Een kort anledning till åtskillige malm- och bergarters/ mineraliers wäxters/ och jordeslags/ sampt flere sällsamme tings effterspöriande och angifwande/ effter kongl. may:tz allernådigste behag stält till alla uti rijket/ som kunna hafwa lust at låta i dagzliuset komma/ hwad som i hwar och en ort kan finnas. - Rare Book Insider
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Een kort anledning till åtskillige malm- och bergarters/ mineraliers wäxters/ och jordeslags/ sampt flere sällsamme tings effterspöriande och angifwande/ effter kongl. may:tz allernådigste behag stält till alla uti rijket/ som kunna hafwa lust at låta i dagzliuset komma/ hwad som i hwar och en ort kan finnas.

Stockholm, sal. Wankijfs änckia, 1694. 4:o. (24) pp. + MERRET, CHRISTOPHER. Engländaren Christopher Merrets beskrifning om pottaske-siuderiet, med Joh. Kunckels anmärkningar; innehållande sättet at siuda och calcinera pottaskan på wisza orter i Tyskland och annorstädes efter kongl. maj:ts och riksens Commercie-collegii befalning till almän nytta af tyskan öfwersatt åhr 1742.Stockholm, Kongl. tryckeriet, (1742). 4:o. (20) pp. & 1 engraved plate. + DUHRE, ANDERS GABRIEL. Utdrag af Anders Gabriel Duhres oeconomiske tractat, kallad Sweriges högsta wälstånd, hwarutinnan sammanhanget så wäl som sakens höga wigt och angelägenhet/ til alla wälsinte patrioters widare ompröfwande/ warder kort och tydeligen å daga lagd. Stockholm, Kongl. tryckeriet, 1738. 4:o. (4),76 pp. + Thens stormächtigeste och höghborne herres och konungz/ her Gustaf Adolfs/ Sweiges/ Göthes och Wendes konungz/ storförstes til Finland/ hertigs uthi Estland och Carelen/ herres uthöfwer Ingermannaland/ konungzlige breff på the jorde-godzen och kyrckiotijenderna/ som k. m:tt til Upsala konglige academia nådigst gifwit hafwer. Uppsala, E. Matzson, 1624. 4:o. (16) pp. With a title woodcut. Mid-18th-century half calf with raised bands, spine ruled gilt. Sprinkled edges. Spine somewhat faded. First work with some foxing, last one closely cut in lower margin on title leaf with partial text loss in year of printing. From Ericsberg Castle in Södermanland, Sweden. Collijn Sveriges bibliografi 1600-talet 392 and Warmholtz Bibliotheca historica Sueo-Gothica 982 for the first work. An octavo edition and a German translation was also published. The answers to Hiärne's questions to civilian and church authorities regarding the mineral assets of Sweden were gathered in "Den korta anledningen/ til åthskillige malm och bergarters/ mineraliers och jordeslags &c. efterspörjande och angifwande/ beswarad och förklarad", published 1702-06. Anders Gabriel Duhre (ca 1680-1739) was a private tutor in mathematics, among other things, and an early advocate for utilitarianism in Sweden. A constant optimist, Duhre devoted much of his time to increasingly fantastic ideas. Among his suggestions was the instituting of an Economic Society that would run all economic activity in the country on behalf of the state - a utopian vision that in parts reflected platonic ideas and foreboded modern communism. Warmholtz 9152 for the last work. With the aim of strenghtening education in the realm and making its only university self-supporting, Gustavus Adolphus donated a number of estates in Uppland and Västmanland to Uppsala University. The yearly yield at the time was 10350 thalers, to which were added the tithes from eight parishes. These means financed the main part of the university's activities well into the 19th century and the donation remains an important source of income.
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Then fordom stormächtigste/ högborne furstes och herres herr Gustaff Adolphs/ den andres och stores Sweriges/ Götes och Wändes etc. konungs historia, och lefwernes beskrifning/ then första deel. Författad och sammansatt [. History of Gustavus Adolphus the second, the first part .].

