Caldecott Thomas
Reports of Cases Relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice of the Peace, from Michaelmas Term 1776, inclusive, to Trinity Term 1785, inclusive [Three Parts in One Volume] [complete]. ESTC T492559. Not in ECCO. Quarto
Printed by His Majesty's Law-Printers [imprints vary] 1786-1800, London: 1786
- $563
Modern 1/2 calf over marbled boards, crimson morocco label, gilt, discreetly ex-library, else very clean with excellent margins; the Taussig copy Sole edition of the only legal work of the Middle Temple barrister (and "avid . . . editor of Shakespeare") continuing the reports of James Burrow and expanding their scope, with most cases reported those decided when Lord Mansfield's presided
More from Meyer Boswell Books, Inc.

Observations on the Statutes, Chiefly the More Ancient, From Magna Charta to The Twenty-first of James the First, Ch. xxvii, With an Appendix, Being A Proposal for new modelling the Statutes. Second Edition, With Corrections and Additions
Barrington Daines Contemporary calf, quite rubbed and with some ink stains mainly on the front board, joints cracking but holding, else quite clean and usable The sole Irish edition of one of the foremost works of eighteenth century English law reform, serving as a bridge between Bacon and Blackstone and viewed with admiration by both Dr. Johnson and Jeremy Bentham, who termed it a "great treasure"- $563
- $563
Dissertation on the Origin of the English House of Commons, delivered before the Master, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity College, Cambridge, in June 1777 to which the first Prize of the Year was adjudged
Erskine Thomas Nine pages (pp 443-441), disbound, else very clean with good margins A printing of Erskine's first public statement of the history and principles of English law to govern his entire life and career, with a significant reliance on Magna Carta, warning that the law's hallowed principles must be observed in reality- $313
- $313
The Complete Poetry. Compiled and presented by Dione Venables with an introduction by Peter Davison [the editor of ‘The Complete Works of George Orwell’]
Orwell George Original printed green wraps, as new, one of 500 copies of the first printing of the first edition, with the errata slip pasted in at page 57; 63 pages The long overdue gathering of the verse of George Orwell, who "scattered poetry throughout his work in every conceivable form", instructively glossed by Dione Venables, who was instrumental in the founding of The Orwell Society in 2011- $31
- $31
Code Universel et Methodique des Nouvelles Lois Francaises, ou Recueil complet de tous les Decrets de l’Assemblee Nationale, divises par ordre de Matieres; avec des notes et explications pour en faciliter l’intelligence et l’execution [etc.]
Four pages (one sheet folded), the fore-edge untrimmed, rather chipped and somewhat darkened, yet the margins still ample; one copy in OCLC The rare prospectus describing the proposed work designed to organize systematically the legislation of the National Assembly, as it transformed France and became "the much broader movement that has come to be known as the French Revolution"- $956
- $956
Judicial Ditch Notice. State of Minnesota, County of Meeker. District Court, Twelfth Judicial District. In the Matter of the Judicial Ditch Proceedings now Pending in Meeker Court, Minnesota, and known as Judicial Ditch No. 3
Broadside about 4 1/4x11 inches, four folds, very well preserved, in the original court envelope addressed by hand in ink to N J Anderson of Dassel Conjecturally a unique survival of a common notice sent to landowners potentially affected by the creation of a judicial ditch authorized under Minnesota legislation designed to drain low-lying land; no copy of any Minnesota judicial notice in OCLC- $156
- $156

Commercial and Notarial Precedents: Consisting of All the most approved Forms, Common and Special, which are required in Transactions of Business [etc.] [with the advertising leaf not noted by Cohen] Cohen 2431
Montefiore Joshua Original tree sheep, quite rubbed but very sound, ownership stamps, with the bookplate of W.H. Shir-Cliff depicting two maidens reading to one another First American edition of the first law book written by a Jewish author to be printed in this country, Montefiore subsequently to immigrate to the United States; with a substantial appendix devoted to bills of exchange, insurance, and shipping- $1,688
- $1,688

University of California Pilgrimage, A Treasury of Tradition, Lore and Laughter
Sibley Robert and Carol Original oversized cloth, a very good copy in a somewhat chipped dustjacket, with four brief remains of tape marks on its upper portion Earl Warren's copy, presented to him and Nina Warren by Robert Sibley, with a warm, personal ten line inscription, in ink, on the half title, the work including a chapter on Berkeley's law school, Boalt Hall, from which Warren graduated in 1912- $563
- $563

The Political and Economic Doctrines of John Marshall, Who for Thirty-Four Years Was Chief Justice of the United States [with a photograph campaign flyer, “John Edward Oster for Congress”, affixed to the half title]
Oster (ed.) John Edward Original red cloth, a trifle worn, presentation copy, a warm, personal inscription "to my good friend / Royal Dixon [the noted animal rights activist]" Original edition of the "first collection of Marshall materials (other than decisions and bar addresses)", with chapters on his letters (to George Washington, Joseph Story, and James Madison among many others) and Marshall's speeches and writings- $563
- $563

