CREDITING POETRY - Rare Book Insider

Heaney, Seamus


Loughcrew, Oldcastle: Gallery Books: 1995
  • $275
CREDITING POETRY is the title of Seamus Heaney's Nobel Prize acceptance speech given in December, 1995. This is the first edition, published in Ireland on 12 December, 1995 by The Gallery Press in Loughcrew . Oldcastle, County Mearth. The title page has a wonderful personal inscription from Seamus Heaney written at the time of publication. To ___ - / Who credits us all - / With old affection / and renewed respect - Seamus / New Year / 1996. A soft cover edition in stiff illustrated wrappers with brown end papers, in fine condition.
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McClatchy, J. D. and Thorne, Francis. This listing consists of two items relating to an early performance of the opera, Mario and the Magician, based on the story by Thomas Mann. The first item is a folder containing the libretto by J. D. (Sandy) McClatchy. There are 25 loose copied sheets, with a title sheet and 24 numbered sheets of the libretto text held together with a paper clip. The text appears on the rectos only. The folder cover has a label reading: MARIO AND THE MAGICIAN / Libretto by J.D. McClatchy / Music by Francis Thorne / After the story by Thomas Mann. A printed label reading: AMERICAN COMPOSERS ORCHESTRA 37 West 65th Street / New York, NY 10023 / Tel & Fax / Francis Thorne / President. is inserted in the inside folder left side. Above the card, written in ink, are the tel. numbers of Dorothy Danner, Miriam Charney, Francis Thorne, and J.D. McClatchy, as well as Francis Thorne's home address, and two additional tel. numbers. The folder cover is in dark blue ink with inner sides white and measures 9-1/2 x 11-1/2 inches. The second item, measuring 12 x 14 inches, and spiral bound, has a cover label reading: Francis Thorne / MARIO AND THE MAGICIAN / Libretto by J.D. McClatchy / piano/vocal score. There is a cover page, followed by 113 pages of piano / vocal score music with libretto. At the bottom of Pg. 1 is the copyright notice for Francis Thorne & J.D. McClatchy. Please contact the seller for more information.
  • $375