Stockholm, sahl. N. Wankijfs tryckeri, 1691. Folio. Extra engraved title leaf,(4),448,(12) pp. Contemporary sprinkled calf with raised bands, oxidized décor on spine and boards. Sprinkled edges. Spine slightly worn and dry. Covers somewhat scratched in parts and with superficial worming and minor spotting. Hinges weak. Fly-leaves with minor tears. Occasional minor spotting, a few larger unpleasant stains in the text on pp. 179-82. Occasional minor tears. Small dark wax stain in the text on pp. 408-10. Occasional margin notes. Signature of Fale H. Burenskiöld, accession number and bibliographical notes of Gustaf Adolf Sparre, bookplate of Carl Trolle-Bonde and his gilt initials on front cover. Från Trolleholm Castle in Skåne, Sweden.Collijn Sveriges bibliografi 1600-talet 1016. Warmholtz Bibliotheca historica Sueo-Gothica 3472. Åhlén & Åhlén Censur och tryckfrihet 16.76. All published. The elegant extra engraved title leaf includes a portrait of Gustavus Adolphus, among other things. The royal historian Widekindi wrote his history of Gustavus Adolphus by official order. In 1676, when the manuscript was finished, the Swedish government made a contract with Wankijf to print the book, but before the work was completed both he and the author were dead. Wankijf's widow did not have the book ready for sale until 1691, at which point the Russian and Danish envoys in Stockholm protested against the way history was presented in Widekindis text. Their complaints were noted by the government, and despite the fact that the work had been delivered sheet by sheet to the govenmental offices for proof-reading, inspection and approval, the entire available edition was confiscated and brought to the royal archives. Out of 830 printed copies 763 were confiscated, seemingly without any compensation to the printer. Fale Henrik Burensköld (1739-79) was lord chamberlain and received an inheritance in 1763 from Conrad Lohe, on the condition that he added the latter's surname to his own. Gustaf Adolf Sparre (1802-86) was Sweden's minister for justice in 1848-56. After his resignation as minister he was appointed president of Svea hovrätt [court of appeal] and ended his career as marshal of the realm from 1864 until his death. He also devoted time to research in Swedish medieval manuscripts, focusing in particular on the genealogy of the nobility, and built a large book collection which was acquired after his death by his relative Carl Trolle-Bonde on Trolleholm in Skåne.
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Geodæsia suecana eller örtuga delo-bok, hwar uti följande delar hufwudsakeligen beskrifwes, I. Om jorde-mätning i gemen, dess grundskepelser, samt huru man deras innehåld och wärde finna kan. II. Om instrumenter som til mätningens afgörande fordras, deras bruk, samt en kort berättelse om Sweriges gamla myntz gällande. III. Huru jorde-ägor emellan åtskillige låttlagare lageligen samt konsteligen fördelas böra. IV. Om råå och rör, eller gräntzemärkens tilstånd och beskaffenheter &c. theoretico-practice sammanskrifwen.

Stockholm, H. Gercken, 1730. 4:o. (16),144,135-54,(24) pp. & 1 folded woodcut map. A number of woodcut illustrations in the text, one full-page on p. 56. Sound contemporary half calf with raised bands and oxidized spine ornamentation. Red sprinkled edges. Turkish marbled paper on boards with superficial wear. Occasional foxing and unobtrusive pencil markings in margins. Ink stains in upper margin on pp. (17-20) in the last unpaginated part. A thin brochure has earlier been carefully removed at the end of the volume without weakening the stitching. Bookplate of S. Nordin and pencil signature of F. B. Andrén.Hesse Svensk numismatisk bibliografi 0441. Surveying instructions from 1725 reprinted on the last unpaginated pages. The posthumously published "Geodæsia suecana" is an easily comprehended surveying instruction. Land surveyor Eric Agner (ca. 1642-1727) was a mathematician and published textbooks in mathematics and surveying. The present work contains an amusing appendix with "curieuse problemata", where he tries to refute the claim that Noah's ark was too small to house both people and animals, among other things.
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Dagbok öfwer en ostindisk resa åren 1750, 1751, 1752. Med anmärkningar uti naturkunnigheten, främmande folkslags språk, seder, hushållning, m.m. På fleras åstundan utgifwen. Jämte 12 tabeller och afledne skepps-predikanten Toréns bref.

Stockholm, L. L. Grefing, 1757. 8:o. (8),376,(16) s. & 12 grav. plr. Contemporary half calf, somewhat worn, with raised bands, gilt-ruled spine and yellowish brown label. Faintly sprinkled edges. Some shallow cracks on spine, boards rubbed, corners heavily bumped. Occasional soiling, stains and spotting. Plates folded and mounted on leaves similar in size to the insert, enabling them to be studied during reading. Contemporary signature of Sven P. Holmer and bookplate of Lennart Ragnemark.Löwendahl China illustrata 491. Soulsby A catalogue of the works of Linnæus 3599 regarding Torén. Krok Bibliotheca botanica suecana p. 565. Pritzel Thesaurus literaturae botanicae 6865. Lacking, as often, the separately printed appendix by Ekeberg. The linnaean disciple Pehr Osbeck (1723-1805) left Sweden in 1750 as chaplain on the East Indiaman Prins Carl and returned home in 1752; five years later he published his "Dagbok". The work is inspired by Linnaeus' Swedish travels, which means that street life and economic matters is given as much space as natural history. Osbeck gives a comprehensive description of Canton and China - the first published by a Swedish writer - and praises the "lovely moral" of Confucius. The text also contains a generous amount of plant lists and plant descriptions in Latin, as well as sections on birds and fishes. At the end of the work are reprinted seven letters from Olof Torén (1718-53) to Linnaeus. Torén has little to say about plants and animals, but he is almost unique among the older generation of linnaean disciples in his display of humour and wit, which can be experienced in his descriptions of places, street life, buildings, religions etc. in India and in China.
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Siéges de Saragosse. Histoire et peinture des événements qui ont eu lieu dans cette ville ouverte pendant les deux siéges qu’elle a soutenus en 1808 et 1809. Les matériaux de cette description ont été recueillis sur les lieux pendant le second siége; les récits des espagnols ont été vérifiés, et ce travail a été complété au moyen des pièces officielles réunies dans l’ouvrage de J. Belmas.

LEJEUNE, (LOUIS-FRANÇOIS). Paris, librairie de F. Didot frères, (1839)-40. 8:o. VII,(1 blank),269 pp. & 1 folded lithographed plate. Contemporary French red half calf, somewhat worn, with gilt spine. All edges gilt. Corners nicely blindstamped. Spine slightly faded and with a few scratches. A few old ink stains. Corner torn off p. 65 and with small tear in outer margin on p. 101. Tear in folding of map. Dedication to king Charles XIV John dated Toulouse 1 January 1840 and with blue stamp of Prince August on title leaf.Sjögren Svenska kungliga och furstliga bokägaremärken nr 8, figur 388 for Prince August's stamp. On the siege of Zaragoza by Napoleon's French troops during the Spanish War of Independence. The author Louis-François Lejeune (1775-1848) was a French general, painter and lithograph. He was married to Louise Clary, niece of the wife of Sweden's King Charles XIV John, Queen Desirée. Lejeune and Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, as his name was before he became King of Sweden, had both taken part in Napoleon's campaigns and were present for example at the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805. Lejeune was made commander of the Order of the Sword in 1824 by Charles XIV John. The book was translated into Swedish in 1841 under the title "De begge belägringarne af Saragossa åren 1808 och 1809". In the latter edition, the accompanying letter which probably came with the present copy was reprinted, as well as the letter of thanks from the king. Prince August (1831-73) was Duke of Dalarna and grandson of Charles XIV John.
  • $2,013
  • $2,013
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Hjelpreda i hushållningen för unga fruentimer; samt tilökt med en färgbok och et bihang. Nionde uplagan; å nyo öfwersedd, förbättrad och tilökt [Housekeeper’s assistant for young women; to which is added a dyeing book and an appendix. Ninth edition .].

WARG, CAJSA. Stockholm, Kongl. tryckeriet, 1790. 8:o. (8),528,1-166,(1) pp. + RÜCKERSCHÖLD, ANNA MARIA. En liten hushålls-bok, innehållande säkra underrättelser, om rätta beredningen af hwarjehanda äteliga waror, unga matmödrar til tjenst. Andra uplagan [A little book on housekeeping, containing reliable information on the preparation of various edible products, for the service of young mistresses. Second edition]. + Stockholm, J. C. Holmberg, 1786. 8:o. (8),79 pp. Contemporary half calf with raised bands, sparingly gilt spine and light brown label. Sprinkled edges. Contemporary oval paper label with ink numbering on top of front board. Tear in upper margin on p. 23, minor spotting on pp. 479-83 and occasional dog-ears in the first work. The dyeing book with a few minor dampstains in upper margin at the beginning. The second work, which appears to be inserted into the binding somewhat later, with a hole in lower margin on p. 5. Crossed-out signature in lower margin on title in the first work. Signature of Elsa In. Kiellman, stamp of H. von Lingen and with a dedication to Mela Anderberg from Sigrid Brodin dated 18 April 1912 and bookplate of Erik Anderberg.Du Rietz Gastronomisk spegel 33 and Sahlin Förteckning över svensk färgerilitteratur 27 for the first work. First edition published in 1755. Du Rietz 49 for the second work. First edition published in 1785, the third in 1790. Leijonhufvud & Brithelli Kvinnan inom svenska litteraturen p. 174 and 145, respectively. Anna Maria Rückerschöld (1725-1805), married Dahl, was the granddaughter of "the father of Swedish mechanics", Christopher Polhem, and published a handful of cookery books, with a content characterized by utility and thrift. They are clearly targeted towards young women who had to put their own hands to their households and teaches the basics for preparing the most economical, tasty and healthy food. Herman von Lingen (1748-1820) was employed as secretary of a commission. His neat book collection was donated to the Linköping diocese library, but some books came to be sold at duplicate auctions during the 19th century.
  • $805
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Evolutioner til sjös eller underrättelse hur skieppen, af en örlogs flåtta, hållas uti sin tilbörliga ordning, i anseende til hwarannan, wid alla förefallande tilfällen och rörelser. Uppå hans kongl. maij:ts allernådigste befallning [Evolutions at sea or [.] how ships in a battle fleet, should be kept in proper order [.].

(HOSTE, PAUL) Karlskrona, J. Winqwist, (1752). Folio. (6),372,(6) pp. With 115 engraved plates (1 folded) which are included in the pagination. Mid-19th-century half calf, worn. Faintly sprinkled edges. Sparsely gilt spine and sprinkled edges. Nice copy with occasional minor stains. From the library at Biby Manor in Södermanland, Sweden.The French original, "L'art des armées navales ou traité des evolutions navales" was published in 1696 and a second edition was printed in 1727. Translated by Christoffer Falkengréen. The nice plates were engraved by Daniel Petersson Milander, who was employed at the Admirality in Karlskrona. In the foreword, Falkengréen writes that he, together with four other naval officers (one of them was his father, admiral Abraham Falkengréen), has excluded some parts which were more odd than necessary and added a lot more which had been improved upon and invented since the publication of the original edition. Paul Hoste (1642-1700) was professor of mathematics in Toulon. He had spent twelve years at sea in the French navy and his work on naval warfare tactics became standard within the field for the main part of the 18th century. Christoffer Falkengréen (1722-89), who eventually became councillor and vice-admiral, was in French service for a few years, and, among other things, commanded the French frigate "Le Volage".
  • $4,026
  • $4,026
Fasciculus homileticarum dispositionum

Fasciculus homileticarum dispositionum, annis circiter XXVII seorsim editarum: videlicet CCXX in textus sacros poenitentiales. Et V in totidem textus sollenn. grat. act. Accedunt nunc quoque XIII homiliæ juridicæ: auctoribus b. Johanne Gezelio patre, et Johanne Gezelio j.f.

GEZELIUS, JOHANNES d.ä. & GEZELIUS, JOHANNES d.y. Åbo, J. Winter, 1693. 4:o. (16),136,136-41,141-51,151-353,336-37,356-796,(38) pp. Contemporary vellum, soiled, with old handwritten title on spine. Red edges. Ink stains on front cover. Insert loose at front hinge, where a brochure has been cut out. Rear hinge also a little weak. Some foxing in margins. Multiple underlinings and margin notes. Index leaves at the end with dampstains in upper margin. Contemporary latin dedications on pastedowns.Collijn Sveriges bibliografi 1600-talet 318. "Svenskt biografiskt lexikon" writes: "As vice-chancellor at Åbo akademi G took a special interest in the theological faculty and in making the teaching there more effective. For a number of years he held lectures in homiletics and supervised preaching exercises. He attached great importance to the morning service sermon and published outlines for sermons that were frequently used by the clergy, to the benefit of the preaching within the diocese". [Our translation.] Johannes Gezelius the elder (1615-90) died before the present work was published and it was finished by his son, Johannes Gezelius the younger (1647-1718), who succeeded his father as bishop in Åbo.
  • $1,006
  • $1,006