Plain Advice to Landlords and Tenants, Lodging-House Keepers, and Lodgers; With a Comprehensive Summary of the Law of Distress; A Chapter on the Powers Invested in Tax Collectors and Parochial Authorities; Tables of the Assessed Taxes. Third Edition
Brady John Henry Original printed sewn wraps, a trifle frayed, else a very good, clean copy; x, 98 pages + two advertising leaves; no copy in OCLC or COPAC Conjecturally the only surviving copy of an edition of a work of high utility, praised in over a dozen contemporary reviews, Brady the author of several equally useful self-help law books, copies to survive in small proportion to their printings- $313
- $313
The Reminiscences of Ignatius O’Brien, Lord Chancellor of Ireland 1913-1918, A Life in Cork, Dublin, and Westminster. Edited and Introduced by Daire Hogan and Patrick Maume
O'Brien Ignatius Original cloth, a very good copy in the dustjacket; Volume 31 in the Irish Legal History Series The memoir written, dictated, and corrected by O'Brien, undertaken by him in the 1920's as Lord Shandon (as he had become) based on two manuscripts bequeathed by him, offering the insights of a self-made Irish lawyer in the late 19th century forward- $44
- $44
The Great Assize, An Examination of the Law of the Nuremberg Trials. With a Preface by The Right Hon. Viscount Maugham, formerly Lord Chancellor [the title also noting Morgan’s position Late Deputy Adjutant-General and author of ‘Assize of Arms’]
Morgan J.H. Original yellow stapled wraps, irregularly darkened, ex-library, but a usable copy, 44 pages, now attractively housed in a morocco backed clamshell box A fine historical and analytic perspective, written by the vice-chair of the Birkenhead Committee (investigating German war crimes after World War I), a participant in the Paris Peace Conference, and an attendee at the Nuremberg trials themselves- $188
- $188
The International Law of John Marshall, A Study of First Principles
Ziegler Benjamin Munn Original cloth, somewhat rubbed and darkened, else a very good, clean copy Original edition of Ziegler's first work, based on his Harvard doctoral dissertation of 1935, with much on Grotius and Vattel, and on Kent and Story, and with chapters on war (two), piracy, the slave trade, treaties, and extradition, inter alia- $188
- $188
Effigy of a Judge in Gresford Church. Reprinted from Transactions Volume 22 (1973)
Baker J.H. Original stapled wraps, partial circular stain to front wrap, else well preserved, pages 8-11, with the frontispiece; no copy in OCLC or COPAC The seemingly unrecorded separate printing of one of Dr. Baker's earliest writings, evidencing his lifelong interest in legal effigies, this effigy conjecturally identified as that of Sir David Hanmer, justice of King's Bench from 1383 to 1387- $156
- $156
Principia Legis & Aequitatis: Being an Alphabetical Collection of Maxims, Principles or Rules, Definitions and Memorable Sayings in Law and Equity
Branch Thomas] Contemporary sheep, rubbed, joints cracking but firm and the head of the spine just chipped, else exceptionally clean; with the advertising leaf First edition of the substantial and successful collection of maxims, numbering over 1,500, which "contains more law and more useful matter than any one book of the same size which can be put into the hands of the student"; with sources stated- $956
- $956
A Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdome. Die Mercurii 15 Decemb 1641. It is this day Resolv’d upon the Question, By the House of Commons; That Order shall be now given for the Printing of this Remonstrance, of the State of the Kingdome. ESTC R175248
?Original self stabbed wraps, disbound, a clean seemingly untrimmed copy in original state with generous margins, 28 pages; the Taussig copy One of the immediate, contemporary printings of the Grand Remonstrance, marking one the great constitutional and religious crises of English history and leading to the Civil War, as (in Holdsworth's words) "the sword alone could decide the issue[s]"- $844
- $844
A Speech Delivered in Parliament, by A worthy Member thereof, and A most faithfull Well-wisher to the Church and Common-Weale; Concerning the grievances of the Kingdome. Wing P4285. Quarto
Pym John ?Original self wraps, now disbound, some browning, without the first blank leaf, else sound and usable with generous margins, 40 pages; the Taussig copy Pym's famous speech, gathering together in great detail the grievances of Parliament submitted to Charles I (including an early statement of grievance of the American "poore plantations"), ultimately leading to his attempted arrest and proposed trial- $438
- $438
A Justice of Peace for Ireland: Consisting of Two Books; The First, declaring the Exercise of That Office . . . The Second, setting forth the Form of Proceeding in Sessions . . . Also, Some Precedents of Committals, Convictions . . . and Warrants [etc.]
