88 Gray's Inn: A Living Space Odyssey - Rare Book Insider
88 Gray's Inn: A Living Space Odyssey

William F. Temple

88 Gray’s Inn: A Living Space Odyssey

Sansato Press, London: 2000
  • $80
London, Sansato Press, 2000. Limited Edition. Hardback. A fine copy. Signed by way of a pasted in plate by Arthur C. Clarke. Number 46 of 50 copies. The signed limited edition is pretty scarce on the ground, with only around half being issued at publication time. Clarke provided a short preface for this volume. George Locke provides an introduction, and then we have a novelette and two short stories. For context 88 Gray's Inn Road was where Clarke and Temple lived in 1936, along with Maurice Hanson. He tried to get his biography of those times published in the 1940s but it never worked out. William F. Temple (1914-1989) was a British science fiction author, he's perhaps best remembered for The Four-Sided Triangle, which was adapted for the big screen. Illustrations by Jim Cawthorn [11466, Hyraxia Books].
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Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum, novam telluris theoriam ac historiam quintae monarchiae adhuc nobis incognitae exhibens e bibliotheca B. Abelini.

Ludwig Holberg Copenhagen & Leipzig, Jacob Preuss, 1741. First edition, first impression. Hardback. A very good copy. An early classic of underworld science fiction by the father of modern Danish-Norwegian literature. This novel was a major inspiration for Verne, and the first work of fiction to use Halley's theory that planets comprise concentric spheres surrounding a small central sun. Set in the year 1665, the story is told by Niels Klim, who comes back to his native town Bergen after receiving his degree from the University of Copenhagen. While climbing a mountain with a group of friends, he falls into a pit to emerge - after fifteen minutes - in the hollow interior of the Earth. This space is a small cosmos with planets orbiting around a miniature sun. After floating for a while, he eventually lands on a planet named Nazar, in the kingdom of Potu (which echoes "utopia" spelled backwards), and discovers a species of intelligent anthropomorphic tree-men. Holberg's work "blends satire with a fantastic voyage and breathes the spirit of the eighteenth century. Other than its Latin language and passages of verse and prose adapted from classical authors, this novel is entirely modern in spirit. Its description of travel to exotic lands reminds one of his near-contemporary Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726), but with far more wit and humour. Rebacked with original spine laid down, engraved frontis and three smaller plates. Ownership inscriptions. Extremities and surfaces rubbed and worn, some light foxing and a couple of neat repairs to leaves. A nice copy. [11439, Hyraxia Books].
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  • $2,331