Poetry Flash No. 153 - Rare Book Insider
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Poetry Flash No. 153

Tabloid format, 16 pp. incl. covers. Great issue, notable for the lead article on poetry in Nicaragua by John Oliver Simon, a photograph and brief text bo Susan Griffin, Stephen Kessler on literary translation, Yuri Kageyama on Garrett Kaoru Hongo's book Yellow Light, and more, including the regular reviews and calendar listings that are a superb printed record of the Bay Area poetry scene at the time. Poetry Flash was longrunning periodical devoted not only to information about the west coast poetry scenes, but also lots of opiniated coverage of readings, critical articles, photographs and even poems- a whole strata of information that is not published elsewhere. Worth the price of admission for the pithy reviews alone, and for the remarkably indepth criticism of readings - a rare feature for a poetry magazine of the time, and a rich resource of anecdote and histories of the smaller moments of the west coast poetry scene. Very good with a horizontal fold, as usual, and fain toning.
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