Local Tariff of Passenger Rates and Distances in Effect November 1st, 1887, and Until Otherwise Ordered - Rare Book Insider
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Local Tariff of Passenger Rates and Distances in Effect November 1st, 1887, and Until Otherwise Ordered

21x14 cm. Contemporary full calf, well worn, with crude buckram spine. Contents shaken, some leaves possibly missing. Approximately 300 pages. While the title above reflects what is on the title page here, this is actually a much larger compilation of rate schedules, printed memos, rules and general instructions for conductors. This was likely put together by a conductor to preserve company rates and instructions. There are notes and memos from other railroads associated with the CCC& I, including the Indianapolis & St. Louis, Louisville & Southern, Lake Shore & MIchigan Southern, and the Dayton & Union. A most unusual survival containing internal publications of these railroads not distributed widely.
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