The Gay Gnani of Gingalee, Or, Discords of Devolution: A Tragical Entanglement of Modern Mysticism and Modern Science.
First edition. Octavo. Frontispiece, 206, [2, publisher's ads] pp. Publisher's red cloth with gilt cover and spine lettering. Light stamp of actor W. H. Pringle, else a sterling copy of this odd book.A Gnani is is an enlightened teacher in one of the various Indian mystical schools. This is a comical novel about Indian mysticism. The Indo-American Book Company was a publishing house based in Chicago, founded by Yogi Ramacharaka (the pen name of William Walker Atkinson) and his associates. It specialized in the publication of books on Eastern philosophy, yoga, metaphysics, and occultism, aimed at popularizing Indian spiritual teachings in the West. interest in Indian mysticism. Although they were very earnest in their ideas and publications it is good to see that they had some humor as well; the dedication reads as follows "Dedicated to those who are wise enough to be foolish, upon occasion." This was the press's second publication.
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Just Behind the Front in France.
First edition. Inscribed by Hoggson to Carroll B. Merritt on the half title. Octavo. 171, [1] pp. including numerous full page illustrations. Publisher's quarter brown cloth over brown boards, printed paper spine and cover labels, illustrated endpapers. Spne label dulled and with a corner chip else a very good copy.Novum Testamentum Graecum, e. Codice Ms. Alexandrino, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, descriptum a Carolo Godofredo Woide.
First printed edtion of one of the four great uncial manuscript bibles. Folio (11 1/8 x 18 1/4 inches). Half title, title, x, engraved plate, xxii, [264 unpaginated facsimile pages in Alexandrian Greek type cut by Joseph Jackson], 89. [1, blank] pp. Bound without the final blank, Contemporary smooth calf, rebacked earlier in the 20th century and with a new morocco gilt lettering label, original marled endpapers. Bookplate of a seminary and with their white call letters on the spine (no pockets or any ther library markings and provenance is solid), old ink spill to a small part of top edge but it only seeped down to a distance of about 1/4 of an inch. Very clean text in a very solid and acceptable contemporary binding.This is the first printed edition of the Codex Alexandrinus, one of the four great uncial codices or four great uncials. which are the only remaining uncial codices that contain (or originally contained) the entire text of the Bible (Old and New Testament) in Greek. The are of extreme importance for biblical scholarship and are counted among the greatest manuscripts of the Occident. Woide, wanting to remain as close to the original text as possible (in ancient Greek there are no spaces between words) had to have all the uncials carved from wood as the exact uncial typeface was not in existence. In the 20th century a photographic reprint was done but it does lack the bite of the type.Joe Miller’s Jests. Or, the Wits Vade-Mecum.; Being a Collection of the most Brilliant Jests; the Politest Repartees; the most Elegant Bons Mots, and most pleasant short Stories in the English Language.
First edition with ?One Shilling? at base of title page. Octavo. 70 pp. 19th-century quarter green roan over burgundy boards, smooth spine with gilt rules and lettering, green endpapers. Some rubbing to board edges, small loss to spine extremities but a very clean copy of this illustrious title.Although not actually written by ?Joe Miller? this book soon became so popular that his name became a synonym for jokes. Much like a product often becomes known by its principle maker. In point of fact it was written by the man mentioned in the subtitle, Elijah Jenkins [actually a pseudonym for John Mottley], to whom supposedly Joe Miller had recited the contents of the book. Needless to say it is full of jokes, witticism, repartees and other fun bits. The historic comedian and actor, Josias Miller, died in the year prior to this publication.ABAA-75TH-VBFTypes, Borders and Miscellany of Taylor & Taylor with Historical Brevities on Their Derivation and Use.
First edition. One of 330 numbered copies (#87). Octavo. xxxi, [1], 563, [3, including elaborate printer's press-mark in red) pp. Publisher's quarter calf over linen boards. smooth spine with gilt lettering and decoration, gilt lettering along the edges of the calf as well, top edge stained red, original card slipcase with printed paper spine label. Slipcase with some soiling but a very clean copy of this famous type specimen. The type and border specimens printed on rectos only. The Miscellany section (the types, borders, etc., that "give a text at once added grace and dignity and a welcome variety) has many examples printed in colors. The Appendix carries a history of the firm. Laid in is a broadside (8 x 14 inches, folded) printed by Taylor & Tayor listing all the honors awarded them by the American Institute of Graphic Arts. The firm is very clear that these awards were for commercial printing. In fact this book was one of the A.I.G.A.'s 50 best books of 1939. Also laid in is a loose bifolio by Edward DeWitt Taylor called "Frederic Goudy Comes to the Fair." It relates the story of how Goudy came to design Taylor & Taylor's press-mark and imprint (printed herein in red and blue).Tahoe Tattler. Vol. I, Nos, 1 (July 9, 1881), 16, 25, 45 and 52.
All issues consist of one leaf folded to make four pages and, when folded, measure 5 1/2 x 7 18 inches (except for No. 1 which is slightly smaller). No. 45 with a very small piece missing from inner upper spine (not affecting anything) and No. 2 bears the rubber stamp of the venerable "Wilson collection". Paper of varying quality but all issues are in fine fettle.This was the first newspaper printed at Lake Tahoe. It was issued daily and printed at the grandest hotel in the area, the Grand Central Hotel.Transcendentalism, 1832-1862.
Typescript of a thesis. Quarto. vi, 171 leaves (printed on rectos only). Bound by the University of Toronto bindery in full green cloth with gilt spine and cover lettering. Excellent.A lucid dissertation: "The Transcendentalists imlied the destruction of the world of work, and the creation of a world where leisure is the ultimate human activity, where work and play would merge in an atmosphere of Self-relience, friendship and community. The Transcendentalists intended to provide a a spiritual and literary Justification for the American Revolution. Their lives go beyong that, calling for a continuing process of self-confrontation, and imaginative, humanly responsive institutional restructruring." P. 163).Pagan Christianity; Studies in Modernism and Modern Cults with Which Is Incorporated an Examination of Pentecostalism.
Revised edition (the only edition recorded by OCLC although on the title page we find that the first edition was issued in 1933). Quarto. [1, title leaf], 228, [3, syllabus leaves ] ii. Typescript on rectos only. Publisher's quarter black tape over marbled boards. While there are about 15 copies in institutions, it is more than likely that the author had this title printed up and used it as a text for his class at Toronto Baptist Seminary.Brown's first administrative post in a seminary was Dean of Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College, the school that had been started in 1927 by Baptist Fundamentalist T.T. Shields. This post lasted until 1948 when he was dismissed by Shields for expressing moderate positions. But during this time Brown wrote this history of Christian cults (or at least a few of them). He writes lengthily about Christian Modernism and the goes on the the meat of the matter; his opinions of Seventh-Day Adventists, Mormons, Christian Scientists, Jehovah's Witnesses and, most interestingly, Charles & Myrtle Fillmore's Unity School of Christanity (really a new age cult that would fit right in with today's culture). Unity views God as spiritual energy that is present everywhere and is available to all people and sees Christ as an ?elder brother? or ?wayshower? whose life demonstrated what is possible when we live according to out true spiritual nature or divine consciousness.Why Automobie Experts Select the Federal Truck.
Folding broadside (10 1/2 x 31 inches). Text of the right and 10 photographic illustrations on the left. A couple of joints starting Clean and attractive.The company was founded by Martin L. Pulcher, who saw an opportunity in the growing demand for trucks as the automobile industry began to take off. Their first big hit was the Federal 300-Lb. truck and it was introduced in as their star opening vehicle in 1910.Colton’s Map of The State of Maine [cover title].
Folding hand-colored map measuring 30 x 38 inches, folded into folder measuring 3 3/4 x 6 inches. Folding pocket map in embossed brown cloth folder with gilt title on front cover, publisher's ad on inside front cover. A few cases of short separations at folds. A very crisp, colorful and clean copy. Hand colored map of the state of Maine, copyrighted in 1874. Counties are all differently colored, and map shows drainage, railroads and important towns. Relief shown by hachures. Engraved filigree partial border. The map also shows parts of Canada.The Maxwell Land Grand Company. General Office, Raton, Colfax Co., New Mexico.
First and only edition. The cover title is more helpful - "A Sketch of the Gold Mining Camps and the Mining Regulations of The Maxwell Land Grant." Small pamphlet (4 x 6 inches). 16 pp. with a photographic vignette to the title and copyright pages and a full page illustration of placer mining in the Moreno Valley and another of the Quartz Mill in the Baldy District. Publisher's stapled blue wrappers. A very good copy. OCLC only records one copy (new Mexico State University).The Maxwell Land Grant, the largest in Americcan history, of northern New Mexico encompasses the Elizabethtown miningdistrict. This was a crucial point for the purchasers of the Grant and likely the sale wouldn't have proceeded without it. The rush to Baldy Mountain, the peak on whose flanks Elizabethtown lay, began in the spring of 1867 with the discovery of placer loads in the Moreno Valley. When the Grant was sold in 1870 the mining operations were a shadow of their former strength, a mere 20% of their former yield. Still, the miners, when told the they were on private property, refused to pay rent of move. "After the new company took over in the spring 1870, the owners set a bout asserting their right to collect rents from the residents of the grant, none of whom had titles for the lands which they farmed or mined. Attempts to collect rents on these properties met with much resistance, and soon the company delivered eviction notices to the uncooperative parries. This was the first salvo in a decade of violence and turmoil in Colfax County. Throughout the 1880s the district limped along, and the gold fields became marginal to the Maxwell Company' operations. The grant's operators instead concentrated on the rich coal fields around Raton, and the vast range and timber lands throughout the grant." (R. D. Losebrock, Managing a Gold Rush). But in the early 1890s gold mining revived when the mines around Baldy once again became lucrative to mine. The price of both silver and gold had risen sharply. This pamphlet was issued to inform the new crop of miners the exact rules for mining on Grant property.Opened Seals, Open Gates. A New Exposition of the Book of Revelation, Simple, Literal, and Easily Understood.
First edition of this scarce but important book on Preterism (amongst many other debates about the Book of Revelation). Octavo. 529, [1] pp. including 28 illustrations by the author (including a fold-out frontispiece showing the path of an eclipse across the globe). Publisher's blue cloth, gilt lettering within scrolls on the spine. One rubbing mark along middle back joint else a very handsome copy indeed. OCLC only located 7 copies (which is odd).Grenville O. Field was a Congregational minister well versed enough in the languages necessary to attempt Biblical criticism. This title is chiefly known for its inclusion in the canon of Preterism. As such he argued that all biblical prophecies, with the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, the fall of the Roman Empire, or other significant historical events, were fulfilled in the first century prior to A.D. 70. This view is considered unorthodox by many mainstream Christian denominations. A common refutation of that dismal reads as- "There was nothing of prophetic significance that took place in between the New Testament authors and today.? But there was: the fall of Jerusalem to the Roman army in A.D, 70. That historic event was clearly prophesied by Jesus (Luke 21:20-24), yet it took place long ago. The fact is, tile vast majority of prophecies in the New Testament refer to this crucial event, the event which publicly identified the transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, and which also marked the triumph of rabbinic Judaism over priestly Judaism, Pharisee over Sadducee, and the synagogue system over he temple" (K. L. Gentry)). In point of fact Preterism has been described in modern eschatological commentary as a Catholic defense against the Protestant Historicist view which identified the Roman Catholic Church as a persecuting apostasy. Field seems to preach a mixture of preterism, numerology, and actual science.The Juan Paez Hurtado Expedition of 1695: Fraud in Recruiting Colonists for New Mexico.
First edition. Inscribed by the author. Octavo. xii, [2, acknowledgments and map], 159, [1], [2, About the Book and Author] pp. Publisher's terra-cotta cloth with gilt spine and cover lettering, buff endpapers. As new.The Maxwell Land Grant Company. General Office, Raton, Colfax Co., New Mexico.
First and only edition. The cover title is more helpful - "A Sketch of the Gold Mining Camps and the Mining Regulations of The Maxwell Land Grant." Small pamphlet (4 x 6 inches). 16 pp. with a photographic vignette to the title and copyright pages and a full page illustration of placer mining in the Moreno Valley and another of the Quartz Mill in the Baldy District. Publisher's stapled blue wrappers. A very good copy.Edweard Muybridge; Yosemite Photographs, 1872.
MUYBRIDGE, Edweard [photographer] First edition. One of about 50 sets, signed by the publisher and the facilitator. Copy #22. Originally 300 sets were planned but the production costs were so horrendous that this publication nearly put Chicago Albumen Works out of business and they called it quits at about 50 sets. Ten gold-toned mammoth albumen prints made from Muybridge's original negatives: 29 1/2 x 24 1/2 inches. Accompanying booklet with two essays. Housed in the original canvas clamshell case with morocco gilt lettering label to front. Trifling bit of wear to the box but overall an excellent copy.- $7,250
- $7,250
Pocket Map of Mendocino County and Part of Lake County.
(CALIFORNIA; MENDOCINO COUNTY). LENTELL, J. N. [cartographer] Folding pocket map printed mainly in blue but with some colors. It measures 23 x 19 inches, When folded into the publisher's stiff card folder it measures 3 5/8 x 6 5/8 inches. Some discoloration to front but the map is in wonderful condition. OCLC only locates the copy at Sonoma State but Rumsey/Stanford has a copy as well.Logging was the primary industry of Mendocino County since the days of the Gold Rush. The biggest operation was the Mendocino Lumber Company which officially commenced operations in 1853 with a lumber mill built by Henry Meiggs. By 1873, the name of the operation had changed to the Mendocino Lumber Company and the mill was the most important in Mendocino County. But it was wild and difficult country and transporting the logs, especially Big Trees, was often filled with obstacles and injuries. "By 1883 the difficulties of using horses and oxen for moving logs to the river pool encouraged building railroads to reduce the friction of skidding logs. Railway branches were built to reach trees and then dismantled after those logs had been moved to Big River. Total length of track was never more than 25 miles (40 km). Teams of working animals pulled the logs on flatcars until 1901. In July of that year the first locomotive was put in place ensuring much quicker and more reliable transportation. The railroad was rebuilt after extensive flood damage in 1904. Union Lumber Company purchased the Mendocino Lumber Company sawmill, railroad, and timberlands in 1906; and again rebuilt the railroad after flood damage in 1907. This map shows the county when the Mendocino Lumber Company was still, largely, the only game in town.- $325
- $325
Eight Original & Large Photographs of the Newly Constructed “Longwood High School.
(LONG ISLAND) MOLITOR, Joseph W. [photographer] Each photograph measure 14 x 11 inches and all have the photographer's stamp on the verso. Fine condition. Sleeved.This were no doubt taken to show the new high school building which opened in 1969, replacing the original structure and serving the growing student population in the area.- $75
- $75
Christian Science Journal; All of Vol. XV, 1897-98.
(CHRISTIAN SCIENCE) Vol. XV, Nos. 1-12. Octavo. 812 pp. (continuously paginated), liv [ads, reading room locations, etc.). Bound by the publisher without wrappers. Publisher's half red roan over terra-cotta cloth, gilt spine lettering, floral endpapers. Hinges crackedc but sewing holding strong, pp. 725-730 bound upside down and backwards but all present (binder's error), some pencil underlining.- $75
- $75
Abbott Automatic Winders and Quillers.
(PHOTOGRAPHY: INDUSTRIAL) Original brown leather over boards photograph album (11 1/2 x 14 i1/2 inches) with the name of the company and its products in gilt lettering. It contains 29 large photographs (generally 8 x 10 inches) of the machinery used in the production of bobbins and quillers. Almost all images have a laid in printed caption and some have a typed caption affixed to the bottom of the photograph. Of the 10 leaves 5 are sleeved. Two leaves with some edge chipping (not affecting any images). No images have fallen out. An interesting look at an early adopter of textile technology that eventually led to full automation and a diaspora if textile workers.- $150
- $150
Constitution, By-laws and Rules of Order of Independence Lodge, No. 158, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the State of California. Railroad Flat, Calaveras County.
(CALAVERAS COUNTY) First edition. Twelvemo. 47, [9, including Membership Appication] pp. Publisher's printed pale salmon wrappers. Excellent condition."Rail Road Flat is a Gold Rush era mining town that was settled by gold seekers in 1849, named for a wooden track which conveyed ore cars with waste rock to and from the diggings. A post office was established in 1857, and the first stamp mill erected in 1866. By 1872, five or six mills were operating, and at the turn of the century two stamp mills and one arrastra were still in operation. The Clark Ditch was constructed to supply the placer mines of Rail Road Flat in 1856 and soon extended to the mines of Glencoe and Rich Gulch. Originating near Blue Mountain, it carried water from the South Fork of the Mokelumne over 55 miles, servicing two reservoirs and numerous downstream communities" (Calaveras History). It was the site of an Indian council as well as the center of rich placer and quartz mining. Its largest producer was the Petticoat Mine.- $75
- $75
The Way of Melchisedec.
WHITNEY, L. B. First edition. Small twelvemo (4 x 6 inches). 62 pp. Publisher's gray wrappers in a crocodile pattern, blue cover lettering. Corners slight rolled but a very good copy.From the author of "The Fourth Dimension." Spiritual psychology of the Will from the New Thought school.- $75
- $75
The Melliand; The World’s Leading Textile Journal. Five volumes.
(TEXTILES) MELLIAND, Marcel [editor] First edition. Bound issues from Vol. I (1929) and Volume II (1930). This was predominantly a German publication but these are the quite scarce English editions. With hundreds of actual textile samples tipped in (a couple loose but present). Publisher's blue cloth with gilt spine and cover lettering. Very good and very few records.- $175
- $175

Rand’s Little Giant, Slugger and Economizer Rock Drills, Improved Air Compressors, Air Hose, Steam Hose, Air Receivers, Pipe and Fittings, Engines, Boilers, Drill Steel.
(TRADE CATALOG: MINING) First edition. Oblong quarto (12 x 9 1/4 inches). [40] pp. and with numerous very high quality engravings of men and machinery throughout. Publisher's pale yellow wrappers with the front cover bearing an image of en working a mine and the back with an image of a rock drill. Very old central fold (perhaps for mailing), front cover with three old and small taper repairs. A very clean copy of this scarce trade catalog. OCLC only locates one copy.The Rand Drill Company, established in the 1870s by brothers Jasper and Addison Rand and the first to see the benefits of Ingersoll's pneumatic drill, became a significant name in the development and manufacturing of pneumatic drills and other mining equipment. Simon Ingersoll was an American inventor who created the steam-powered percussion rock drill, which replaced the hand drill and was a major advancement in the mining and construction industries. Simon Ingersoll founded Ingersoll Rock Drill Company in 1871 in New York, and in 1888, it combined with Sergeant Drill to form Ingersoll Sergeant Drill Company. In 1905, Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company merged with the Rand Drill Company to form the mega-corporation Ingersoll Rand. Ingersoll himself died penniless.- $225
- $225
The Marijuana Consumer’s and Dealer’s Guide.
SUPERWEED. May Jane Likely the first edition [it bore many imprints in 1968 but this seems to be the first]. Octavo. [16] pp. Publisher's yellow wrappers with green lettering and design. Some soiling and old waviness but no marks. A presentable copy.The table of contents reads; Extract Lysergic Acid Amides from Morning Glory of Hawaiian Wood Rose Seeds; Produce $2000 Worth of Hashish from $85 Worth of Marijuana; Extract Pure Organic Mescaline from Peyote; Convert Inferior Grade Pot into Connoisseur Quality Super-Grass: Helpful Hints-How Not to Get Burned-Tests for T.H.C-What to Do about Sugared Grass-Warnings.Chthon Press was a notable independent publisher in the 1960s, situated at 1852 North Avenue 56, Los Angeles, California, 90042. The press was known for its involvement in the counterculture movement.- $75
- $75
The Gay Gnani of Gingalee, Or, Discords of Devolution: A Tragical Entanglement of Modern Mysticism and Modern Science.: