LES PROPHETIES DE M. MICHEL NOSTRADAMUS. Reueues et corrigees sur la copie Imprimee a Lyon par Benoist Rigaud en l’an 1568.
A Troyes: Par Pierre du Ruau, rue nostre Dame. ND Circa 1605 - 1611, A Troyes: Par Pierre du Ruau, rue nostre Dame: 1605
- $588
3 parts in 1. 64, 64, 64 leaves (A-H8, A-H8, A-H8). 8vo. Vignette on title page. Last 2 leaves of third part in facsimile. Reverse calf. COPAC University of Oxford Libraries.
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BOSWELL’S LIFE OF JOHNSON including Boswell’s Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson’s Diary of a Journey into North Wales.
6 vols. pp. xxviii, 522; vi, 480; vi, 464; vi, 446; viii, 460; lxxiv, (ii), 324. 5 frontis's, 6 facsimiles, 2plates, 1 map - all as called for. 8vo. Half, later, blue morocco with marbled boards, top edges gilt, spines very slightly faded. Binding by Roger de Coverly & Sons. Vol 2 partly unopened. A hansome set.THE SHIPWRECK OF THE ALCESTE, an English Frigate, in the Straits of Gaspar; also The Shipwreck of The Medusa, a French Frigate, on the coast of Africa; With observations and reflections thereon.
pp. 179. Frontis & 5 woodcuts. 12mo. Modern contemporary style half calf, marbled boards. The pagination is continious between the two narratives. The Preface, I assume, written by the publisher states ' we have selected the two narratives mentioned in the title-page - each of them contains the account of a shipwreck, written by an eye-witness of what he relates,' M'Leod was the author of the Shipwreck of the Alceste, he was the ship's surgeon; The Shipwreck of the Medusa was taken from J.B. Henry Savigny and Alexander Correard's account - Savigny was also a surgeon, Correard an engineer and geographer. The account inspired the French romantic painting The Raft of the Medusa by Theodore Gericault.LOVE AND MADNESS. A Story Too True. In a Series of Letters between Parties, whose Names would perhaps be mentioned, were they less known, or less lamented.
(CROFT, Sir Herbert). pp. viii, 296. 8vo in 4s. Workaday half calf, marbled boards, later binding. Tilte slightly browned. 1st edition. ODNB.This rather sensational volume went through seven editions, with many variations in the text, and deals with the clandestine love of James Hackman, a one-time army officer and Norfolk clergyman, for Martha Ray, the mistress of Lord Sandwich, who was shot by Hackman as she was leaving Covent Garden Theatre on 7 April 1779. Into this work Croft inserted a huge interpolation on Chatterton. Many years later this circumstance inflicted an indelible stain on Croft's reputation. In a letter inserted in the Monthly Magazine for November 1799 he was accused by Robert Southey of having obtained in 1778 Chatterton's letters from the boy's mother and sister under false pretences, of having published the letters without consent, and without awarding to the owners an adequate remuneration from the large profits he had himself made by their publication, and of having kept the originals for twenty-one years. To these charges Croft made a very unsatisfactory answer in the pages of the Gentleman's Magazine, which was subsequently published separately as Chatterton and love and madness: a letter from Denmark to Mr Nichols, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine, 1800.- $2,574
- $2,574
VENUS LA POPULAIRE, ou Apologie de Maisons de Joye.
(MANDEVILLE, Bernard). pp. xii, 130. Small 8vo. Contemporary boards and card spine, chipped at head and tail, corners worn. Stamped on front free endpaper Bibliotheque de P.H. Rodde. Text block slightly browned. A translation of Mandeville's A Modest Defence of Publick 290.00Stews. The dedication is signed Phil-Pornix, instead of Phil-Porney, as in the original which was published in 1724.- $1,103
- $1,103

THE DEBAUCHED CAVALLEER: Or the English Midianite. Wherein are compared by way of Parallel, the Carriage, or rather Miscarriage of the Cavalleeres, in the present Reigne of our King Charles, with the Midianites of old. Setting forth their Diabolicall, and Hyperdiabolicall Blaspemies, Execrations, Rebellions, Cruelties, Rapes, and Robberies.
(LAWRENCE, george and Christopher Love.) G.L. and C.L. pp. 8. Smal 4to. Modern boards with front board label, new endpapers. With the bookplate of Fox Pointe Collection. Library of Dr & Mrs H.R. Knohl. Wing 656.Wing lists copies in 5 libraries.- $1,103
- $1,103

