of a letter and a photograph inscribed to Reynolds by Roosevelt; the front pastedown has a small photo reproduction of Roosevelt pasted down. Cuyler Reynolds (1866-1934) was an historian and genealogist. A clean, close to Fine copy with only minor wear- $15,625
- $15,625
ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) Superb and large (image size 10" x 13" framed to an overall size of 16" x 20") photograph by Underwood & Underwood depicting Roosevelt with a serious stare directly into the camera INSCRIBED and SIGNED by him on the bottom margin: "May 3rd/1917/Inscribed for/Oliver C. Stone/with the best wishes of/Theodore Roosevelt." Also framed in the bottom right margin is a small invitation card to Christ Church in Oyster Bay, Long Island. Other than a couple of very minor blemishes, the photograph appears to be in Fine condition, though unexamined out of the frame. Roosevelt's writing is dark and bold. The frame has some wear along the edges. Overall Near Fine- $11,875
- $11,875
STEINBECK, John Two quarto (7-1/2" x 10-1/4") volumes bound in decorated grass cloth boards with rawhide spines. Designed by George Macy with introductions by Joseph Henry Jackson and Thomas Craven. The First Illustrated Edition of this Pulitzer Prize winner with 67 ORIGINAL TWO-COLOR LITHOGRAPHS (black and yellow) made on zinc plates by Thomas Hart Benton and printed by George Miller. Copy #35 of only 1146 printed SIGNED by the illustrator. Laid in is a printed note from the publisher about this most unusual binding. One of the most desirable books of the press because of the combination of a smaller than normal printing, a popular author and Pulitzer Prize-winning book first published only the year before, beautiful lithographs by Benton, and an attractive and unusual binding. No mottling of the rawhide which is typical for this title, and it remains supple with the silver lettering clear. Both books are very tight and unread. About Fine in a Good slipcase with the bottom edge split and the top edge partially so- $2,188
- $2,188
THE SINEWS OF PEACE. Post-War Speeches by Winston S. Churchill bound with MAXIMS AND REFLECTIONS
CHURCHILL, Winston Two volumes bound in one for Sotheran in 3/4 burgundy morocco leather with a gilt-lettered and decorated spine and matching gilt-lettered blue morocco spine labels. The first title, edited by Randolph S. Churchill, is one of five volumes of Churchill's post-war speeches. The second title is a compilation of Churchill's sayings and writings since his entry into public life.- $1,250
- $1,250
HEMINGWAY, Ernest First state of text without disclaimer and earliest state of dustwrapper with "Katherine Barclay" reading. Hemingway's third novel, based on his experience as an ambulance driver in the war. Made into a film several times, the first being in 1932 starring Gary Cooper and Helen Hayes. Near Fine in a complete, Very Good dustwrapper which is a bit darkened, most notably on the rear panel- $3,125
- $3,125
NOTES OF A BOTANIST ON THE AMAZON & ANDES Being Records of Travel on the Amazon and its Tributaries, the Trombetas, Rio Negro, Uaupes, Casiquiari, Pacimoni, Huallaga, and Pastasa; as also to the Cataracts of the Orinoco, along the Eastern Side of the Andes of Peru and Ecuador, and the Shores of the Pacific, During the Years 1849-1864
SPRUCE, Richard & WALLACE, Alfred Russel (editor) Two volumes (5-1/2" x 8-1/2") bound by Bayntun [Riviere] in 3/4 navy blue morocco leather with 5 raised bands and gilt lettering and decoration on the spines, top edges gilt, marbled endpapers. With a frontispiece portrait of Hudson, 7 maps, of which 4 are folding, and 71 illustrations. Spruce, one of the great Victorian English explorers and the first professional botanist to explore South America, spent over 15 years in the Amazon basin resulting in this title, one of the most important books on Amazon natural history. Includes a chapter on indigenous narcotics and stimulants.- $3,750
- $3,750
LA ROCHEFOUCAULD Small (5" x 6-1/2") volume bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe in full brown morocco leather with gilt rules, lettering, and decorations on the front cover, 5 raised bands and gilt lettering and decoration on the spine, top edge gilt; [ii], 209 pages. Text in French with English on the facing page. Pithy reflections on the conduct and motives of mankind by this accomplished 17th century French moralist.- $313
- $313

ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) Quarto (8" x 11-1/4") in the original gilt-decorated cream cloth; xvi, 472 pages. Illustrated with a frontispiece plate, drawings at the chapter heads and tails, and 23 full-page plates by A. B. Frost, Henry Sandham, J. Carter Beard, Frederick Remington, and Harry Eaton. This is copy #122 of only 200 copies SIGNED by the author on the limitation page. One of Roosevelt's scarcest and most desirable books. Mild soiling to spine; red ribbon marker still present. Lovely, clean, tight copy, about Fine- $10,625
- $10,625