Cancelleresca Bastarda Displayed in a Series of Maxims and Mottos. With Alphabets and Ornaments - Rare Book Insider
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Cancelleresca Bastarda Displayed in a Series of Maxims and Mottos. With Alphabets and Ornaments

Gehenna Press, (Northampton): 1965
  • $1,380
16mo. (14)ff. Of a stated edition of 100 copies, this is the printer's copy, indicated as such at the colophon, where Baskin has inscribed the volume to, presumably, Dorothy, for whom he executed a bookplate in 1959. After acquiring several Jan van Krimpen fonts in three sizes, modeled on chancery script, Baskin designed this book. It contains eleven mottos, each decoratively printed with different sizes of type in subtle variations of color. One page uses seven colors. One of two books by Baskin devoted entirely to typography. Crease along spine, else fine in marbled boards with printed label. Prospectus laid in. (Brook, 42A).
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