THE LADIES DIARY or, The Woman's Almanack; GREAT NEWS FROM THE STARS: or, an Ephemeris; MERLINUS ANGLICUS JUNIOR: or The Starry Messenger; EPHMEPIS: or, A Diary Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological; VOX STELLARUM: Being a Loyal Almanack; MERLINUS LIBERATUS: An Alamanack; PARKER'S EPHEMERIS The Thirty Fifth Impression; THE COELESTIAL DIARY: or an Ephemeris Sixth Impression; POOR ROBIN An Almanack after the Old and New Fashion;APOLLO ANGLICANUS: The English Apollo; PANTERPE; ID EST DELECTARE: or, an Almanack and an Ephemeris; GREAT BRITAIN'S DIARY: or, The Union- Almanack; John Wing's ALMANACK; THE BRITISH TELESCOPE: being an Ephemeris of the Coelestial Motions, with an Almanack. - Rare Book Insider


THE LADIES DIARY or, The Woman’s Almanack; GREAT NEWS FROM THE STARS: or, an Ephemeris; MERLINUS ANGLICUS JUNIOR: or The Starry Messenger; EPHMEPIS: or, A Diary Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological; VOX STELLARUM: Being a Loyal Almanack; MERLINUS LIBERATUS: An Alamanack; PARKER’S EPHEMERIS The Thirty Fifth Impression; THE COELESTIAL DIARY: or an Ephemeris Sixth Impression; POOR ROBIN An Almanack after the Old and New Fashion;APOLLO ANGLICANUS: The English Apollo; PANTERPE; ID EST DELECTARE: or, an Almanack and an Ephemeris; GREAT BRITAIN’S DIARY: or, The Union- Almanack; John Wing’s ALMANACK; THE BRITISH TELESCOPE: being an Ephemeris of the Coelestial Motions, with an Almanack.

  • $662
14 Almanacks all for 1724, all published in London. 8vo. Modern contemporary style quarter calf, marbled boards, new endpapers. Slightly tight binding.
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