Bolton Richard Contemporary calf, lightly rubbed, else a very good, clean copy The received edition of the first Irish legal treatise, originally published in 1638, shortly before Bolton was appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland, this edition expanded by the barrister Michael Travers to encompass the intervening century- $1,406
- $1,406
London’s Liberties; Or, A Learned Argument of Law & Reason . . . Wherein the Freedom of the Citizens of London in their Elections of their chief Officers, is fully Debated; the most Ancient Charters and Records of the City Examined [etc.]. Wing L2936A
?Original self wraps, disbound, some browning, one leaf stained (legibility preserved), without the final blank, 38 pages, not in EEBO; the Taussig copy First edition of the arguments made by some of the most eminent lawyers and judges of Stuart England, including Serjeant Maynard and Sir Matthew Hale, appearing as the great threat to London's independence was mounted by Charles II- $731
- $731
Articles containing his Maiesties gracious offer to compound with his Subiects, For the Tenure of their Lands, and other profits growing by reason of their Tenures, in certaine cases as followeth. S.T.C. 9219. Quarto
?Original self wraps, disbound, light browning, the top margin cut close (no text affected), else clean and usable, 5 pages; the Taussig copy The rare, only printing of James's attempt to raise much needed Royal revenue, part of his long and unsuccessful struggle with Parliament, ultimately leading to Parliament's adjournment and dissolution; six copies in ESTC, none in a law library- $844
- $844
Ignorami Lamentatio super Legis Communis Translationem Ex Latino in Anglicum . . . cui adjicitur, Index Expositorius locupletissimus Voces Communis Legis Angliae In hoc opere usitatas Exponens & Explanans. A variant printing not in ESTC [see imprint]
Bramston James Modern 1/4 calf over marbled boards, the spine double gilt ruled and lettered, some browning, else well preserved with ample margins; the Taussig copy The spoof written by a Middle Templar turned clergyman (known to Pope who praised him in The Dunciad), "a high-spirited satire on lawyers, written in dog Latin hexameters", closing with a dictionary of about 100 law terms translated from the Latin- $956
- $956
The First Part {Though last Publish’t} of the Reports of Sr George Croke Kt., Late one of the Justices of the Court of Kings-Bench, And formerly one of the Justices of the Court of Common-Bench . . . Revised and published in English [etc.]. Wing C7012. Folio
Croke George Modern 1/4 calf over marbled boards, very light browning, without the portrait, else well preserved with excellent margins; the Taussig copy First reissue of the first part of Croke's reports, devoted to some two decades of the reign of Elizabeth "approached . . . within the tradition of Plowden and Coke", concluding with a revised ediion of the earliest catalogue of law books to appear- $438
- $438
A Treatise, Shewing That the Soveraignes Person is required in the great Councells or Assemblies of the State, as well at the Consultations as at the Conclusions. Wing C6503. Quarto
Cotton Robert ?Original self wraps, disbound, some browning, else quite usable with excellent margins; the Taussig copy First and only separate printing of one of Cotton's principal Parliamentary speeches, reflecting his commanding knowledge of English history and contending that Parliament has been an essential part of English government since Anglo-Saxon centuries- $563
- $563
Billa Vera: Or, the Arraignment of Ignoramus. Put forth out of Charity, for the use of Grand Inquests and Other Jury’s; The Sworn Assertors of Truth and Justice. In a Letter to a Friend. Wing W3340. Quarto
Womock [Womack] Laurence ?Original self stabbed wraps, disbound, some browning, an occasional notation, else sound with ample margins, 34 pages; the Taussig copy Only edition of Womock's critical response to Edward Whitaker's 'The Ignoramus Justices', Womack "asserting the need for strict conformity and loyalty to the Anglican establishment", no concessions to be extended to Dissenters nor to Roman Catholics- $563
- $563
A New Law-Dictionary, Containing, The Interpretation and Definition of Words and Terms used in the Law; And also the Whole Law . . . Abstracted from all Dictionaies, Abridgments, Institutes, Reports, Year-Books, Charters . . . Published to this Time [etc.]
Jacob Giles Contemporary blind panelled calf, rebacked, the original spine laid down, quite badly stained, but still legible and usable; the Taussig copy First edition of Jacob's masterpiece, combining the virtues of a dictionary, an abridgment, and a vocabulary (of Anglo-Saxon and Norman French), far different from previous dictionaries in providing both substantive law and legal definitions- $438
- $438
Reports of Cases Relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice of the Peace, from Michaelmas Term 1776, inclusive, to Trinity Term 1785, inclusive [Three Parts in One Volume] [complete]. ESTC T492559. Not in ECCO. Quarto: