A Treatise, Shewing That the Soveraignes Person is required in the great Councells or Assemblies of the State, as well at the Consultations as at the Conclusions. Wing C6503. Quarto - Rare Book Insider
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Cotton Robert

A Treatise, Shewing That the Soveraignes Person is required in the great Councells or Assemblies of the State, as well at the Consultations as at the Conclusions. Wing C6503. Quarto

No Publisher Stated, London: 1641
  • $563
?Original self wraps, disbound, some browning, else quite usable with excellent margins; the Taussig copy First and only separate printing of one of Cotton's principal Parliamentary speeches, reflecting his commanding knowledge of English history and contending that Parliament has been an essential part of English government since Anglo-Saxon centuries
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