ARNALDO; GADDO; and other unackowledged poems, by Lord Byron, and some of his contemporaries; collected by Odoardo Volpi.
(SHANNON, Edward N). Bound with THE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI: translated by Odoardo Volpi. pp. xiv, 296, xxxiv, 66, errata leaf. 8vo. Quarter cloth, original boards, spine relaid, new endpaper. With the bookplate of Nottingham Free Reference Public Library on the front board and a few stamps throughout. Chew p.178 and p.405. Chew devotes over 4 pages to this work and says' Arnaldo is the longest and most ambitious of all the pseudo-Byronic poems. BL- $2,206
- $2,206

WALLACE, Alfred R. A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds. pp. viii, 341, (i) of adverts. 1 plate folded. 8vo. Original cloth, spine relaid. New endpapers. Some foxing. 4th edition. Retains the original front free endpaper which is inscribed by Wallace " To his old Friend Arabella B. Buckley (Mrs Fisher) With the Author's very best wishes. January 20th 1905" This leaf is of very poor quality paper so very browned and frail. Arabella Burton Buckley's bookplate is retained on the inside of the front board. ODNB. Arabella Burton Buckley (1840 - 1929) was a writer and populariser of science. Her first book A Short History of Natural Science was published in 1876.- $1,765
- $1,765

(STRICKLAND, Henry Eustatius). pp. 10 leaves of accounts and 2 leaves of journal. The rest of the book is blank. 4to. Full vellum much browned. It would appear that Henry Eustatius Strickland, who built Apperley Court, had his own brick works as under Received (Season 1850) Dr H E Strickland June 17 From Self. Strickland built a chapel at Apperley which was comnpleted in1857. The journal at the back of the book chronicles, in brief, the creation of the brickworks.This branch of the Strickland family came from East Yorkshir. Henry's son Hugh was the renowned geologist Hugh Edwin Strickland, who was killed by a passenger train while avoiding a coal train.- $368
- $368

THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SPERM WHALE: . To which is added, a sketch of a South-Sea Whaling Voyage.
BEALE, Thomas, Surgeon. pp. 12, (ii) of subscribers, 393, (iv) of adverts dated 1838. Frontis, 2 plates. 8vo in 12s. Original cloth, spine relaid, recased slightly tightly, small section cut from half title. With the bookplate of Sir Edmund Giles Loder. 2nd edition- $1,471
- $1,471

THE LADIES DIARY or, The Woman’s Almanack; GREAT NEWS FROM THE STARS: or, an Ephemeris; MERLINUS ANGLICUS JUNIOR: or The Starry Messenger; EPHMEPIS: or, A Diary Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological; VOX STELLARUM: Being a Loyal Almanack; MERLINUS LIBERATUS: An Alamanack; PARKER’S EPHEMERIS The Thirty Fifth Impression; THE COELESTIAL DIARY: or an Ephemeris Sixth Impression; POOR ROBIN An Almanack after the Old and New Fashion;APOLLO ANGLICANUS: The English Apollo; PANTERPE; ID EST DELECTARE: or, an Almanack and an Ephemeris; GREAT BRITAIN’S DIARY: or, The Union- Almanack; John Wing’s ALMANACK; THE BRITISH TELESCOPE: being an Ephemeris of the Coelestial Motions, with an Almanack.
ALMANACKS. 14 Almanacks all for 1724, all published in London. 8vo. Modern contemporary style quarter calf, marbled boards, new endpapers. Slightly tight binding.- $662
- $662

BLACKETT, John. pp. 26 - 40. 8vo. Disbound. Article in the London Quarterly Review January 1925. Note on Nottingham Public Libraries catalogue card ' Joseph Blackett (1786 - 1810) was a poet who lived for a time at Seaham where he was befriended by the Milbankes"LES PROPHETIES DE M. MICHEL NOSTRADAMUS. Reueues et corrigees sur la copie Imprimee a Lyon par Benoist Rigaud en l’an 1568.: https://rarebookinsider.com/rare-books/les-propheties-de-m-michel-nostradamus-reueues-et-corrigees-sur-la-copie-imprimee-a-lyon-par-benoist-rigaud-en-lan-1568/