Argus, Arabella.
The adventures of a donkey.
Darton & Clark [between 1836 & 1845], London: 1836
- $100
Life from a donkey's perspective, including misadventures at the hands of cruel children, dishonest servants, and roaming Roma. This edifying children's work, intended to open readers' eyes to the suffering endured by working animals, appears here => illustrated with a frontispiece and numerous in-text vignettes; the date is suggested by the publisher's information. Provenance: From the children's book collection of Albert A. Howard, small booklabel ("AHA") at rear. 12mo (14.8 cm, 5.82"). Frontis., 213, [3 (adv.)] pp.; illus. Osborne Collection, p. 858 (for 1st ed.); this ed. not in Opie. Publisher's blind-stamped red cloth, spine with gilt-stamped title and decorations, all edges gilt; cocked, with hinges (inside) starting from head and foot, and tender. Spine dimmed, sides with small spots of discoloration, joints and extremities rubbed; minimal age-toning and a few scattered spots of foxing, pages otherwise clean. => A very readable copy of this interesting precursor to Black Beauty, and the animal in the illustrations is full of personality.
More from SessaBks
American books on food and drink: A bibliographical catalog of the cookbook collection housed in The Lilly Library at the [sic] Indiana University.
Cagle, William R., & Lisa Killion Stafford, comps. Essential for all collections ? institutional or private ? that include American cookbooks. The Lilly has one of the great collections in this field; Cagle is Lilly Librarian Emeritus and Stafford is a former Lilly Library editorial employee. Temporal coverage here is 1739 to 1950 and all items are given professional bibliographical treatment, including collation. The work also includes illustrations. 8vo. xviii, 794 pp., illus. New, in dust jacket; with soiling to page edges (only).- $30
- $30

Dandyism displayed, or, the follies of the Ton; humbly dedicated (without permission) to a lord of the Willow-Boys; to the noble Sham-Peter & his white charger, prince of the dandy blood royal; and to that renowned son of Mars and Venus, the great captain . To which is added, What is a dandy?
Bisset, J. Uncommon chapbook: a sarcastic look at the manners and customs of dandies, addressed directly to a variety of subcategories including actors, booksellers, undertakers, staymakers, pastry cooks, and "salesmen and pawnbrokers of the Jewish persuasion" ? as well as to dandy concubines and "celebrated ladies of the Ton" including the Opera House Sisters, Mother Bang, and the Misses G ? y. This is the stated second edition, with => a frontispiece offering four sketches by George Cruikshank: a woman and man each shown in morning and evening dress. In this copy, the man in each pair has been brightly hand-colored with a fair amount of delicacy, leaving the woman uncolored. The work is rarely encountered in any form, with a search of WorldCat finding => no reported U.S. institutional holdings and vanishingly few overseas. Provenance: From the chapbook collection of Albert A. Howard, small booklabel ("AHA") at rear. 8vo (16.8 cm, 6.61"). Frontis., [2], [7]?28 pp. Cohn, George Cruikshank: A catalogue raisonn?, 221. Later speckled paper wrappers, rubbed and chipped, splitting at joints with covers essentially separated. Age-toned; offsetting from frontispiece to title-page. => Scarce, and worthy of recasing.- $450
- $450
drop-title] Estado que manifiesta la cantida de bultos de mercaderias estrangeras introducidos ? la Rep?blica por los puertos de las costas del Norte y del Sur, desde 1.o de Enero hasta 31 de Diciembre de 1878.
Guatemala. Aduana General. Pedro Galvez of the aduana (customs department) presents two charts: one of the quantities of goods imported in 1878 with breakdown by numbers of shipping boxes, values, countries of origin, and via which port the imports arrived. The other, on the obverse, tells what specifically was imported (cooking oil, medicines, wheat, iron, petroleum, silk, etc.), citing the value of each category and giving the value of the import duties collected. => There is also as small chart listing by year the value of imports and duties collected for 1874 through 1878. Folio (35 x 53 cm, 14' x 21"). [2] pp. Printed in thin paper; old folds. Very good condition.- $125
- $125
Broadside, begins: Estadistica de los asuntos en que se ha ocupado el tribunal superior de justica y corte de apelaciones durante el a?o de 1871.
Guatemala. Tribunal de Justicia y Corte de Apelaciones. The Supreme Court and Court of Appeals here on a => very large broadside summarizes the cases it adjudicated in 1871: criminal and civil, final decisions and appealed decisions, occupations of the defendants and appellants, and types of crimes, with data as to original jurisdiction of the cases, etc. Folio (73 x 56 cm, 30" x 21.75"). [1] f. Printed on "newspaper" stock and a bit fragile. Folded and with fold tears.- $125
- $125
drop-title] Se?or: Habiendo acordado el Consejo que se pasara al estudio de una comision especial el proyecto de ley sobre moneda, que el supremo Gobierno tuvo ? bien someter ? su ex?men; dicha Comision, compuesta de los Se?ores C.C. Aguire, Urruela y Sanchez, present? el dict?men que literalmente dice: “Consejo de Estado.”
Guatemala. Consejo del Estado. To stem the exportation of Guatemalan silver coinage, the government is revising the composition of that coinage to bring it into line with the purity (or the impurity, as one views this) of coinage of Europe and the U.S. Folio (33 cm, 12.75"). [3] ff., i.e., [5] pp. Tattered, waterstained, and crumpled, therefore a "good only" copy; that said, these issues do not approach the document's text.- $100
- $100
Mission work in Mexico: Reprinted from The Sword and the Trowel, London, 1886.
Pascoe, James (1841?88). Master Printer Juan Pascoe has found a copy of his great grandfather?s own account of religion in Mexico and his missionary work there, and as a tribute to him Juan has produced a nicely illustrated and handsomely printed edition of that article, which appeared in Spurgeon?s famous periodical, The Sword and the Trowel. The illustrations are two cuts of 19th-century presses, three tipped-in photographs (one of James, another of James? mother-in-law, and the third of one of James? daughters), and a title-page cut reproduced from => the only illustration ascribed to James himself in his long-running periodical. = Limited to 56 (unnumbered) copies. 8vo (25.5 cm, 10"). [1 (blank)] f., 15 [i.e., 14] pp., [2] ff.; illus., photos. New. Sewn in stiff wrappers with printed label on front wrapper.- $65
- $65

The whole of the dreadful confessions of Joseph Hunt, relative to the horrid murder of Mr. Weare.
Hunt, Joseph. Chapbook printing of Hunt's first-person confession, relating how he conspired with John Thurtell and William Probert to murder William Weare. Title continues "with the plans formed by the bloody-minded crew, for the annihilation of many other persons. => To which are added, faithful accounts of their hellish schemes and secret haunts." 12mo (17.5 cm, 6.75") 31 pp., lacks fold. plate. Disbound, now in plain wrappers, all edges gilt; folding plate lacking, one leaf with a marginal chip, and old exposure to water intermittently evident but not, as per title, "dreadful"! In a very good pamphlet folder.- $275
- $275

The gorgeous isle.
Atherton, Gertrude; C. Coles Phillips, illus. The West Indies are evocatively described in this dramatic romance, starring two sensitive, intelligent outcasts: a once-dissipated poet still shunned by high society and an independent young woman considered too Amazonian to rate as a fashionable belle. The crisis comes due to the poet's inability to write without the influence of alcohol, so that his beloved is forced to choose between helping him preserve his health or his creative genius. => This is the first edition, illustrated with four striking color-printed plates by Clarence Coles Phillips, demonstrating his characteristic use of negative space. Binding: Publisher's brick-colored cloth, front cover with gilt-stamped title and vignette of the heroine stamped in silver and gilt, spine with gilt-stamped title and silver-stamped butterfly motif. => The very unusual color-printed endpapers depict the novel's characters interspersed with (and shown as) butterflies. 12mo (19.6 cm, 7.71"). [8], 223, [1] pp.; 4 col. plts. Smith, American Fiction, 1901?1925, A-341. Bound as above, extremities a bit rubbed; spine very slightly darkened. Pages fresh and clean. => An interesting text, in an attractive presentation.- $75
- $75

Hawaiian legends of volcanoes.
Westervelt, William Drake. First edition: Stories collected and translated by an Ohio-born pastor (1849?1939) who settled in Hawaii and became a noted expert on Hawaiian mythology and folklore. The text opens with a striking title-page in red and black, and is => illustrated with a total of 21 plates, including a color-printed hibiscus. Binding: Publisher's textured navy cloth, front cover with decorative title and volcano vignette stamped in red and white, spine stamped in red. All edges stained red. 12mo (19 cm, 7.48"). Frontis., xv, [1], 205, [11] pp.; 19 plts., 1 col. plt. Bound as above, showing virtually no wear. Front fly-leaf with 20th-century pencilled ownership inscription. => A clean, fresh copy ? very giftable.- $95
- $95

The little pilgrim’s progress.
Bunyan, John]. Children's treatment of the Bunyan classic, here => illustrated with a wood-engraved vignette on every other page. This mid-19th-century American edition is not widely held institutionally, with WorldCat finding only four reported U.S. locations. Provenance: Front free endpaper with early pencilled ownership inscription of Jane E. Brewster and with rubber-stamp of a Rochester, NY, bookseller. Most recently in the children's book collection of Albert A. Howard, small booklabel ("AHA") at rear. 16mo (11.8 cm, 4.64"). 96 pp.; illus. Publisher's blind-stamped red cloth, spine with decorative gilt-stamped title and embellishments; extremities and joints rubbed, spine slightly sunned. Pages faintly age-toned with a few scattered small spots of foxing; clean. => A nice copy.- $100
- $100
Broadside, begins: Tercer sorteo de la “Deuda Convertida”, verificado en la fecha, en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el art. 6. de la ley de 28 de Mayo ultimo, ante el Sr. Ministro de Hacienda y los Sres. Don Braulio Novales y Don Jose Urruela, individuos de la comision nombrada por los tenedores de vales de la referida deuda.
Guatemala. Ministerio de Hacienda. The Ministry of the Treasury publishes the winning numbers in the Third Lottery in the "deuda convertida" series, verified by the Minister of Hacienda and members of the commission named by the bondholders of the aforementioned debt. Folio. (44 cm, 17.5"). [1] f. Printed on "newspaper" stock and a bit fragile. Folded once across; clean and untattered.- $50
- $50

The poetical works.
Goldsmith, Oliver; Myles Birket Foster, illus. The ever-popular works of Goldsmith, here => illustrated with 30 engravings done by John Absolon, Birket Foster, James Godwin, and Harrison Weir. Provenance: Birket Foster's copy, presented by the publisher. Front free endpaper inscribed to Birket Foster, "with the publishers' compts." dated 1857; front pastedown with the artist's bookplate. The text and illustrations bear pencilled markings and annotations (mostly numerical), apparently => done by the artist. Most recently in the library of American collector Albert A. Howard, small booklabel ("AHA") at rear. 8vo (18 cm, 7.08"). Frontis., xvi, 134, [2 (adv.)] pp.; illus. Contemporary ribbon-embossed olive cloth, covers framed in blind-stamped flower and stem motifs, spine with same motif and title in gilt; spine and upper edges sunned to brown, extremities rubbed. Back pastedown with binder's ticket of Bone & Son. Pages gently age-toned, with pencilled markings as above; last few signatures unopened and two leaves with short edge tears. => An "association copy" of real interest.- $250
- $250

Little brown Bessie.
Ware, F. E. [pseud. of L.D. Shears]; Frank Beard, illus. First novel-form edition: Complicated romance set in a Massachusetts village, with plot threads involving a lost baby, a mysterious artist, a celebrated tenor plus a jealous soprano, and the Cinderella figure of the title, who rescues herself by running away to Boston ? among other excitements! The author originally published the piece in 1874 as a four-act drama; in the preface to this reworked novel version, she claims that the titular plotline was based on her own experiences growing up along "the old Housatonic" in Sheffield, MA. The tale is => illustrated with 16 engravings by influential cartoonist Frank Beard (once dubbed "the father of the American cartoon"), some full-page and some in-text. This first edition is intriguingly uncommon in libraries: A search of WorldCat finds => only two U.S. institutions reporting hard-copy holdings. The short-lived publisher was known not for books but for issuance of => a ladies' fashion magazine offering both style tips and patterns! Provenance: Front fly-leaf with 19th-century pencilled inscription of Guilford D. Eggleston. 4to (19.2 cm,7.55"). [2], 174 pp.; illus. Not in Wright, American Fiction. Bound as above; slightly cocked, spine and outer edges darkened, extremities rubbed. A handful of scattered small spots of foxing, pages otherwise clean.- $125
- $125

Biblia sacra veteris et novi testamenti, iuxta vulgatam editionem maiori qu?m antehac unquam doctorum studio, ad veritatem Hebraicam & probatiss, exemplarium fidem emendata.
Bible. Latin. 1574. Vulgate. Pierre Saint-Andr? gave this reissue of Fran?ois Estienne's 1567 edition a new title-page; the separate title-page of the New Testament bears both the original imprint, "Ex Officina Francisci Stephanj. M.D. LXVII," and the => Stephanus woodcut device. F. Estienne II, son of Robert I, seems to have been left wealthy by his famous father; he printed a small number of items from 1562 onward, apparently as the mood struck him, with one gap of more than ten years. The date of his last imprint was 1582, and he left Geneva sometime thereafter. The text of the present production, which makes use of Robert Estienne's verse divisions, is printed in double columns with decorative headpieces and capitals and is => illustrated with 22 in-text vignettes (although the folding map is not present here), including Noah's ark and the tabernacle with its furnishings. Binding: Contemporary calf, covers framed and panelled in gilt-stamped beaded rolls surrounding a central gilt-tooled diamond-shaped medallion; corners with gilt fleurons, spine with gilt-stamped beaded bands and compartment decorations. All edges gilt, and remants/evidence of clasps present. Provenance: One leaf with early inked inscription reading "ex dono Joseph Rowens"; later bookplates of the James Buckham Memorial and Charles Holbrook libraries at the Pacific School of Religion (Berkeley, CA). Evidence of Readership: Title-page with traces of mostly effaced early inked inscription; blank leaf between Old and New Testaments with one small early inked word, lined through; occasional early marks of emphasis and underlining in red, one early marginal note. 8vo (16.7 cm, 6.57"). [8], 435, [1], [1]?131 (i.e., 113), [27] ff.; illus. (fold. map lacking). Darlow & Moule 6160. N.T.: Adams B1075; Renouard (2nd ed.), Annales de l'imprimerie des Estienne, p. 159. Bound as above, with most gilt significantly rubbed and dimmed; rubbed and scuffed overall but solid. Endpapers refurbished some time ago; front pastedown and free endpaper with PSR bookplates affixed as above, these bearing small rubber-stamps affirming the volume's proper deaccession. First few leaves crumpled, final leaf rumpled and partially adhered to rear free endpaper; one leaf with small hole affecting a few letters; some upper edges trimmed closely, touching headers and leaf numbers; a handful of corners torn away not touching text. Old waterstaining affecting the text block?s final third, very light to begin with, darkens significantly across the last portion with the last few leaves and rear endpapers showing onetime action of mold long since stabilized; otherwise only the light soil as of ordinary use is occasionally apparent, with a few scattered small ink stains. A volume that obviously has seen much service and is priced accordingly, while yet => a sturdy, usable, and interesting copy of a noteworthy Bible.- $1,000
- $1,000
Estado que manifiesta la cantidad de bultos de mercaderias estrangeras introducidos ? la Rep?blica, por los puerto de las costas del Norte y del Sur, desde 1.o de Enero hasta 31 de Diciembre de 1877, su peso bruto, valor principal, procedencia. contenido, derechos que han causado ? favor de la Hacienda p?blica &., &.
Guatemala. Aduana General. Pedro Galvez of the aduana (customs department) presents two charts: one of the quantities of goods imported in 1877 with breakdown by numbers of shipping boxes, values, countries of origin, and via which port the imports arrived. The other, on the obverse, tells what specifically was imported (cooking oil, medicines, wheat, iron, petroleum, silk, etc.), citing the value of each category and giving the value of the import duties collected. Folio (35 x 53 cm, 14' x 21"). [2] pp. Printed on thin paper, with old folds; damage along the vertical fold affecting text but not sense of data.- $100
- $100

El Hospital General ? los valientes picadores, Eulogio Hernandez, Bernardino Camey y Felipe Chig?ichi. En testimonio de gratitud.
El Hospital General San Juan de Dios de Guatemala. Bullfighting and hospitals are usually linked by harm and remedy: the harm occurring in the bull ring and the remedy that hospitals can provide for that harm. But the Hospital General San Juan de Dios de Guatemala, founded in 1667 by the Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios (i.e., Hospital Order of San Juan de Dios), in the 1880s had a most unusual link to the Plaza de Toros in Guatemala City. It had taken it on to restore and maintain the colonial-era ring, and it became a popular site not only for corridas but for the circus and other forms of entertainment ? with the Hospital receiving income from all such uses of the Plaza. Special homage is paid in this handsome and rare broadside to three picadores who participated in what we suspect was a Corrida de Beneficencia, a benefit bullfight, in early 1888. => Entirely printed in gold, the text of the broadside is center justified, employs eight typefaces, and is contained in a gold frame. Folio (33.5 x 26 cm; 13.25" x 10.15" ). [1] p. Very good, some chipping in margins. Horizontally folded in the past without damage to the "joint."- $800
- $800
Broadside, begins: 8.o Sorteo de la deuda convertida, verificado en la fecha en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el art?culo 5.o de la ley de 28 de Mayo de 1872, ante el Se?or Ministro de Hacienda y los Se?ores Don Braulio Navales y Don Jos? Urruela, individuos de la Comision nombrada por los tenedores de vales de la referida deuda.
Guatemala. Ministerio de Hacienda. The Ministry of the Treasury publishes the winning numbers in the Eighth Lottery in the "deuda convertida" series, verified by the Minister of Hacienda and members of the commission named by the bondholders of the aforementioned debt. Folio. (44 cm, 17.5"). [1] f. Printed on "newspaper" stock and a bit fragile. Folded once across; clean and untattered.- $50
- $50
Broadside, begins: 9.o Sorteo de la “Deuda Convertida,” verificado en la fecha, en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el art?culo 5.0 de la ley de Mayo de 1872, ante el Se?or Ministro de Hacienda y los Se?ores Don Braulio Novales y Don Jos? Urruela, individuos de la comision nombrada por los tenedores de vales de la referida deuda.
Guatemala. Ministerio de Hacienda. he Ministry of the Treasury publishes the winning numbers in the Ninth Lottery in the "deuda convertida" series, verified by the Minister of Hacienda and members of the commission named by the bondholders of the aforementioned debt. Folio. (44 cm, 17.5"). [1] f. Printed on "newspaper" stock and a bit fragile; a little chipping and waterstaining to edges. Folded once across.- $50
- $50

Little-known sisters of well-known men.
Pomeroy, Sarah G. First edition: Lives of Mary Sidney, Mary Ann Lamb, Dorothy Wordsworth, Elizabeth Whittier, Sarianna Browning, Hannah Macaulay, Sarah Disraeli, Sophia Thoreau, and Eliza W.S. Parkman, with plates. Provenance: Front free endpaper with inked ownership inscription of Ann Herrick, a Vassar student! 8vo. Frontis., [2], xii, [4], 13?304 pp.; 6 plts. Publisher's grey cloth, front cover and spine with black-stamped title; minimal traces of shelfwear overall, front cover with one small spot and some mottled, shadowy darkening/discoloration around title. Pages crisp and apparently unread, with some signatures unopened. => Not ALL of these women are now so "Little Known" as once they were!- $35
- $35
The two forgers: A biography of Harry Buxton Forman & Thomas James Wise.
Collins, John. Well-written and well-documented account of Wise & Buxton Forman and their now notorious forgeries of books by 19th-century writers like the Brownings, Tennyson, Swinburn, Ruskin, and Stevenson. 8vo (22.3 cm; 8.75"). xiii, 317 pp., illus. New, in dust jacket; top edges darkened with a few instances of slight intrusion into top margins.- $25
- $25

Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate. Letters written in 1852?1853.
Mansfield, Charles Blachford, & Charles Kingsley. Posthumously published first edition, including a sketch of the author's life by Kingsley along with a map, portrait, and illustrations. According to the DNB, Mansfield was one of the earliest Englishmen to visit the capital of Paraguay, and "certainly the first to go there merely to take notes"; he has a number of thoughts regarding the future of South America, while the DNB highlights the "bright and careful descriptions of Paraguayan society, the scenery, plant and bird life" contained in these letters, which include similar entries for the other stages of Mansfield's travels. Binding: Contemporary dark blue calf, covers framed in single gilt fillet, spine with gilt-beaded raised bands and gilt-stamped floral compartment decorations. Board edges and turn-ins with gilt rolls. All edges gilt; endpapers of striking blue and gilt marbled paper. 12mo (18.6 cm, 7.32"). Frontis., xxi, [1], 504 pp.; 1 fold. map, illus. Palau 149416. On Mansfield, see: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online). Bound as above, spine slightly dimmed, extremities rubbed. Ownership marking (?) at foot of half-title and pencilled annotation on title-page both now almost completely effaced. Pages faintly age-toned with leaves prior to text (only) showing a few instances of foxing; otherwise, a very clean and fresh copy and one with => the folding map in excellent condition.- $650
- $650

The bibliomaniac.
Nodier, Charles; F. Noel, illus.; Mabel Osgood Wright, transl. First edition in English: a handsome production of Nodier's wry tribute to a bibliophilia so extreme it proves fatal. The text opens with a preface by Ren? Vallery-Radot, and is => illustrated with two full-page portraits of the author and 24 in-text vignettes wood-engraved by Noel after designs by Maurice Leloir (note that the original title-page wrongly states 45 illustrations, corrected by the publisher in the material described below). This is numbered copy 150 of 150 printed on Japan paper by => the De Vinne Press, with a presentation card from the publisher as well as an erratum notice for subscribers and the corrected title-page leaf to which it refers, all laid in. Binding: Publisher's faux vellum wrappers in tan paper dust jacket with gilt-stamped title and medallion, in original slipcase. 8vo (21.1 cm, 8.3"). Frontis., 79, [1] pp.; illus. Bound as above; wrappers creased, jacket with medallion slightly rubbed and spine sunned, case showing moderate shelfwear overall but still sturdy. Pages clean and crisp. => Quite a nice copy, with nice lay-ins.- $350
- $350
Broadside, begins: Estadistica de los asuntos en que se ha ocupado la Corte Suprema de Justicia, el Tribunal de S?plica y la Corte de Apelaciones durante el a?o de 1872.
Guatemala. Corte Suprema de Justicia, el Tribunal de S?plica y la Corte de Apelaciones. The Supreme Court and Court of Appeals here => on a very large and crisply printed broadside summarizes the cases it adjudicated in 1872: criminal and civil, final decisions and appealed decisions, occupations of the defendants and appellants, and types of crimes, with data as to original jurisdiction of the cases, etc. Folio (70 x 50 cm, 27.5" x 20"). [1] f. Printed on "newspaper" stock and a bit fragile. Folded and with fold tears.- $125
- $125
The adventures of a donkey.: https://rarebookinsider.com/rare-books/the-adventures-of-a-donkey/