ZWINGER, Theodor.
Specimen Materiae medicae: cum subjunctis ublique Remendiorum Formulis in Gratiam & Usum Philiatrorum ac Juniorum Practicorum tumultuaria methodo inter plurimas Mentis Distractiones fideli tamen.
Basel, E. & J.R. Thurnisius, Fratres: 1722
- $544
4 unn. leaves (index), 352 pp. 8vo. Contemp. boards with title on spine. ExLibris. Basel, E. & J.R. Thurnisius, Fratres, 1722. First edition. The Basle professor and rector of the university, Theodor Zwinger (1658-1724), personal physician to the margrave of Baden and the duke of Württemberg, was known as one of the most important medical scholars of his time. The present tract is arranged by subjects and is probably based on the writings of Paracelsus, Helmont, Michaelis, Wedel, Bohn, Cardilucius, a.o. - Very light browning or foxing throughout. - Cf. VD18 11014776; OCoLC: 935057636; HBLS VII, 778, 7; ADB XLV, 547. SCIENCE: MEDICINE ; HELVETICA: BASEL-JURA ;
More from Hellmut Schumann Antiquariat
Des Knaben Wunderhorn. Alte deutsche Lieder (and addenda:) Kinderlieder. 4 parts in 3 vols.
With 3 engr. titles, and 1 engr. frontispiece by L. E. Grimm, a.o. (without the printed main title-page to the first vol., as usual missing). 470 (i.e. 480 pp., 260-69 numbered twice); half-title, 448 pp.; half-title, title, 253 pp.; 103 pp. 8vo. Contemporay half calf with spine labels (slightly rubbed). Heidelberg and Frankfurt am Main (vol. I), Mohr and Zimmer, 1806 (recte 1805)-1808. First edition of a great treasure of German literature found together with the often missing addenda "Kinderlieder". This famous anthology of popular songs and poems is one of the main works of the German Romantic Movement. Besides genuine folk songs and rhymes Arnim's (1781-1831) and Brentano's (1778-1842) anthology includes poetry written in the vein of folk songs, and also served a political purpose when Germany was occupied by Napoleon: It was meant to further national cultural identity by celebrating ancient German lore. Later on, numerous composers like Schumann, Brahms, and Mahler were inspired by it. Many of the 700 songs, hymns, ballads, nursery rhymes are still well-known today. Vol. I was compiled in May 1805 and contains an appendix by Arnim "Von Volksliedern" and "Nachschrift an den Leser", This volume is assigned to Goethe who encouraged the two editors to continue their work. Vol. II and III appeared 3 years later, using contributions from readers of the first volume and includes the often missing Part 4 as an addenda: "Kinderlieder" and "Uebersicht des Inhaltes einiger Lieder" (1808). It is reflected in the introductory poem. The engr. title-pages and the frontispiece (opposite to the engr. title of part 4) are by W. Grimm and E. L, Grimm: The first engraved title by Kunze after a design by Wilhelm Grimm depicts a boy on horseback with a horn. The second engraved title is the famous plate drawn by Wilhelm Grimm after a design by Brentano, etched by A. Weise with the Heidelberg castle as a background. The third engraved title by Ludwig Emil Grimm drawn after Israel von Meckenem and Wenzel von Olmütz. The title of part 4 "Kinderlieder" is etched by L. E. Grimm after a drawing by Brentano with motifs from Ph. Otto Runge. - Some foxing, lower inner hinges of vol. 1 somewhat weak, otherwise a nice copy. - Goedeke VI, 73, 12 and 59, 14; Kippenberg 1035; Meyer 781a (only vol. I); Borst 1021; Neufforge 151; Brieger 116; Rümann 554; Wilpert/Gühring 6 and 9; Cat. Wolfenbüttel, Kunst der Illustration (1986), no. 34; Kosch I, 153 and II, 17. yes ;Geschichte des Buches Byzantinische Zellen-Emails A.W. Swenigorodskoi.
KONDAKOV. - STASSOFF (or STASOV), W(ladimir) W. Gold-enhanced chomolithographic Art Nouveau title in red with ms. presentation, 2 chromolithogr. plates, 3 wood-engraved plates and 1 engraved plate by W. W. Matthé. 272 pp., 1 leaf, VI ff. (plates). Large 4to (310 x 220 mm). Orig. white cloth, richtly decorated and lettered richly in gold and black, colored printed endpapers, all edges decorated in gold and red, with dark red book jacket. In orig. dark red box. St. Petersburg,, 1898. First German edition limited to 100 copies. This is copy no. 51 with a handwritten presentation to "Herrn Medicinalrath Dr. Grödel". Isidor Maximilian (Mayer) Grödel (1850-1921) was a student of the Munich radiologist G. Rieder, and pioneer in balneaolgy and cardiology. This is Vladimir Vasil'evich Stasov's (1824-1906) rare report on the most elaborate book production of Russia in the 19th century, N. P. Kondakov's monumental publication on Byzantine Enamels (Collection A.V. Zvenigorodskoi). His book appeared in 1892 and is an important document of technological capacity of Russian printing industries. Kondakov's book than cost 120'000 gold roubles by the exchange rate for 1892.- Splendid copy. GREECE; ART; GENERAL & APPLIED ;- $5,315
- $5,315
Lear in the Original. 110 Drawings for Limericks and Other Nonsense. Now first published in facsimile. With an introduction and notes.
LEAR. - LIEBERT, Herman W. With numerous illus. 234 pp. Oblong 4to. Orig. cloth, with d/j (slightly chipped). New York, H .P. Kraus, 1975. First edition. Printed in a small edition. LITERATURE: ENGLISH ; LITERATUR: FREMDSPRACHIGE ;- $36
- $36
Layenspiegel. Von rechtmässigen ordnungen inn Burgerlichen und Peinlichen Regimenten, Mit Addition ursprünglicher rechtsprüchen. Auch der Guldin Bulla, Küniglicher Reformation, Landfriden, etc. Samt bewärungen gemeiner rechten und anderm anzeygen Newlich getruckt (ed. by Seb. Brant).
TENGLER, Ulrich. Title with woodcut, 30 woodcuts, of which 4 are repeated once and 2 twice, and of which 6 are full-page or almost so, woodcut initials. (6), 128, (3) leaves. Small folio. Antique styled full brown calf over wooden boards, blind-stamped borders on sides, spine on 5 raised bands. In slipcase. Strasbourg, in Knoblochs Druckerey (durch Wendel Rihel und Georgen Messerschmidt), 1544. This woodcut book is one of the main works in German legal history and important both textually and iconographically. It was written by Ulrich Tengler (1441-1511), and edited by Sebastian Brant (1457-1521). The illustrations mostly depict contemporary legal procedure and court practice, with dramatic examples of methods of extracting information and of execution. The text is an early influential German compilation of civil law of the 16th century intended for the non-Latin speaking layman. It includes examples taken from contemporary commercial practice, such as usury and fraudulent sale, as well as regulations concerning Jews and it gives the text of the "Jew's Oath", with an illustration showing a Jew swearing upon a Hebrew book (leaves XLIII, and LXXVIII verso). The text has a preface in prose and rhymed couplets by Sebastian Brant, and a Latin introduction by Philomusus, i.e. Jakob Locher, followed by a Latin epigram by Tengler himself. The work is divided in three parts. It contains private law, criminal law, and law of public institutions. The illustrations give an impressive and authentic portrayal of legal procedures. The title-woodcut of this edition depicting in the center of the lower part Emperor Maximilian sitting on his throne. This woodcut was before used in Gerson, Opera, 1514. The woodcuts are probably copied after the Master HF from the Otmar edition 1509. They are often repeated in this work present here. Tengler's book was first published in Augsburg in 1509 and saw 16 editions up to 1560.- Due to paper quality slightly uniformly browned, some foxing, some waterstains at the end, otherwise a good copy. - VD 16 T 350; BM (German) 852; Muller, p. 339, no. 46; not in Adams; cf. Kristeller *438. GRAPHIC ARTS:ILLUSTRATED BOOKS ; LAW ; GERMANY ;- $14,857
- $14,857
An den Christlichenn Adel deutscher Nation: von des Christlichen standes besserung: D. Martinus Luther. Durch yhn selbs ge/mehret vnd corrigirt.
LUTHER, Martin. Title within nice decorative woodcut border, attributed to Lucas Cranach and woodcut initial on A3. [50] ff. Small 4to (212 x 157 mm). Late 19th century half cloth (one corner bumped). Wittenberg, (Melchior Lotter, the younger, 1520). First printing of the editio definitiva (Druck B) of the appeal "To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation" addressed to the Emperor and the German nobility. Present here is for the first time the complete enlarged and finally text immediately issued after printing the forthy-eight-page template from Aug. 5, 1520. Considered Martin Luther's (1483-1546) pivotal work this is the most influential and important of the first of his three primary treatises. It is Luther's answer to the "Bull of Excommunication" published in Rome in June 1520. A first and most important powerful call to action, urging the nobility and leaders to participate actively in reforming the Church and society. Here Luther asserts the right of civil power to reform the spiritual and asks the government to exercise this right. He boldly identifies the pope as the Antichrist and goes on to attack the concept that the Church is superior to the State by his assertion that every baptized Christian is a priest. The new added chapter 26 on the false legal claims of the popes' claims to have taken over the Holy Roman Empire from Byzantine Emperors and brought it into the German nation. This gave the work additional explosive force. Luther then proposes drastic reforms against the authority of the Pope, against a celibate priesthood, and against corruption in the Church. It is interesting to note that Machiavelli and Morus both looked critically at political power and the behavior of rulers. So in summary these connections demonstrate that Luther's "An den Christlichen Adel deutscher Nation" is embedded within a broader philosopical context that also includes the works of Thomas Morus and Niccolò Machiavelli. Luther's book was in effect a call for the Reformation to begin and had a most profound influence on the history of Europe and later on large parts of the world over all centuries.- Nice copy of outmost and exceptionally rarity. - VD 16 L 3759; Benzing 684; cf. PMM 49; Stickelberger Coll. 407; Pflugk-Harttung 49; not in Adams nor Knaake or Kuczynski. REFORMATION ; GERMANY ;- $43,485
- $43,485
Observationum Medicarum Centuria. Cui accesserunt Celeberrimorum Virorum Consilia & Epistolae.
VERZASCA, Bernhard. (8) leaves, 311 (ie. 309), (17) pp. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. Basel and Amsterdam, Decker & Wettstein, 1677. First edition. Deals with medical observations and diagnoses. Bernhard Verzasca (1628-1680) was the personal physician to the bishop of Basel and the margrave of Baden. He has done merit around the pathologicl anatomy, and was editor of Mattioli's herbal books printed in Basel.- Slightly browned, otherwise a fine copy. - VD17 3:625033R. SCIENCE: MEDICINE ;- $423
- $423
Die Baseler Todtentänze. Nebst geschichtlicher Untersuchung, so wie Vergleichung mit den übrigen deutschen Todtentänzen, ihrer Bilderfolge und ihren gemeinsamen Reimtexten. Sammt einem Anhange: Todtentanz des fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts. Text and plate vols.
MASSMANN, H(ans Johann) F(erdinand). Text vol.: 2 leaves, pp. 7-127, 6 leaves (so complete), and 15 (13 fold.) tables. Plate vol.: 1 leaf., and 49 full-page engr. (22) or lithogr. (29) plates, 16mo & Sm.-4to. Wrappers, unopened and uncut. Stuttgart and Leipzig, J. Scheible and Expedition des Klosters, 1847. First edition of this fundamental work about the text tradition of the dance of death, written by H. J. F. Massmann (1797-1874), professor of German language and literature. The mostly lacking separately published atlas volume is present here. - Somewhat foxed, otherwise good, uncut copy. - Cf. Pfister, Tod und Totentänze (1927), 1136. DANCE OF DEATH / TOTENTANZ ; HELVETICA: ALLGEMEIN ; BIBLIOGRAPHIE, BUCHKUNDE, TYPOGRAPHIE ; BIBLIOGRAPHY ;- $338
- $338
Les Géorgiques (Georgica). Texte latin et version française de l’abbé Jacques Delille. 2 vols.
MAILLOL. - VERGILIUS MARO, P(ublius). With 122 orig. woodcuts by Aristide Maillol (including repetitions and some illus. initial letters, printed in black). 5 leaves (4 blank), 174 pp., 8 leaves (7 blank); 6 leaves (5 blank), 154 pp., 3 leaves (2 blank). Folio. Loose as issued. Orig. printed wrappers. In orig. half vellum folders and boards slipcases (slipcases and folders decorated with together 9 woodcuts printed in red and black). Paris, Philippe Gonin, 1937-43 (1950). One of 750 copies printed on Maillol-Gonin rag wove paper (i.e. "papier de pur chanvre et lin à grandes fibres"), watermarked with Maillol's seated nude. This present work containing fine illustrations cut by the famous French artist which are to compare with his woodcuts done for "Les Eglogues" by Vergilius published in 1926 by the Cranach Press. The genesis of this charming press book goes back to a trip to Greece which Maillol undertook together with Count Harry Kessler, founder of Cranach Press, and took over 30 years to be realised. "In 1908, returning from Greece., Maillol stopped at Naples and Pompeii and executed a few drawings. Shortly thereafter he cut the first block for the Georgica and was able to save it from a fire in 1915 which destroyed his Montval studio. In the following years he made a few other cuts for this volume, which than Kessler was unable to complete as a companion to the Eclogae. In 1937 Gonin urged Maillol to resume his work, and the last block was delivered to the publisher in September 1944, shortly before the artist's death. Most of the cuts were executed by craftsmen after Maillol's drawings on the block, since at that time his eyes were not strong enough for the cutting" (The Artist and the Book).- Nice copy. - Monod 11339; The Artist and the Book 1860-1960 (Harvard Coll. Library, Boston), 175; Rauch Cat. 6, Les peintres et le livre (1957), 144; cf. Guérin 198-215. LIVRES DE PEINTRE ; VARIA ; MODERN ILLUSTRATED BOOKS (1900-1999) ; CLASSICS ;- $3,201
- $3,201
Abenteuer des berühmten Freiherrn von Münchhausen. Erster Theil. Land-Reisen (all published).
DISTELI. - (BÜRGER, Gottlieb August). With engraved frontispiece "Zeichnungen zu Münchhausens Abentheuern", typogr. title and 15 engraved plates with illus. by Martin Disteli. 2, 60 pp. 8vo. Contemporary half cloth. Solothurn, Jent and Gassmann, 1841. First edition with these superb illustrations by the Swiss artist Martin Disteli. This is his most important work, and illustrate the famous adventures of the "Baron of Lies" Munchausen. It remains one ot the most charming of all illustrated editions of Munchhausen, and without a doubt inspired Dore's edition of 1862. Disteli (1802-1844), of Olten, was one of the great satirical artists ot the early nineteenth century; he was best known tor this series depicting the exploits of Baron Munchausen, and also for his illustrations of animal fables. The sixteen arabesque illustrations are humorous and lively.- Some foxings throughout as usual, copies in contempory bindings are rarely found. - Schweizer, Münchhausen und Münchhausiaden, no. 48, p. 374f. and illus. p. 371; Wälchli, Disteli. Zeit-Leben-Werk (1943), 65-66 und 105, Nr. 26 ("Distelis geistvollstes Werk"); Rumann 322. LITERATURE:GERMAN ; HELVETICA: ALLGEMEIN ; LITERATUR: DEUTSCHE ;- $701
- $701
EXTRAIT DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX de l’Assemblée Nationale, Des 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26 Aout & premier Octobre 1789. Déclaration des droits de l’homme en société.
With woodcut historiated head-piece "La Loi et le Roi, Assemblée Nationale 1789". 8 pp. 8vo (c. 193 x 120 mm). Modern red half morocco. (Versailles, F.-J. Baudouin, Imprimeur de l'Assemblée Nationale, 1789). (Bound with:) Extrait des procès-verbaux de l'Assemblée Nationale, Des 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 21, 24, 27, 30 Septembre et 1 Octobre 1789. Articles de Constitution. With woodcut floral head-piece. 6 pp., 1 leaf. 8vo. (Versailles, F.-J. Baudouin, Imprimeur de l'Assemblée Nationale, 1789). First edition of the very first printing of the Declaration of Human Rights, of universal value and since 2003 listened in the Unesco Memory of World Cultural Heritage. This fundamental legacy of the French Revolution formed the basis of the United Nations Declaration of 1948. The pamphlet reflect the epochal changes from pre-revolutionary absolute power to new social and political structures with vested individual rights for every citizen. At that time criticized as a hastily thrown together the Declaration of 1789 includes several rights that appeared in the "Cahiers de Doléances" and is one of the most extraordinary in the social history of ideas. These new rights of universal suffrage (for males) and the right to work, to education, and to public assistance were consistent with the philosophical background of the Revolution and the popular demands deemed suitable for a Declaration of Rights. The parliamentarian forces and public pressure left King Louis XVI no other option than to accept the paragraphs abolishing his absolute power as stated at the end of the 2nd pamphlet: "Réponse du Roi. 5 Octobre au soir. J'accepte purement et simplement les Articles de Constitution et la D0claration des Droits de l'Homme, que l'Assemblée Nationale 0'a presentés. Signé, Louis." After very long negotiations, the constitution was reluctantly accepted by King Louis XVI in September 1791. So this document, being the first French Constitution, is also of major historical significance. "Cette édition est le premier trace imprimée des premiers articles constitutionnels existant en France. Au plan historique, l'importance de cet exemplaire est capitale" (Bibliothèque nationale de France). These pamplets have an immense historical significance. Only a few copies have survived, which can be found only in major collections.- Quire with the "déclaration" slightly foxed or browned, on the whole a very good copy.- A long description is available.- - Spiegel der Welt. Catalogue of the Fondation Martin Bodmer, vol. II (2000), no. 135; Martin/Walter, Catalogue de l'histoire de la Revolution Francaise IV, 2: 1571 & 1572; Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département philosophie, histoire, sciences de l'homme 8-LE29-241 ("sans doute la première edition); En français dans le texte (1990), no. 187; Memory of World Register: Nomination Dec. 23, 2002 by France and included in 2003.; Commichau, G. (ed.). Die Entwicklung der Menschen- und Bürgerrechte von 1776 bis zur Gegenwart (1997). GES ;- $301,979
- $301,979
Specimen Materiae medicae: cum subjunctis ublique Remendiorum Formulis in Gratiam & Usum Philiatrorum ac Juniorum Practicorum tumultuaria methodo inter plurimas Mentis Distractiones fideli tamen.: